Hisoka and Zero arrived at the outskirts of the misty forest, where there was no danger.

Hisoka and Zero began to look at the surrounding scene. The misty forest was very large, and the trees inside were very lush. Some were towering into the clouds, and some were short and withered, but they were all sparse trees. These trees were not as tall as the sacred trees, and there were no sacred trees. It is sacred, but there is an irresistible temptation.

This is a power that makes people involuntarily feel surrendered.

This is the power of the sacred tree. Its breath can affect people and make them feel surrender involuntarily.

Hisoka and Zero continued to walk deeper. As they went deeper, there were fewer and fewer trees, with only a few sparse ones left. However, the sacred trees grew larger and larger.

"What are these?" Zero asked.

"Dryads!" Hisoka said, "Dryads are very dangerous. They are a combination of monsters and monsters. Once bitten, their souls will be devoured at best, or their souls will be annihilated and no bones will remain."

"How many dryads are there here?"

"There are a lot of tree demons, probably hundreds of thousands of them, but they are all the most common tree demons."

"Are there so many dryads here?"

"Of course, although the tree demons here are ordinary, they have good cultivation. Ordinary warriors will only run away when they encounter the tree demons." Zero said.

The two people shuttled through the trees and occasionally encountered some tree demons. However, to the two strong men, some tree demons were not worth mentioning. They could be dealt with by just waving their hands without wasting time.

However, Hisoka and Zero also discovered that the cultivation level of the tree demons was not high, and their strength was only at the first level, so they would not pose much of a threat to the two of them. These tree demons were just ordinary monsters.

Suddenly, three monsters appeared in front of them. Hisoka and Zero were stunned when they saw the appearance of these three tree monsters clearly.

These three dryads look like ordinary humans. The muscles on their bodies are not plump. The surface of their bodies is covered with fine hairs. Black liquid is constantly coming out of the pores on their faces, like a strip of Huge snake head.

Chapter 837 Cleaning up three tree demons

The auras of the three tree demons were also very weak, just like ordinary people, but Hisoka felt that the combat effectiveness of the three tree demons was definitely not low.

Hisoka couldn't help but tremble in his heart. This feeling was too familiar to him. It was the same feeling he had when he was targeted by a tree demon.

"The fighting power of these three tree demons is not low, and they are not ordinary tree demons. They should belong to tree demons." Zero said, "This kind of tree demons are very difficult to deal with. If you are not careful, you may be eaten by the tree demons."

"Let's work together to solve them." Hisoka said thoughtfully.

"Okay, no matter what it is, we have to kill it first." Zero said.

After saying that, Zero and Hisoka rushed over together.

Both Hisoka and Zero used their best attack skills, and hit the three tree demons with their fists like rain.

The dryad's defense was very strong. Two punches failed to cause any damage to the three dryads, which surprised Hisoka and Zero.

Hisoka and Zero continued to attack and landed five or six punches in succession, but to no avail.

Hisoka and Zero looked at each other and saw the shock in the other's eyes.


"I really don't believe in evil anymore."

Hisoka and Zero kicked their feet at the same time and jumped up. Their legs were accompanied by a roaring sonic boom, and they hit the three tree demons' necks hard.

The necks of the three tree demons were torn apart in an instant. The three tree demons fell to the ground and struggled for a moment before becoming motionless. The three demon pills were picked up by Xisuo.

"That's awesome! How did you do it?" Zero couldn't help but say.

Hisoka smiled, "It's just good luck."

Hisoka didn't tell the truth. He was indeed lucky enough to meet such a tree demon.

"Let's go!" Hisoka picked up the corpses of the three tree monsters and said, "This kind of monster is not too powerful, but there may be other monsters here!"

"Let's go in and take a look."

Hisoka and Zero continued to move forward. The closer they got, the higher the level of the dryad. Hisoka discovered that the closer they got to the interior of the misty forest, the stronger the dryad became and its level became higher. Hisoka and Zero I didn't dare to try it easily anymore, so I could only proceed cautiously.

After walking for another half hour, the level of the tree demon in front has reached level nine.

