"Seeking death!" Hisoka snorted coldly, and then he dodged the wolf's attack. Then he stretched out his right palm, and a blue flame instantly appeared in Hisoka's palm.

"Boom!" After a loud noise, the wild wolf was directly burned to ashes by the blue flames, and Hisoka's right palm also became scorched black. Seeing the injury on Hisoka's palm, Zero asked with some worry, "Are you okay? Bar!"

"It's okay." Hisoka smiled slightly, then put away his right hand, "Let's move on! I feel that the situation ahead is not simple."

"I know, otherwise I wouldn't be walking so cautiously in this misty forest." Zero nodded, and then said, "No matter what the situation is ahead, I will help you."

"Yes." Hisoka nodded.

The two continued to move forward, but their speed slowed down because they both felt that the spiritual power in their bodies was insufficient. Although Zero replenished their spiritual power, such supplementation was of no avail.

Hisoka looked at Zero and said, "As much spiritual power as you still have, use it as much as you can!"

"Without spiritual power, I can't guarantee that I can come out alive." Zero sighed, then took out a bottle of elixir and handed it to Hisoka, "Eat it!"

Hisoka glanced at Zero and without any hesitation, he directly took the pill from Zero, opened the cork of the bottle, poured out one pill and put it into his mouth.


As soon as the elixir was swallowed, Hisoka felt as if there was a ball of heat in the Dantian inside his body, running through Hisoka's body. Hisoka immediately closed his eyes and rested.

Zero looked at Hisoka who was concentrating with his eyes closed, and with a thought in his heart, he also sat down cross-legged and began to use his technique.


After burning the incense, Hisoka opened his eyes and looked at Zero, "How much is left?"

"Almost half of it." Zero said.

"Almost half, it seems we are pretty lucky." Hisoka smiled slightly, looked at Zero, and continued walking forward.

This time the two walked much slower and arrived at the Soul Lake.

Chapter 841: There is a thousand-year soul tree in the lake

This lake is large, the water is crystal clear, and there are various fish, shrimps, crabs, crabs and other seafood floating in the lake.

"The Soul Lake is indeed worthy of its name." Zero said with admiration when he saw the scene in the lake, and then said to Hisoka, "Hisoka, take a rest on the shore! I'll go take a look inside the Soul Lake, maybe I can find some rare ones. Where’s the monster!”

"Okay!" Hisoka nodded.

Zero walked to the edge of the Soul Lake, and then jumped into the Soul Lake. The Soul Lake was very big, and Ling did not sink when he fell into the water, but floated to a safe distance.

There is a small island in Soul Lake, and there are many fish swimming in the water around the island.

Looking around, Zero became a little excited because he found two thousand-year-old medicinal herbs here.

Seeing this scene, Hisoka also became excited. If he could catch these medicinal materials, his cultivation speed would be greatly improved, and he might be able to hit the seventh level of warrior again, and then he would be able to leave this misty forest.

Thinking of this, Hisoka quickened his pace and walked to the Soul Lake.

Next to the Soul Lake, Zero was squatting by the lake, carefully observing the situation of the Soul Lake.

Hisoka walked over, squatted down and asked, "Zero, did you find anything?"

"I just tried it. There are very few monsters in this soul lake." Zero turned to look at Hisoka and then looked at a red plant in the lake and said, "Did you see that tree? It It’s the Millennium Medicinal Soul Tree. I’m sure that there are definitely many Millennium Medicinals in this misty forest, but these Millennium Medicinals are restricted and cannot be picked.”

"I know all these things, so I want to find some thousand-year-old medicinal materials." Hisoka said lightly, "Soul tree?"

"Yes." Ling nodded. "This thousand-year soul tree is a foreign object from heaven and earth. It has powerful spiritual intelligence and very strong defensive power. Once bitten by it, even a ninth-level warrior will be severely affected. Severe injuries may even result in loss of combat capability.”

"I know this, please tell me how to pick it first!" Hisoka asked.

Zero nodded, and then looked at the soul tree. "The soul tree grows at the bottom of the soul lake. This soul lake is a wonderland of heaven and earth. The spiritual energy in it is very rich, but it contains highly toxic substances. Once it touches the soul tree, it will Corroded by the venom, which is extremely poisonous and has no cure.”

"Are you sure this venom will work for you?" Hisoka asked.

"Yes." Zero nodded. "I was once bitten by a venomous snake. My flesh and blood quickly fester, and in the end only the skeleton was left. However, it was able to recover my injuries, and I can also use the venom to attack the enemy. If I encounter powerful monsters or humans, I will attack them with venom."

