"No, I will get the things back before the competition starts." Hisoka said.

"Okay." The Demon King nodded, and then continued, "Hisoka, please take a rest first! I will send a team of people to accompany you there."

"No, thank you, Lord Demon King." Hisoka nodded.

Hisoka stood up and prepared to return to his seat and sit down.

However, just as he was about to walk to his seat, Ram suddenly stopped Hisoka and said, "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Hisoka looked at Ram.

Ram looked at Hisoka and said, "Hisoka, I saw the competition just now. I will go with you."

"No, you stay. First, it may not be safe there, and second, I need you to tell me the schedule." Hisoka shook his head and refused.

"This, I can send a message to you."

Ram took out a jade plaque and threw it to Hisoka, "Put this on first."

After Xisuo took the jade token, he examined it carefully and determined that the jade token really contained a mysterious power, so he put it on his right hand.

"I'm leaving." Hisoka said and left the square.

Ram looked at Hisoka's retreating back and felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Hisoka headed north, following the Demon King's prompts to the Forbidden Forest.

The Forbidden Forest is a primitive forest. The trees outside the forest are very tall, and there are many monsters in the forest.

The Forbidden Forest of the Monster Clan is the most dangerous place for the Monster Clan. There are all kinds of monsters there, including many powerful and high-level monsters.

This time the Demon King asked Hisoka to enter the Forbidden Forest to find a plant that can resist poisonous gas. The name of this plant is 'Poison Miasma Vine'. As long as you find 'Poison Miasma Vine', you can resist poisonous gas. As for other uses, Hisoka doesn't know.

As Hisoka headed north, he encountered more and more monsters along the way, and they became more and more powerful.


Hisoka dodged the attack of a giant tree, but the giant tree did not stop attacking, but crashed into Hisoka again.


Hisoka snorted coldly and quickly disappeared.

"Bang bang bang!"

In an instant, countless leaves flew out, leaving the giant tree riddled with holes and finally losing all movement.

Chapter 830 Hisoka is chased by a demon bear

"Ho ho ho..." A huge body was revealed in the air, it was a huge demon bear, but the eyes of this demon bear were blind, there was blood at the corner of the mouth, and smoke was coming from the nostrils. It looked like The injury was serious.

"Hmph, a little demon bear dares to be arrogant in front of me!" Hisoka snorted, tapped his toes, and ducked in front of the demon bear, punching the demon bear on the head.


The demon bear's head suddenly exploded, blood and brains splattered everywhere.

Hisoka picked up a boulder on the ground, crushed it into pieces, and then stepped on it.

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound, and a broken bone fell out from the boulder and fell on the demon bear.


The demon bear screamed in pain, but soon, its body became stiff, and finally, it fell from the sky.

Hisoka looked at this demon bear and frowned slightly. This kind of demon beast is a very difficult beast, and the demon bear's skin is extremely tough. Even ordinary weapons cannot harm it unless it is pierced with a weapon.

"The skin of this kind of monster should be able to create a protective shield!" Hisoka said to himself, "However, the effect of the protective shield should be very low-level, because my magic can directly destroy the protective shield. If it is a magic attack, This monster should be killed."

At this moment, Hisoka felt a huge force coming towards him. This force had an evil aura. Hisoka quickly moved his body to avoid it, but it was still too late. His left shoulder was struck by After the hit, his entire arm instantly lost consciousness.


Hisoka fell to the ground.

Hisoka raised his left arm and saw that his left arm had been cut in half, the flesh and blood were bleeding out.


At this moment, another demon bear rushed over and attacked Hisoka. This demon bear was more powerful, faster, and its attacks were sharper. Hisoka was no match for him.

Hisoka kept dodging, but he still couldn't get rid of the demon bear's entanglement. Hisoka's right arm was cut off, and blood dripped down his wrist and fell to the ground.

"Not good." Hisoka had an ominous premonition in his heart.


Just as Hisoka was thinking about countermeasures, another demon bear came over to kill him.


Hisoka swung his sword and blocked the demon bear's attack.


Hisoka was hit with a claw, and a deep wound was torn open on his chest, and blood overflowed from the wound.


Hisoka gasped, the power of this demon bear was too terrifying.

Hisoka quickly rolled out and avoided the attack of another demon bear.

Hisoka quickly swallowed a few pills and regained some strength.


Hisoka escaped the attack of the third demon bear, but he did not expect that the demon bear attacking this time was eight meters tall and had very thick fur. His sword stabbed into the demon bear's fur, leaving only A few shallow marks were left.


At this moment, Hisoka felt as if he was stuck in a quagmire. It was difficult to escape or fight back.


The demon bear rolled its long tongue and bit Hisoka's neck.