"Hisoka, this place has gone beyond the scope of the misty forest!" Zero said with some worry, "Should we leave here? We have been delayed a lot of time. It has been a long time since we came out this time!"

Hisoka nodded, "This is the misty forest, a very dangerous place. It's not suitable for us to stay here now, so it's better to leave here."

"Let's go back! Let's find a safe place to rest for a while. We'll come back after I recover."


Hisoka and Zero continued to walk forward. After walking for about half an hour, Hisoka's face became very ugly because they were in big trouble and their speed was much slower.

"Oops! A strong tree spirit appears in front of us!" Hisoka said.

Hisoka's prediction was correct, what appeared in front was indeed a powerful tree spirit.

This tree spirit is three meters tall and huge. Its skin is blue-grey, its hair is like steel needles, and its leaves are as sharp as steel knives. This tree spirit is very powerful and has a pair of green pupils. There was a cold look in his eyes.

Chapter 838: Try flying sword to lead two people

"This tree spirit is much stronger than the one just now, and this is a misty forest. This tree spirit must be far stronger than that one. We must get out as soon as possible."

"I'll try to see if I can kill it." Zero said, pulling out the giant sword on his back. The material of this giant sword was similar to the weapon Hisoka used before, and it also had a blade.

"Be careful! This tree spirit is very strange."

"I know."

The two fought while avoiding the various trees attacking from all around, but soon, the two of them were forced to the edge of the cliff.

The soles of Hisoka and Zero's feet were in the air, and their bodies continued to fall. Hisoka and Zero's hearts were half cold. If they fell, they would be shattered into pieces. Even if they were lucky enough to survive, they would be seriously injured. There is no chance to obtain the demon crystal. After all, this is a very dangerous place.

"What should we do?" Hisoka and Zero looked at each other, and they could see the helplessness and anxiety in each other's eyes.

Suddenly, Hisoka thought of something, "Zero, can your flying sword take us flying?"

Ling Yi was startled. His flying sword seemed to be unable to carry them because it could only carry one person.

"I'll try it and see."

Zero said, and threw out his flying sword. A strong wave of spiritual power spread throughout his body. The flying sword instantly flew in front of Hisoka. Zero said, "Come up!"

Hisoka nodded, "Yes!" After saying that, he jumped onto the flying sword.

Zero put away the flying sword, grabbed Hisoka's arm, and flew onto the flying sword with Hisoka.

"It seems okay?" Zero said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Hisoka nodded. The control of the flying sword was still in Ling's hand. Hisoka didn't dare to mess around. If the flying sword couldn't control the flying sword, Hisoka would fall down.

"Be careful!" Zero warned.

"Okay." Hisoka nodded and said, "This is a misty forest, and there must be a lot of tree spirits. We have to be careful not to fall behind."


As Hisoka and Zero moved forward, Hisoka's attention was focused on the ground below. When Hisoka's ears moved, he heard a subtle sound, and Hisoka's heart suddenly lifted.

"There is a sound. Is there something chasing us?"

As soon as Hisoka finished speaking, he saw a snake-like tree spirit rushing toward them very quickly.

"Hisoka, be careful!" Zero shouted immediately.

Hisoka didn't care much and leaned back sharply to avoid the tree spirit. Sisuo saw the opportunity and slashed the tree spirit on the head with the sword in his hand.

Hisoka felt as if his sword had struck an iron plate. Hisoka's palm hurt. Hisoka let go and saw a ball of red blood spraying into the air.


The tree spirit roared angrily, its body suddenly expanded, and then turned into a human form. It held a spear and stabbed Xisuo directly. A faint white light flashed on the tip of the spear.

"As expected of a ninth-level tree spirit, quite powerful." Hisoka praised, and the sword of darkness in his hand slashed downwards.


The sword edge and the spear collided hard together. Hisoka was knocked back a few steps by the force of the shock, and then stood firm. At this time, the tree spirit also took a few steps back, but was not injured.

When Hisoka saw that the tree spirit opposite was not injured, he cursed in his mind, "This tree spirit's defense is really strong."

