The face of the man in black robe suddenly changed. He felt the deep ridicule and disdain in Hisoka's tone, which made him very angry. He gritted his teeth and drew his sword again. His offensive intensified again, and the sword light flickered. The speed is faster.

"call out!"

The long sword in the black-robed man's hand stabbed Hisoka's throat. Hisoka's pupils shrank slightly. His palm drew an arc in the air and slapped the black-robed man's chest. The black-robed man's sword light Disappeared in an instant, with a trace of surprise on his face that Hisoka could still react under such an offensive.


A loud noise was heard, and the body of the man in black robe flew out.

A smile appeared on Hisoka's face. I have to say that this man in black robe is indeed very good. He is not bad in terms of speed and fighting skills. Although he is not as good as him, in terms of strength, the man in black robe is even worse. Cut yourself off.

Chapter 826 The price of taboo power

It's like two swords. One sword is an ordinary long sword, and the other is a sword. There is no doubt about the sharpness of the sword.

The body of the man in black robe hit the tree, and a lot of gravel was scattered around him. He struggled to stand up. He raised his head and looked at Hisoka: "It seems that I still underestimated you."

"Do you still have a chance to defeat me now?" Hisoka's eyes flashed with a hint of teasing.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the man in black robe: "It is absolutely impossible for me to be defeated, even by death! I want to see you die with my own eyes!"

"Since you want to die, then I'll let you die!" Hisoka shouted coldly.

His toes kicked the ground fiercely, and his body flew out instantly, leaving an afterimage in mid-air, and rushed towards the man in black robes in the blink of an eye.

A powerful wave of air erupted from Hisoka's fist, and his fist hit the black-robed man's head hard.

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the man in black robe: "In this case, then you will die with me!"

His long sword turned into a black light and slashed towards Hisoka's neck.


The long sword struck Hisoka's neck. His long sword was blocked by Hisoka's neck. Hisoka's body spun in the air. His feet slammed down on the ground. His body jumped up again and kicked hard. A kick.


The body of the man in black robe flew backwards again, and bright red blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

"How is that possible? I clearly have the advantage, why am I still being repelled by him?" The man in black robe was filled with doubts, and a trace of unwillingness flashed in his eyes.

The man in black robe was very depressed. At this moment, he finally understood that after the enhanced combination, there was not much difference in strength between him and Hisoka, but his fighting spirit was about to be exhausted.

"In that case, let's die together!"

The man in black robe shouted wildly, and his body rushed out again. Another long sword appeared in his hand. Black sword light condensed on the long sword, and the tip of the sword flashed with cold light.


Hisoka kicked the man in black robe directly in the face with a whip kick, sending him flying away.


The man in black robe spat out a mouthful of blood again. He felt as if his internal organs had been displaced.

"You are really disappointing." Hisoka shook his head, his tone full of disappointment.

"I'm not convinced!"


The body of the man in black robe suddenly expanded rapidly and began to swell uncontrollably. His skin began to crack, and flesh and blood separated from his skin. Lines appeared on his skin, and these lines began to spread to his body. His limbs and torso then began to spread throughout his body, and his skin became older at a speed visible to the naked eye. Finally, his entire body turned into a pile of dead bones, with a pair of silver armor beside him.

All of this was seen by Hisoka.

"Is this the price of using the power of taboo?" Hisoka sighed softly, with deep pity in his eyes.

Since the man in black robe is dead, Hisoka naturally wins this contest.

After the black fog in the square dispersed, Hisoka was the only one standing in the square.

Everyone in the audience was stunned.

"What's going on? Why is Hisoka alone?"

"Yes, where is his opponent?".

Chapter 827: Alone Conversation between Demon King and Hisoka

"I clearly saw him fighting with the man in black robe just now. Why is Hisoka the only one left now?"

"Did the man in black robe lose?"


"Then why did he turn into a skeleton?"


"Hisoka." At this moment, the Demon King and the two elders came behind Hisoka.

"Greetings to the Demon King and two clan leaders." Hisoka saluted quickly and said hello respectfully.

The Demon King glanced at Hisoka, and a flash of appreciation flashed in his eyes: "Hisoka, you did a good job."

"Thank you Demon King for the compliment." Hisoka said humbly.

"You won this round, and you deserve praise." The Demon King said calmly, "But."

The Demon King paused for a long time, but still did not speak.

Seeing that the Demon King was still reluctant to speak, Qing Ming could only rush to say, "Ahem, although we have all seen what happened in the square, but now, there must be a solution."

"What?" Hisoka didn't understand.

"Hisoka, there are many people here talking about your battle with the man in black robe just now. Although it used forbidden power, this matter cannot be spread outside." Qing Ming said seriously.

The Demon King also thinks so. After all, if this matter spreads, it will cause panic among the people of the Demon Clan.

"So, what do you need me to do now?" Hisoka asked doubtfully.

"Although his death was not directly caused by you, it was still related to you." Qing Ming explained.

"Come on! Damn it! We hope you can take on this responsibility and accept a small punishment. Don't worry, this punishment will be watched by the three of us, and nothing will happen." The Bai clan leader said.

"Why?" Hisoka still couldn't understand why he had to take on this responsibility.

Seeing that the three of them were arguing, the Demon King waved his hand and pulled both himself and Hisoka into his consciousness space.

"Let me tell you." He looked at Hisoka and said slowly: "Hisoka, you are the first human to defeat the power of the taboo."

"The human who defeated the forbidden power?"

