In fact, no matter what Hisoka brought, he would agree to Hisoka's return to compete.

But he didn't expect that Hisoka would fetch the red leaf. The pure power in this red leaf was a treasure coveted by countless people.

"The game can begin." The Demon King said.


The Demon King sat on the main seat, and the people in the audience also became quiet and began to prepare for the game. However, most people focused their attention on Hisoka, wanting to know his strength.

The people of the Bai Ming tribe also focused their attention on Hisoka.

"Let's move on to the final group of the competition, Bai Ming clan Bai Jue and human clan Hisoka." The referee shouted.

Bai Jue slowly walked onto the square. Bai Jue was dressed in black, and his whole person exuded a cold aura. Moreover, he was extremely ugly, with pitted scars all over his face, making people shudder at the first sight.

Hisoka, on the other hand, was wearing a black outfit. Although it was a outfit, Hisoka's figure looked very slender and well-proportioned.

Hisoka's skin is fair, and his face is even more handsome, with delicate features and a trace of crystal water.

Chapter 845 Bai Jue uses the air-piercing slash

In this world, no one can compare to Hisoka!

When the two stood together, the people in the audience sighed.

It's really incongruous for two men to stand together like this!

"Start!" the referee said, then stepped aside.

Bai Jue slowly stretched out his right palm, and a ball of white light appeared in his hand. The white light slowly turned into the shape of a sword, and the sword body flashed with dazzling light. Bai Jue held the hilt of the sword and swung it violently a few times.

Bai Jue's movements were extremely fast, so fast that Hisoka couldn't see clearly. He could only see the shining white light, and his movements were even more weird. It looked like a poisonous snake twisting its waist.

Hisoka looked at his body and found that he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

"The Bai Ming clan's kung fu is really weird!"

Hisoka thought to himself, and then a flame lotus appeared in his hand and rushed towards the Bai Ming tribe, very fast.

Seeing Hisoka taking the initiative to attack him, Bai Jue's face lit up with joy, and then he quickly rushed towards Hisoka, waving the sword in his hand as he did so.

For a while, the two were inseparable.

Bai Jue's movements were extremely fast, and Hisoka's movements were also very fast. He dodged, grabbed, and avoided again.

Even the referee found this kind of competition thrilling.

"Boom!" Bai Jue's sword struck straight down. Hisoka dodged, narrowly avoiding it, and then pounced on Bai Jue again.

Bai Jue was startled and hurriedly retracted his attack. Hisoka's speed was so fast that he couldn't even catch him.

"This human Hisoka is so powerful!" Bai Jue was secretly shocked, and then hurriedly used his body skills to dodge Hisoka's attack.

"You are no match!" Hisoka said, then kicked his right foot fiercely, and rushed towards Bai Jue at an extremely fast speed.

"What speed is this!"

"What a powerful speed!"

"He is worthy of being the number one master of the human race, he truly deserves his reputation!"

Everyone started shouting and they were stunned.

Bai Jue kept dodging Hisoka's attacks while thinking about how to neutralize Hisoka's attacks. He was indeed at a disadvantage now.

Soon after, the two came to the center of the ring, and Bai Jue shouted: "Breaking through the air!"

The sword in Bai Jue's right hand brought a fierce murderous intention and slashed towards Xisuo. This sword contained the power of Bai Jue's whole body.

Seeing this, Hisoka couldn't help but frown slightly. He felt Bai Jue's power, which was very strong.

"Breaking through the air?"

"What a domineering name!"

"It looks like Hisoka is going to lose."

There was a lot of discussion in the audience, and everyone believed that Bai Jue would win.

Hisoka didn't show any fear. He stepped on the ground with his right foot and flew into the air. The fire lotus in his right hand went straight for Bai Jue's neck and chopped off.

Bai Jue's sword slashed hard at Hisoka, but when he was still two inches away from Hisoka, he suddenly changed direction and stabbed towards Hisoka's chest.

Bai Jue wanted to take advantage of Hisoka's unpreparedness, launch a sudden attack on Hisoka, and subdue Hisoka in one fell swoop.

"So cruel!"

"Hisoka may be in trouble this time!"

"Hisoka is dead!"

"Hisoka, no!"

The crowd in the audience suddenly panicked, and some young disciples couldn't help crying. Although they were looking forward to Hisoka's victory, they would still feel sad if they saw the moment of Hisoka's death.

When Bai Jue saw Hisoka's reaction, he immediately felt relieved.

