"No problem." Zero nodded: "But you have to be careful, it still has poison hidden in it, so we don't want to get involved."

"Okay! Let's wait a moment before setting off!" Hisoka agreed.


After the demon bear's body was burned by Zero, the surrounding environment became even worse.

"Zero! Where are we going?" Hisoka asked.

"Go over there!" Zero said, pointing in a random direction.

There are a lot of vegetation around the demon bear, but the vegetation has withered, and only traces of growth can be seen around the demon bear.


Another earth-shattering howl came. Hisoka looked ahead and saw two charred figures lying on the ground. Both bodies had a short knife stuck in their bodies. There are holes, one in the chest and the other in the left abdomen.

"Zero, how did those people die?" Hisoka asked with some confusion.

"It was eaten by this demon bear." Zero said.

"Devil bear?" Hisoka looked at the demon bear and found that the demon bear was huge, five meters tall. It was covered with a thick layer of brown fur, and many sharp claws were vaguely visible under the fur.

"Then let's leave quickly!" Hisoka said.

The fighting power of the demon bear is very strong. Only Hisoka and Zero can defeat this demon bear. If others are allowed to come, they may not even be able to block the demon bear's punch, and they will die violently.

The two of them continued walking towards the distance. Along the way, Hisoka saw the corpses of some monsters, but they were all fatal with one move. They died miserably, and some were even eaten clean.

Along the way, Hisoka and Zero also encountered many monsters, but they were all eliminated by Zero, which made Hisoka very impressed with Zero's strength.

Chapter 833: Magical Fragmented Dragon Scales

These monsters have no room to resist in front of Zero. This is the power of the fifth-level monsters!

Hisoka was filled with emotion. Although his cultivation was not weaker than Ling, Ling was no longer the rookie guinea pig back then. He also had a certain level of strength.

After a while, he and Zero came near a high mountain. There was a forest at the foot of the mountain. There were many traces of magic bears in the forest.

Hisoka carefully observed this forest. This forest was very strange. These demon bears kept tearing off pieces of wood from the trees, and then piled them together with the wood chips to create a mound.

The Demon Bear did this without escaping his sight.

"Zero, follow me slowly, I'll go take a look first!"

After saying that, Hisoka entered the woods, ran all the way, and finally found a towering ancient tree.

Hisoka climbed up the ancient tree. This ancient tree had lush branches and many forks. Hisoka climbed up with the help of the trunk, then found a thick ancient tree and sat on the top of the tree, and began to study the crown of the tree. The secret within.

Hisoka looked at a large pit made by the demon bears under the tree. This pit was relatively large, about the size of half a basketball court. In the center of the large pit was a piece of bluestone the size of a palm.

Hisoka looked around, then patted the storage ring and took out a short dagger. This dagger was made from the teeth of a monster and was extremely sharp.

Hisoka used his dagger to cut through the soil in the pit, revealing a bronze plate.

The surface of the bronze plate was covered with traces of rust, and three seal characters were written on it.

"God-level blacksmithing technique."

After observing it carefully, Hisoka put away the god-level forging technique, and then began to study the secrets in the tree hole.

The tree hole was made of stones, and in the center of the tree hole was a metal fragment the size of a fist.

This metal fragment is covered with magical symbols, each symbol has a special decoration, and it looks like a dragon.

Hisoka picked up the fragment and observed it carefully. This fragment was the legendary dragon scale!

Dragon scale is a kind of weapon refining material. Although the material used to refine a magic weapon is not very precious, it is very rare because it can improve the quality of a magic weapon, which is absolutely precious for a magic weapon. Material.

Dragon scales can improve the level of divine weapons, and it is not just as simple as upgrading the level of divine weapons. Dragon scales can be used to refine various weapons, such as long swords, shields and the like. Dragon scales can be used to Increase the defense or attack power of the magic weapon.

The dragon scale is an artifact, which can also be called an artifact embryo.

The most important thing is that dragon scales can take the refiner's refining level to a higher level!

The artifact embryo is in an unstable state in the dragon scale and requires divine consciousness to control the dragon scale.

"Zero!" Hisoka shouted.

