He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with emotion.

Although there is no one available, those illiterate ghouls who can't tell the difference between tissue scissors and thread scissors are better off staying away from him to avoid their blood pressure rising in the end.

Bang bang bang bang~

It was at this time that rhythmic clapping sounded in the silent laboratory.

"That's amazing, doctor, are these all the results of doctors?"

The black-haired young man walked in at some unknown time, turned around in a circle as if no one else was watching, and said in an exaggerated and happy tone.

Open your arms as if to hug something.

In the laboratory, neatly arranged cultivation chambers can be seen everywhere, each with an unconscious alien creature-Amazon lying inside.

At the same time, the corpse lying on the operating table also woke up again.

He turned around and looked around expressionlessly, then got up from the operating table.

Looking at the experimental questions he entered into the training warehouse, Jiu Duo Erfu exclaimed in surprise: "Is this... a success?"

"No, it should be said that it failed."

There was no look of pity on Akihiro Kano's face, and he said in a calm tone.

"As expected, it's not that easy to combine a half-ghoul with a Sigma-type Amazon... I would rather say it's more difficult than imagined."

It is already difficult to make a qualified half-ghoul, but if you want to combine the two at once, it is even more difficult.

Frankly speaking, this approach cannot be said to be whimsical on the part of Kano Akihiro.

After all, he is also a Sigma-type rice dumpling. The intensity of his performance is not only comparable to that of Lin Qiao, but even the mantis shrimp-type Amazon who was beaten to death by the former cannot compare. This is very sad.

The lack of skills is one reason, but more importantly, who told him that he was the only one doing research here?

So if you want to make up for this, you have to find another way.

.....Unfortunately, the result was not very smooth.

——As a foreign body implanted in the body, Hebao will be directly decomposed by Amazon cells in at most two days.

The only way is to become a half-ghoul through Hebao transplantation surgery, and then implant Amazon cells.

"Speaking of which, Doctor Kano, don't you have two successful guys on your hands? One black and one white cute little guy, how about using them?"

"Kurona and Nabai, they are rare successes no matter what...it's not like they can't be considered."

After all, the only truly perfect success product of half-ghoul surgery is Kaneki Ken... not to mention that there is now a creature like Amazon.

Now that it is a thing of the past, there is no need to pity the two sisters who barely crossed the passing line.

Taking off his green surgical clothes, Kano Akihiro looked at the old Duo Erfu over there.

"But it seems that you are in a good mood. Did the matter go smoothly?"

"Yeah, it went very smoothly~"

Nodding, Jiuduoerfu put his hands behind his back, obviously in a good mood.

Originally, due to the crusade against the Yueshan family some time ago, the prestige of CCG has greatly increased, and the status of the Hexiu family has also increased, which made him a little worried because he wanted to destroy his household registration.

It is undeniable that if there is no way to break CCG's advantage and He Xiu is allowed to stand at the apex of the entire country's power, all the preparations he made secretly will basically be in vain.

In other words, the Hexiu family must be made to give up the possibility of getting closer.

"What's the way to turn a hero into a villain? Of course, just expose some dirt and let everyone criticize him."

It was out of this thought that he told Prime Minister Wakayama about the RC detection door and Sigma type rice dumplings.

But he wasn't stupid either. He didn't tell everything, but kept quite a part of it.

After all, what he wants is a situation like this, where the two sides need to confront each other, but they can't completely fight.

Otherwise, once the situation shows signs of getting out of control, American dad will definitely take action.

Prime Minister Wakayama, who obviously intends to deepen the relationship between the two sides, is more favored by Ami than He Xiuya, who calls on the people to "independence" for his own reasons.

So if the trouble really comes to that point, not only He Xiujia will be sent, but he himself will also be involved.

But in general, He Xiu's actions were temporarily blocked... Of course, he also understood that this would definitely not last long.

As long as this period of time passes, people will look away, and V will completely make Wakayama's stabilizing factor disappear.

It’s death anyway, so it shouldn’t matter who dies at the hands of someone, right?

After all, he is the prime minister of a country - the death of the prime minister must be grand and magnificent!

Taking advantage of the opportunity to assassinate the Prime Minister, he completely silenced him and at the same time stirred up public opinion to blame the CCG.

The CCG, which was originally highly prestigious, instantly became polarized and became an executioner who would do anything for power in the eyes of some people.

And when all this was completed, he turned his attention to the next goal.

——Lin Qiao, or Red Superman.

"But is it really okay to leak Aren's information like this? If the other party really comes to visit, it will be very bad, right?"

Although the technology for manufacturing Sigma is not as good as CCG, if Kano Akihiro has any advantage, it is that he can obtain fresh lysogenic cells at any time.

Unlike CCG, they have to consider the amount before making Amazon.

—— Mizusawa Hitoshi

So it is undeniable that if the other party is really in trouble, he will be the one who is most affected.

"It doesn't matter, he agreed anyway, and we just need to knock him down with one punch before he comes to our door."