Chapter 846 Hisoka defeats Bai Jue

"Haha, you are too young after all." Bai Jue thought to himself, then a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the sword in his hand stabbed Hisoka's chest fiercely.

At this moment, Bai Jue felt a dangerous smell. He hurriedly looked up and saw a huge fireball flying out from Hisoka's palm. The fireball was getting closer and bigger.


The fireball exploded instantly, and the flames shot into the sky, illuminating the surrounding space.

Everyone in the audience closed their eyes. They all knew that Bai Jue must have been burned to ashes.


"Bai Jue will lose!"

"He can't resist Hisoka's attack at all!"


There was another burst of explosions, and Bai Jue's figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air.



"What's going on, where are the people?"

Everyone asked in surprise as they looked at the empty arena.



At this moment, a wild laughter came, and Bai Jue's figure slowly emerged. He was covered in blood and looked at Hisoka, with a crazy look in his eyes.

"You won't win! I will definitely kill you!"

"Humph, it depends on whether you have this ability!" Hisoka said disdainfully.

Bai Jue's eyes immediately turned red when he heard Hisoka's words. He gritted his teeth and looked at Hisoka: "Then let's see who dies!"

Hisoka's face darkened slightly: "Seeking death!"

Bai Jue's expression changed. He was burned by Hisoka with fierce flames just now, and all the bones in his body were burned. He didn't expect Hisoka to be so powerful. Even his self-created Sky Breaking Slash couldn't do anything to Hisoka. This made him very angry. anger.


A thunderous sound sounded, and Bai Jue's body was exuding thick white mist. This was the ability of Bai Jue's special technique.

"This Bai is definitely not simple!"

"His skills can actually increase the body's defense. This is his advantage!"

Everyone's expressions were condensed.

"Hmph!" Hisoka snorted coldly and formed a seal with his hands.

Bai Jue's expression changed and he hurriedly stepped back.

Hisoka's face was frighteningly gloomy. He looked at Bai Jue and coldly uttered three words: "Fire will start a prairie fire!"


The fire burned from Hisoka's body, and then gathered into a flame spear in mid-air, heading towards Bai Zetsu.

"No!" Bai Jue shouted hurriedly, his face full of horror.


The flame spear directly penetrated Bai Jue's protective mist, hit Bai Jue's body hard, and knocked Bai Jue out hard.

Bai Jue's body hit the edge of the ring hard, and the whole ring collapsed instantly. He spat out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground.

"Senior Brother Bai!"

"Senior Brother Bai..."

The audience was in chaos. They did not expect that Hisoka would be so powerful and severely injured Bai Jue. Such strength was really terrifying.

Under the ring, Hisoka looked at Bai Jue, who was unconscious on the ground, and snorted coldly. He did not continue to attack, but slowly walked to the referee, "Aren't you going to announce it yet?"

The referee looked ugly. His eyes fell on Bai Jue. A trace of pity flashed in his eyes, but it was immediately covered up by him. He hit the gong with a gavel and said loudly: "The game is over!"

As soon as the referee finished speaking, the people in the audience cheered suddenly. They were very excited when they saw Hisoka defeated Bai Jue.

Chapter 847 I never said that only the winner can advance

They all know Bai Jue's strength. Hisoka actually defeated Bai Jue in just a cup of tea. Their strength shocked them.

"Have you decided on the other three besides me?" Hisoka looked at the referee and asked.

"Yes, three people except you have appeared!"

"Then announce it quickly!" Hisoka urged.


The referee nodded, then turned to look at the auditorium on the second floor, signaling the Demon King to give the order.

"Wait a moment!"

A majestic voice came from the Demon King's seat. His tone was very calm, but it contained an undoubted power.

"There are four candidates who can compete for the championship of the Demon Club, namely Xisuo, Bai Jue, Zhao Qingyun, and Liu Zhilong."

Hearing the Demon King's voice, everyone was boiling again.

"Why is there Bai Zetsu? Wasn't he defeated and eliminated by Hisoka?"

"Yes! I heard about it too!"

Hisoka frowned and looked at the Demon King on the high platform.

"I never said that only the winners can advance." The demon king said lightly.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the Demon King's words. Only then did they think of this.

"Since there are exactly four people, let's divide them into two groups to compete." The Demon King continued.

"Yes." Everyone responded.

"Bai Jue, Liu Zhilong, you two, come out."


Two figures flew down from the high platform and arrived in front of the Demon King.

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