"I understand this." After listening to Zero's words, Hisoka said, then looked at the Soul Tree and asked, "Soul Tree, have monsters always been living in this Soul Lake?"

"Yes." Zero nodded and said, "Every once in a while, monsters will come to this lake to hunt."

Hisoka frowned when he heard this and murmured to himself, "Doesn't that mean you have to stay here forever?"

Hisoka and Zero had similar ideas. Neither of them wanted to stay in this hellish place, so they wanted to go out and find a way out.

Chapter 842 The red leaves of the soul tree are treasures

At this moment, a loud noise came into Hisoka's ears.

Hisoka and Zero quickly looked into the distance.

A spaceship is speeding this way.

"This should be the teleportation array!" Zero murmured.

"Soul tree!"

Suddenly, Zero's eyes suddenly became sharp. He stared at the soul tree and murmured to himself, "Soul tree! This is a thousand-year soul tree!"

"Is this?" Hisoka looked at Zero in confusion.

"Thousand-year Soul Tree. Legend has it that this Thousand-Year Soul Tree is a medicinal herb that has existed thousands of centuries ago. This Soul Tree looks like Ganoderma lucidum, but it is not like Ganoderma lucidum. It looks very strange, and Its leaves are not those of Ganoderma lucidum, but are red and look like rubies." Zero said slowly.

"Red?" Hisoka asked in surprise, "Then what should we do now?"

"What you want is the red leaf." Zero said with a smile, keeping his eyes on the soul tree.

"Red?" Hisoka was stunned for a moment and thought to himself, "No wonder I think it looks familiar. It turns out it's called a 'soul tree'! But what is the use of this soul tree? Why does the soul tree grow in the soul lake? And The leaves of the soul tree look like rubies..."

"I don't know how to deal with it now, do you know how to deal with it?" Zero asked.

Hisoka shook his head, "I don't know what to do. This soul tree is too weird. It's not an ordinary medicinal material at all. How should we deal with it?"

Ling smiled and said, "If it's just an ordinary soul tree, you don't have to worry about this problem, but since you're here, you have to take it away. Don't you want the treasure?"

Hisoka nodded.

"The treasure they are talking about should be the leaves. You can find a way to take them back." Ling said with a smile.

"Yes." Hisoka nodded, and then said, "Just wait for me here, I can just go get it myself."

"Okay." Zero responded and continued to look at the soul tree.

Upon seeing this, Hisoka's body disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was next to a lake not far from the Soul Tree.

The soul tree was hovering in the air. After seeing Hisoka appear, it immediately began to swing its branches and make a rustling sound, as if to be wary of Hisoka.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to get something." Hisoka shouted softly, stretched out his hand to grab the branch of the soul tree, and pulled it out.

"I got it." Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief and then put it away.

The soul tree seemed to understand what Hisoka said, and then stopped swinging its branches.

Seeing that the soul tree was quiet, Hisoka breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to walk out of the area. However, just after taking two steps, the soul tree suddenly changed. It suddenly shook, and hundreds of red leaves suddenly fell from the tree. It fell off and shot toward Xisuo overwhelmingly.

"Oops!" Hisoka was shocked and quickly escaped.

The branches and leaves of the soul tree kept hitting Hisoka's body, making a muffled sound. Hisoka kept waving his arms to block the attack of the soul tree, but the soul tree was too dense, and Hisoka's body It was instantly covered with leaves.

"Damn it." Hisoka cursed angrily, and quickly wrapped his whole body with true energy, and then barely resisted the attack of the soul tree.

"How dare you attack me!" Hisoka said through gritted teeth, using all his true energy, he slapped the soul tree with his palm.

Chapter 843 The call from the weapon spirit

A golden light flashed, and Hisoka punched the soul tree, making a loud bang. The entire lake instantly churned, water splashed everywhere, and the branches of the soul tree were broken and fell into the lake.

The soul tree was damaged and immediately began to shrink. In the blink of an eye, the soul tree turned into a palm-sized sapling.

Hisoka looked at the smaller soul tree in front of him, and secretly rejoiced: Fortunately, the soul tree's attack power was relatively weak, otherwise, he might not be able to guarantee his own life.

Although there were few leaves on the soul tree, the number was very large. Hisoka quickly ran away and collected those leaves into the ring.

After finishing cleaning up, Hisoka started searching nearby again.

Hisoka carefully observed the surrounding environment, trying to find traces of the soul tree, but there was no trace of the soul tree around.