"What's wrong?" Zero's voice sounded.

"There are too many demon bears here. I'm afraid it's not suitable for us to stay here for a long time. These demon bears are very intelligent. They will look for opportunities to hunt prey, and we can't stay here forever!" Hisoka said.

"But I've been following the induction, but I don't know why I can't find the way." Zero said.

"You take a rest and leave these demon bears to me!" After Hisoka finished speaking, he jumped down from the top of the tree and walked towards the pile of demon bears.

When the demon bear saw the stranger, it let out a low roar, and then rushed towards Hisoka.

Chapter 834: Following Zero’s Induction

Hisoka held the wand and drew several strange circles in the air. A violent element instantly condensed and turned into a huge rotating wind blade, rushing towards the demon bear.

The Demon Bear has a huge body, while Hisoka is only a little over 1.7 meters tall, making him look very petite in the Demon Bear's eyes.

The demon bear slapped away the rotating wind blade with one claw and pounced towards Hisoka.

The demon bear was very fast, and appeared next to Hisoka in the blink of an eye, and slapped Hisoka's head with a fierce bear paw.

Hisoka's expression changed. This demon bear was so powerful. He might suffer a loss if he wasn't careful!

Thinking of this, Hisoka quickly dodged, and the Demon Bear's huge palm fell into the air, and then landed next to it, cutting off the surrounding trees and leaving a mess.

The demon bear's giant palm failed again, and the demon bear was furious and slapped Hisoka again.

Hisoka dodged for a few moments, and then said: "Devil Bear, I advise you not to move!"

After hearing Hisoka's words, the Demon Bear paused for a moment, but still kept patting Hisoka. If this palm fell on Hisoka, Hisoka would be disabled even if he didn't die!

Hisoka's right foot lightly kicked the demon bear's belly, then he jumped up suddenly, holding the dagger in both hands and pierced the demon bear's neck.

The Demon Bear fell down, Hisoka took back the dagger, and at this time Zero also appeared beside the Demon Bear.

Hisoka picked up the god-level forging technique that fell on the ground, then walked to the body of the demon bear and picked up the demon core of the demon bear.

Hisoka held the magic core in his hand and looked at it carefully. This magic crystal was made up of a hundred pieces of magic cores from monsters. The color of the magic crystal was dark yellow, and it looked like a dim fireball.

"Zero, has the sensor found a way?" Hisoka asked.

"Not even close." Zero replied.

Hisoka nodded without saying anything more and continued to search. There were some weeds on the other side of the tree hole, stained with a lot of demon bear blood. The blood was mixed in the weeds and looked very strange. It was dirty and smelly, but to Hisoka, it wasn't unpleasant.

Hisoka continued to search, and all the demon bear's fur, bones, etc. were collected by Hisoka.

At this time Zero spoke again: "Hisoka, we have found the way."

"Oh!" Hisoka nodded, "Then you lead the way."

"Okay!" Zero responded.

Zero took out a black iron ring from his arms and threw it into the distance.

The iron ring fell onto the branch of a big tree, and then the branch swayed, and a crack leading deep into the forest slowly opened, and a long stone staircase appeared.

Zero walked in first, followed closely by Hisoka.

As soon as Hisoka walked into the crack, he felt as if he was stuck in a swamp, and his whole body became sluggish whether he was walking or running.

This was a very mysterious feeling. Hisoka didn't expect that he would be teleported to the swamp.

"My luck seems to be good!" Hisoka said.

Zero remained noncommittal and continued to move forward. Hisoka could only follow behind Zero. The two of them went one behind the other. Soon, their vision became brighter.

Hisoka's vision gradually became clearer, and the scene in front of him became suddenly brighter.

There is a cliff ahead. The cliff is covered with towering ancient trees. The dense leaves block the sunlight, making the place look eerie.

Chapter 835 Meeting the Divine Tree

Under the cliff, there was a dark swamp, endless as far as the eye could see, and it was impossible to see the bottom, and Hisoka became uneasy in his heart.

"Ahead is the depths of the misty forest. Be careful. The monsters here are very powerful." Zero said.

Hisoka nodded and continued to follow Zero's pace to the edge of the cliff.