For what Kano Akihiro said, Furuta Nifuku didn't seem to be worried.

"You look very confident."

"Of course, it's not even a challenge to deal with those guys who think they are a little smart, but in fact they are no different from street fools~"

Confidently clenched his fist, as if he was going to crush something.

Spiders are good at weaving webs, but as long as the web is burned, they will burn to ashes together with themselves.

Then he changed the subject and looked at Kano Akihiro who remained silent, and asked: "By the way, Dr. Kano, how is the progress of "Dragon"? "


Akira Kano organized his words and thought about how to explain to the other party.

"Because of A-Ren, it is much smoother than before. Many technical difficulties can be skipped directly, and Amazon cells can be used as a solution..."

"Yeah, but but..." Furuta Jifu suddenly interrupted.

Akira Kano, who was standing aside, didn't pay any attention to him. He just looked at him silently and continued to explain: "In short, although it can be used barely, it is limited to being usable. It will take some time to get the results you want."

"Really? Then I'll leave it to you~ Doctor Kano~"

Humming a cheerful song, Furuta Jifu strode out of Kano's laboratory. On the way, he seemed to remember something, and a slight arc appeared on his face.

Chapter 103 Is this a date?

"......If you do this again, I will complain about you for disturbing the public. "

Early in the morning, after sitting in front of the computer and screening the list for two whole days, Lin Qiao finally succeeded in reducing the number of people to less than 150.

Just when she was planning to reward herself with a good meal, she heard a pink-haired DuangDuang knocking on the door.

The perseverance of pursuing is admirable...but if possible, can you not use it on yourself?

"And it's already winter, and you're still wearing this, aren't you afraid of freezing to death? "

After a quick look at Yi Bingru, he found that she was not wearing the white uniform of CCG, nor the fluffy down jacket that wrapped her like a strawberry daifuku when she came to his house last time.

The combination of skirt and fleece stockings, plus the symbolic outer coat, was quite eye-catching, but the warmth retention...

Although it was not completely about style over temperature, it didn't seem warm at all.

Or was this the superpower of all girls?

He let her in with some helplessness, and then handed her a cup of freshly brewed hot coffee.

Yi Bingru took the coffee cup absentmindedly, looked down at the beautiful layer of milk foam on the surface of the coffee for a while, and then carefully picked it up and tasted it.

He was not as lively as usual.

"What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood? "

Lin Qiao asked, seeming to see that the other party was worried.

Yi Bingru nodded a little stiffly and replied in a low voice: "..... Recently, everyone in the bureau is not right..."

The Prime Minister was assassinated on the one hand, and on the other hand, CCG really made Sigma-type dumplings.

This made many insiders uneasy, and even many investigators resigned, making the already restless people even more uneasy.

"So you thought of coming to me? This is really a bit of a mouthful of words..."

Roughly deducing the current internal situation of CCG, Lin Qiao leaned on the sofa helplessly.

"Well, because it feels very reassuring to be here with Mr. Ishimori."

"Do you think this is some kind of psychological treatment room?"


"You said... Forget it, anyway, even if I tell you, you won't have that awareness, just come if you want to. "

Lin Qiao was full of black lines on his head, but he was not used to the other party suddenly becoming so... quiet.

It seems a bit hypocritical to say this, but he is indeed not used to it.

Yi Bingru nodded silently, holding the warm coffee in both hands and taking a sip.

"Speaking of which, Mr. Ishimori can... accompany me for a walk?"

Putting down the half-drunk coffee, Yi Bingru moved his eyes to the side, or simply closed his eyes, and invited in a subtle voice.

"You guy, sometimes you really go too far..."

Accompany the other party to relax?

Lin Qiao sighed. When did he become the kind of intimate big brother in the eyes of the other party?

"But forget it, it just so happens that I don’t have anything to do, and it’s not impossible to accompany you for a walk. "

He said it in a tone that he really couldn't do anything to you.

Working in front of the computer for two days was a mental burden for him, so it would be good to go out and relax.

He simply changed his clothes, and in order to blend in with the surrounding environment and not appear too out of place, he also put on a thicker coat.

"Wait a minute, there is one more thing——"

But just as he was about to go out, Lin Qiao stopped Yi Bingru.

Then he took out a down jacket from the closet and handed it to the other party.

"Put this on first, I'll lend it to you. I'm really afraid that you'll turn into an ice sculpture halfway through the journey."


He hesitated for a moment, but looked at Lin Qiao's expression, opened his mouth, and finally said nothing.

He just held the fluffy white down jacket in his hand, lowered his head and nodded slightly.


If you want to say where to go to relax, it's probably better to go to a park or a teahouse with few people.

At least that's what Lin Qiao thought, at least it can be solved nearby.


"Amusement park?" He looked at Yi Bingru with some surprise.

It's not impossible, but it always feels a little subtle.

"Mr. Ishimori?"

"It's okay, I'm just thinking about whether to drive there... By the way, where did I park last time?"

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