Hisoka sighed in frustration, "It seems that this soul tree is indeed difficult to deal with, but the spiritual energy here is very rich, and the spiritual energy in this lake is actually purer than the outside. It seems that it is because the soul tree is long. Maybe it’s because we’re in the Soul Lake! But that’s also true, the spiritual energy inside this lake is a hundred times a thousand times thicker than outside.”

The soul tree, also called the soul spring, is watered with soul water. This soul spring is a sacred object for immortal cultivators. The function of the soul tree is to absorb the soul water from heaven and earth and nourish one's own soul. This This is also the reason why the soul tree appears in the soul lake.

The function of the soul spring is obvious, which is to help monks quickly increase their cultivation.

No matter what it is, as long as it enters the soul pool, it will gradually become stronger, and the deeper you go, the more obvious the effect of the soul pool will be.

The role of the soul pool is also very wide. In addition to helping the monks increase their cultivation, it can also help the monks repair their injuries, restore the monks' normal thinking, restore their memories, and let them remember everything that happened on the soul tree. , and in the short term, will not be forgotten.

These are all benefits.

Hisoka glanced around, but there was nothing strange about him, and he couldn't help but frown.

The Soul Tree is not here, so where is it?

Hisoka thought for a long time and finally gave up. After all, how easy is it to find the soul tree? Moreover, even if he found the soul tree, Hisoka didn't know how to deal with it. He couldn't kill the soul tree!

"It's better to leave first! We'll think of a solution later." After thinking about it, Hisoka planned to turn around and leave.

However, just as Hisoka took his first step, a huge force suddenly appeared and firmly fixed Hisoka to the ground.

Hisoka was shocked and quickly used his soul power to break free from the restraints.

Hisoka tried several times and found that his soul power could not break free. Hisoka was shocked. The power of this soul tree was really terrifying!

At this moment, an old voice came out, "Little baby, you are not welcome here."

Hisoka's heart tightened, and he immediately realized that he should be in the soul tree now, and that old voice should be the spirit of the soul tree.

"Who are you? Why don't you welcome me?" Hisoka asked in a deep voice.

The old voice laughed, "Because you ruined the good things of our soul tree, I want to stop you from staying here."

Hisoka frowned and said, "The environment here is very suitable for cultivation!".

Chapter 844 Hisoka rushes back to the competition site

The old voice said with a smile: "Don't you think you spend too much time?"

When Hisoka heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised: How did he know about me?

"All things have animism and life is endless. You have to fulfill your mission. Go quickly. There are still people waiting for you." After the old voice finished speaking, it dissipated directly into the air and could no longer feel any presence.

"Indeed, it's time for me to go back." After saying that, Hisoka hurriedly said goodbye to Zero, and rushed to the third round of the Demon Club's competition square with the red leaves picked from the soul tree.


"Let's have the last competition, the two sides, Bai Ming clan Bai Jue and human clan Hisoka!" the referee announced. After hearing this, Bai Jue had already walked onto the square, waiting for the game to start, but Sisuo was delayed. Didn't show up.

"What about the human race? Aren't they going to participate?"

"Wasn't he punished by the Demon King to get the treasure? He hasn't come back yet?"

"Is he afraid of being embarrassed, so he doesn't dare to come out and meet people?"

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, but Bai Jue's expression was very calm. He did not rush him. He had already expected that Hisoka would not come, so he was not disappointed at all.

But Hisoka on the stage looked at the audience with confusion.

The referee on the stage couldn't help but cough a little when he saw that Hisoka hadn't appeared yet.

Just when the referee was about to announce the result, Hisoka flew in from a distance.

Hisoka's movements were very gentle and without making any sound, he flew towards Bai Jue's place.

"Brother, please wait a moment!" Hisoka landed opposite Bai Jue and said, "I'm here."

Bai Jue smiled slightly and stood motionless.

Seeing that Hisoka was back, the referee asked Hisoka for the treasure he had retrieved, but Hisoka ignored him and went straight to the second floor of the viewing area where the Demon King was, and handed the red leaves of the Soul Tree to the Demon King.

"Well, go back." The demon king said lightly, and then handed the red leaf of the soul tree to Hisoka.

Hisoka glanced at the red leaf in the demon king's hand, turned and left without saying anything.

"What do you mean?" the referee muttered somewhat depressedly. This was the first time he encountered this kind of situation. However, since he didn't care about it, what could he do?

The Demon King looked at Hisoka's leaving figure and smiled.

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