Hisoka glanced at the other side of the cliff, which was a narrow stone path. This was the only way to the misty forest.

On the opposite side of the cliff is the misty forest!

"Are you sure this is the shortest route to the misty forest?" Hisoka asked.

"Yes!" Zero nodded. "Although I have never seen the Misty Forest with my own eyes, I know all the plants here. This is the entrance to the Misty Forest."

"In that case, let's go!" Hisoka said.

"Be careful, the monsters here are not weak, don't be careless!" Zero reminded, and then walked ahead.

Hisoka followed Zero, and the two of them walked slowly down the stone steps.

Walking down the stone steps, two rows of footprints appeared in front of us, which were left by humans.

Hisoka looked forward and saw that the footprints belonged to humans. Human footprints were very strange. They did not look like those left by monsters or monsters, but more like those left by humans.

"Who walked here?" Hisoka thought in confusion.

"Don't worry, just move on!" Zero said.

Hisoka nodded and continued to follow.

The two of them continued to walk forward. Not long after, Hisoka saw a big tree that was three feet high. This big tree was very big, with a crown of hundreds of feet. The trunk was extremely thick, and the branches and leaves were densely covering the ground. Less than anything.

"This is... a sacred tree?!"

Hisoka was shocked when he saw the huge tree trunk.

The legendary sacred tree!

The legendary sacred tree is a sacred and mysterious existence. It is said that the sacred tree has infinite spiritual energy. The roots of the sacred tree can grow underground and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon. The crown of the sacred tree can hold up a sky and provide shelter. The light of the sun, moon and stars.

The roots of the sacred tree can reach straight to the sky, and the branches and leaves of the sacred tree can wrap around any place on the continent. Even monsters cannot escape. It has supreme power and can destroy everything.

The legendary sacred tree is immortal. The vitality of the sacred tree will never die. Even if the sacred tree is killed, a sacred tree can still grow on its trunk.

The sacred tree has unparalleled vitality. Each leaf of the sacred tree has a life span of tens of millions of years. The roots of the sacred tree have a growth period of a thousand years. The leaves of the sacred tree can take the shape of humans and can transform into various creatures.

Hisoka once saw a record about the sacred tree in a book, but he never expected to actually see the sacred tree, and to see it in such a way.

According to legend, the sacred tree is immortal and even gods and demons cannot destroy it.

Hisoka did not approach rashly, because at this time, the sacred tree was emitting a light blue halo. At this time, if you approach the sacred tree, you will be harmed by the light blue halo on the sacred tree.

"Be careful. Shenmu will not attack people, but his halo will not be controlled by it and may hurt people." Zero said.

Hisoka nodded and remained silent, still standing where he was.

The light blue halo on the sacred tree became more and more intense, as if it was boiling.

Chapter 836 Three tree demons who look like ordinary humans

Suddenly, a gust of breeze blew over, blowing the light blue halo on the sacred tree. The halo on the sacred tree became violently fluctuating. Hisoka knew that the sacred tree was about to become angry.

Hisoka's heart beat rapidly, and he knew that he might be in danger.

Sure enough, at this moment, the sacred tree erupted, and the light blue halo quickly expanded, like a piece of paper being burst, and a gust of wind surged out of it.

The strong wind swept all around, kicking up dust flying all over the sky. Hisoka felt as if he had fallen into the desert. His clothes were blown by the strong wind, and the hat on his head was also blown into the air by the strong wind.

Hisoka's body was also swayed from side to side by the strong wind.

Zero took Hisoka's hand and rushed into the grass nearby, disappearing in place.

Not long after Hisoka and Zero disappeared, the sacred tree flew up from the ground, rolled several times in mid-air, and landed on the edge of the cliff again. The roots of the sacred tree were inserted into the ground, and the ground was sunken.

After the roots of the sacred tree penetrated into the soil, the sacred tree shrank back again and returned to calm.

"It's okay now. Maybe Shenmu reacted just now because he felt a strange aura." Zero explained, "Let's go!"

Hisoka nodded and continued to follow Zero, stepping onto the stone steps step by step, heading towards the misty forest.

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