Chapter 839 Reaching the deepest entrance to the misty forest

"Hisoka, leave this tree spirit to me and I will defeat it." Zero said, and as he spoke, his figure flashed and appeared in front of the tree spirit.

"Okay, pay attention to yourself." Hisoka warned, and then turned his attention to the tree spirit below.

Even though Hisoka and Zero teamed up to defeat the tree spirit, the two of them were exhausted, and several pieces of their clothes were torn.

"Hisoka, you should take a rest first! Let me take care of the rest!" Zero said.

"Okay." Hisoka didn't show off, after all, the attack Hisoka received just now was quite severe.

When Zero saw this, he didn't waste any time and punched the tree spirit.


A punch hit the dryad's stomach. The dryad was knocked back a few steps. Then he rushed in front of Zero and stabbed Zero with a spear. This dryad was indeed powerful and extremely fast. Hisoka and Zero's combined attack didn't even touch its fur, and Hisoka could vaguely see several sharp branches protruding from the tree spirit's body.

Seeing this, Zero immediately dodged a backflip to avoid it, but the branch still stabbed him. A layer of golden shield appeared on Zero's body, which resisted the attack of the branch, but was still scratched. .

Seeing this, Hisoka felt secretly resentful. He gritted his teeth and struck the tree spirit's neck with his hand knife, decapitating the tree spirit's head.

"Are you okay?" Hisoka asked.

Zero shook his head, "It's okay."

"That's good." Hisoka nodded, and then looked downwards.

The tree spirit below seemed to have lost its violent appearance before, but had become docile and no longer attacked Hisoka and Zero.

"This guy won't attack us anymore," Zero said.

"Probably, let's keep walking." Hisoka said. This time Hisoka no longer hesitated and flew directly towards the misty forest in the distance.

Zero nodded, "Yeah." As he said that, his body jumped up again, followed closely by Hisoka.

Not long after the two were flying, a thick green leaf appeared in front of them. Hisoka and Zero stopped and observed carefully.

"What's going on here? Why is there a big leaf?" Hisoka asked with some confusion.

"We're here." Zero said, his eyes narrowed. "This leaf is transmitted from the depths of the misty forest. We should be not far from the deepest part of the misty forest."

"Oh? Can you see through the secret of this leaf?" Hisoka asked.

"It should be possible. This leaf emanates from the deepest part of the misty forest." Zero said.

"Okay." Hisoka nodded and continued walking forward.

Soon, Hisoka and Zero entered the foggy forest. There were some low-level monsters in the foggy forest. These monsters could not stop Hisoka and Zero from moving forward. The two quickly entered the deepest part of the foggy forest.

In the deepest part of the misty forest, Zero's body suddenly stopped.

"Why don't you move forward?" Hisoka looked at Zero strangely and asked.

"Look below." Zero said, pointing to the soil under his feet. The originally lush grass slowly disappeared, revealing the soil below.

"This is..." Hisoka was a little surprised when he saw the soil under his feet slowly disappearing, and then looked up at Zero.

Chapter 840 Reaching the Soul Lake

"This is the lake in the deepest part of the misty forest!" Zero said helplessly.

"Lake?" Hisoka looked confused, not understanding what Zero was talking about. What the hell was the lake deep in the misty forest?

"Haven't you heard? The deepest part of the misty forest has always been a lake, and there are many monsters in the lake." Zero said speechlessly.

After hearing Zero's words, Hisoka became even more confused. There were no monsters in this misty forest, but there was water. Could there really be something in the misty forest? Hisoka thought of a question.

"There are no monsters in this misty forest. Is it because of the lake?" Hisoka looked down and asked curiously.

"Well! This lake is called Soul Lake. It is a lake. There are many monsters here. These monsters are trapped in this lake." Zero looked down and said, "This lake is very dangerous. You can’t go deep, otherwise you will die easily, so we can just look for some monsters around the lake.”

"Yeah." Hisoka responded, and then he and Zero started looking for the monster.

At this time, a huge wild wolf suddenly appeared in the sights of Hisoka and Zero. Seeing the wild wolf, Zero immediately stared at the wild wolf with vigilance.


The wild wolf howled and then pounced on Hisoka.

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