"Yes, you are the first." The Demon King said seriously.

"The existence of the forbidden power is the shame of our demon clan. It originated from the last war between the two clans!"

"Then what?" Hisoka wanted to know what the Demon King was going to say.

"The power of the taboo was born because of the war between the two races."

"The war between the two races is for higher power. The struggle for hegemony between the two races is for greater interests."

There are too many resources, treasures, training secrets, etc. involved. The fight between the two clans will naturally be a matter of life and death. "

"I can't let this happen again!" Yao said in a deep voice.

"Demon King, I understand everything you said, but have you ever thought that this kind of fight can never be stopped." Hisoka sighed and said slowly.

"I know, I can't do this, but you can."

"But I know we can't stop it."

The Demon King sighed, "You won't understand how desperate you feel when facing the power of the taboo! You don't even dare to touch it!"

"I can't help it." Hisoka shook his head helplessly, "We are indeed no match for it."

The Demon King nodded, "I also know that we are no match for it, but this is not the reason why we don't stop it."

"There is no absolute fairness in this world, and nothing is perfect in this world. As long as you work hard, you can always achieve the results you want."

Chapter 828: The Punishment Xisuo Will Accept

"But there's a huge price to pay."

"Not only do we have to make certain sacrifices, we may even lose our lives."

When the Demon King said this, his face became serious: "Moreover, even if we pay a huge price, we must do this."

"I understand, I will take responsibility." Hisoka nodded slightly.

"Wait a minute." The Demon King called to Hisoka, "Believe me, nothing will happen to you."

"Yes." Hisoka nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, the Demon King waved his hand again, and the two returned to the square.

The Demon King nodded to the two clan leaders, and then said to everyone: "Hisoka won this battle."

Robert spoke up at this time, "Demon King, Hisoka violated our rules by killing his opponent."

"I will handle this matter, Robert, so don't worry about it." The Demon King said calmly.

"I know, but I still feel something is wrong." Robert continued, "Demon King, with so many fellow demons watching, it is really inappropriate not to punish him."

When the Demon King heard this, he raised his eyebrows, then sneered and said, "Robert, do you want to go against my words?"

"I didn't mean that. I was just worried that it would shake the Demon King's majesty in the clan."

"Hmph!" The Demon King snorted coldly, "I have my own plan for this matter."

After saying that, the Demon King took a few steps towards the auditorium, faced the auditorium, and pondered for a while.

"Both the two clan leaders and I watched this competition. There is no doubt that Hisoka won the competition, but." The demon king paused for a while, then turned to look at Hisoka.

Hisoka didn't have any expression. He just met the Demon King's eyes and nodded slightly.

The Demon King understood instantly, turned around, and announced to the audience, "Hisoka will be punished accordingly, under the supervision of the Demon King and the two clan leaders."

Hearing the Demon King's words, the audience immediately burst into an uproar.

"The Demon King wants to punish Hisoka?"

"Isn't it right? The Demon King actually wants to punish Hisoka?"

"As expected of the Demon King."

There was a lot of chatter in the audience, but Hisoka didn't react at all, which made the Demon King very satisfied. "Hisoka, you don't have to be afraid. We are just assigning you a task. If you fail to complete it, the Demon Clan will severely punish you." , your life will cease to exist!"

The punishment of the demon clan is just like the ancient emperors' treatment of their guilty ministers, extremely severe.

But Hisoka still didn't speak, he knew he had to do this well.

"In that case, please give me your instructions, Lord Demon King!" Hisoka looked up at the Demon King.

"Okay." The demon king said calmly, "Actually, it's not a difficult thing for me. Our demon clan has a forbidden forest. As long as you go to the deepest part of the forest and retrieve the treasure, this matter will be over."

"What! Forbidden Forest! The Demon King is so cruel to Hisoka."

"Yes, the forbidden forest is full of monsters and monsters. Even if most of the powerful saints enter it, they will probably die in it! The monster clan actually wants a saint to enter the depths of the forest. It is simply bullying. Too many people!"

"The demon clan has always been this way about rebellion."

The Forbidden Forest of the Monster Clan is the core of the Monster Clan and the holy realm of the entire Monster Clan.

There are many monsters in the Forbidden Forest, some are docile and well-behaved, and some are extremely ferocious.

However, there is a very strange treasure in this forbidden forest.

Chapter 829 Heading to the Forbidden Forest

Demonized monsters have no soul, they are just killing machines. They only know how to follow instinctive actions. Only killing people will produce fear, fear, and fear.

There are many rare and rare grasses in the depths of the Forbidden Forest, as well as the crystal nuclei of many rare monsters. The value of these crystal nuclei far exceeds the holy magic cores. For the strong saints, the crystal nuclei are also very precious. , but for ordinary saint-level powerhouses, crystal nuclei are not too precious, and the function of crystal nuclei is only to enhance physical strength, mental strength, and magic power.

The demon clan taking out the crystal core of the monster is equivalent to letting Hisoka enter the nest of the monster. Once Hisoka enters the forbidden forest, he will definitely die.

"What about the third round of the competition of our group of monsters?" Hisoka asked, "How to arrange it?"

"It's very simple. You are scheduled to be at the end of the third round of competition. If you cannot come back before the end of all competitions, it will be regarded as a waiver." The Demon King said lightly, "You can choose to give up. If you want to continue the competition, just The mission must be completed, no matter what method you use, as long as you complete the mission, I can guarantee that you can leave alive."

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