Hisoka's expression changed slightly. At this time, he felt as if he was trapped in a swamp, unable to move at all.

"Oops!" Hisoka secretly screamed.

Chapter 831 The boy who suddenly appeared

At this moment, a black shadow rushed towards Hisoka, grabbed Hisoka, and then jumped up.

Hisoka looked closely and saw that this was a young man.

"Thank you for saving me!" Hisoka said gratefully.

"You are Welcome!"

The young man put Hisoka down, and then looked at Hisoka's injuries: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"My name is Hisoka. I came to the Forbidden Forest to retrieve treasures under the orders of the Demon King. I got lost in this jungle." After Hisoka finished speaking, he looked at the young man and asked, "What about you? Why are you here?"

"Oh!" The young man said with a smile: "I am Zero, I grew up in this forest."

"What?" Hisoka said in surprise: "You grew up here? Then what do you live on?"

"Yes!" The young man nodded: "Although there are always many monsters here, the forest will protect kind people, and I came to protect you after receiving guidance."

"So that's it!"

After listening to the boy's explanation, Hisoka finally understood why he entered the forbidden forest. This place can indeed ensure the safety of kind people.

"Um...Zero, I want to ask you something." Hisoka hesitated for a moment, looked at Zero and said.

"Say it!" Zero said calmly.

"It's like this. I need to go to the deepest part of the forest to find the treasure. I wonder if you can take me there?" Hisoka asked.

"Yes, yes, but don't you need to take care of your wound?" he said.

Hisoka shook his head: "It doesn't matter, don't worry, I can treat it myself."

Zero looked into Hisoka's eyes, nodded, then took out a pill from his body and handed it to Hisoka: "This is the holy medicine for healing. If you eat it, your injuries can be healed immediately."

"Really?" Hisoka excitedly took the healing pill and swallowed it.

This was a healing elixir specially prepared by Zero. He knew that Hisoka's wound needed to be healed as soon as possible, so he did this.

After a moment, Hisoka stood up, his injuries healed.

"Okay! Let's go!" Hisoka stretched out an arm and said.

"Yeah." Zero nodded.

Hisoka's injuries healed as if he had not suffered any trauma, and he walked deeper into the forest with Zero.

The plants in the forest are very dense, but they are not dangerous because there are few wild beasts in the forest.

Hisoka and Zero encountered many monsters along the way, but they killed them easily.

He didn't know how long he had been walking, but Hisoka suddenly felt like something was staring at him.

Hisoka turned around and saw a demon bear behind him.

This demon bear was huge, and the skin all over its body glowed with black light, looking extremely hard. This demon bear was staring at Hisoka with a pair of scarlet eyes.

Hisoka frowned slightly and looked at the boy beside him: "Zero, what should I do with this guy?"

There was a solemn look in Zero's eyes: "This demon bear is much more powerful than the one just now. You are no match for it. Let me try its power first."

After Zero finished speaking, he stepped out and flew directly into the air.

Hisoka also jumped up, he also wanted to test the strength of this demon bear.


The demon bear roared, opened its mouth and sprayed out a cloud of black mist. The black mist instantly formed a black cloud and swept towards Zero.


Chapter 832 Zero solves the demon bear

The moment the black cloud came into contact with Zero, it exploded, the black cloud dissipated, and Zero's body fell to the ground unscathed.


Hisoka took a breath of air. The power of this demon bear was simply terrifying. It definitely surpassed the level of a fifth-level demonic beast and should be a sixth-level demonic beast.

At this time, the demon bear rushed towards Zero again.

Zero raised his leg and kicked out, sending the demon bear flying away and falling far away. Then he continued to rush forward and chased after the demon bear.

"Hoo ho!"

The demon bear panted and kept breathing, as if it was accumulating strength.

At this moment, the demon bear suddenly turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards Zero. It was very fast and came to Zero in the blink of an eye.

The demon bear opened its huge mouth and bit Zero's head hard.

Zero dodged and escaped the demon bear's attack. Then he waved his right hand and a long sword appeared in his palm. He slashed the demon bear's neck with the sword.


There was a crisp sound, and blood spurted out and fell on the ground.

The demon bear howled twice in pain and sat down on the ground, with a thin slit cut open in its neck.

The demon bear struggled and tried to get up, but failed. The blood on his body flowed out and dyed the earth red.


At this time, a gust of wind came and blew away the body of the devil bear.

Hisoka looked at the corpse of the demon bear and felt a little unbearable. After all, this was a living life. Moreover, the demon bear did not hurt him, but only forced him to take a few steps back.

"Zero, can the meat of this demon bear be used for barbecue?" Hisoka looked at Zero and asked.

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