After this episode, everyone focused their attention on the screen in front of them again.

‘Is this probably here? …? ’

With the help of the invisibility brought by the Ninja Bottle, Lin Qiao walked in openly and observed the surrounding situation.

There were two surveillance cameras in the room, and the workbench was covered with densely packed buttons of unknown meaning.

The constantly changing data on the monitor showed the operation of various facilities in Kuquelia at all times.

There were five people in the room, and they were all armed. The leader was probably the one who asked people to close the door... But it didn't matter.

In the current situation, it was too difficult to take away what they wanted without making a noise.

He quietly destroyed the lines of the two surveillance cameras.

Lin Qiao walked behind the two employees who were sitting next to each other, and suddenly stretched out his hand to cover their mouths at the same time.


The two whimpered briefly, but the thick smoke released by Lin Qiao’s hand made them lose consciousness in the blink of an eye.

Just at the moment of launching the attack, his body instantly appeared from a transparent state.

"Who is it!"

They were startled by the sudden appearance of the figure in front of them, but seeing the two colleagues falling straight to the ground, the remaining three did not dare to hesitate at all and immediately reached for the pistol hanging on their waist.




Two black tentacles emerged from Lin Qiao's wrists and quickly pierced into the necks of two of them.

The poison needles at the top immediately injected venom after piercing the skin.

The blood vessels of the two people who were hit immediately turned black, and then they fell to the ground and struggled weakly, making slight but painful groans.

"Ishida, Shimizu! Damn it!"

Just when the last employee took out a pistol and was about to shoot at the enemy, Lin Qiao had already rushed in front of him.

The blade of the smoke sword was on his neck, and the pistol he had just taken out had been taken away by Lin Qiao.

Feeling the dagger on his neck that could take his life at any time, he swallowed nervously.

"Be good, don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions... Just don't do anything tricky."

Grabbing the small alarm hidden behind the other party and about to be pressed, Lin Qiao looked at the badge on the other party's chest.

"Mr. Fujimoto, right? If possible, I hope you can cooperate with me. Correspondingly, I will also guarantee your safety, otherwise..."


After snapping his fingers, the expressions of the two poisoned employees became more painful, and he gritted his teeth secretly.

At this time, Lin Qiao's threatening voice sounded again.

"--You should know what the consequences are?"

".....What do you want to do?"

"Tell me, did anyone other than Kuquelia come in on the 10th? Or new prisoners?"

"I.....I don't know, I'm only responsible for the night shift, and the escort and interrogation are carried out during the day...but there shouldn't be."

"Are there Amazons detained here? How many?"

"Yes, about a hundred."


Are you sick? Do you want so many Amazons to be used as pets?

Lin Qiao secretly smacked her lips. This was a bit difficult.

Chapter 101 Locking the Target

There was no doubt that his act of destroying the surveillance camera would soon arouse suspicion, and he had to obtain the required information in the shortest possible time.

But this guy couldn't provide him with much information... He couldn't be said to be clueless, but at least in the short term, it was unlikely that he could deduce the identity of another time traveler.

But this was also expected, and it was a pity to come back empty-handed after such a rare trip.

- Maybe there wouldn't be such a good opportunity next time.

The black tentacles with poison needles gently stabbed Fujimoto's neck.

The blood vessels all over his body turned black in the blink of an eye. As he fell to the ground in pain, Lin Qiao took out a mobile hard drive and put it on the table, saying:

"The poison injected into you and the other two is a special toxin, which will kill you in five minutes at most."

"Unfortunately, I am the only one who can solve this poison."

"There should be electronic documents storing prisoner information, staff files, and records of entry and exit of outsiders here, right?"

"Give it to me, and I will let you go accordingly."

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Lin Qiao with resentful eyes.

But under the threat of his companions and his own lives, especially under the premise that there was not much time left.

The staff member named Fujimoto still handed over all the information that Lin Qiao wanted.

Of course, the specific operation must be done by him. After all, as an ordinary person, it is impossible to move freely after being poisoned by him.

However, since it was the first time to use Kuqueli's operating system, when Lin Qiao finished copying the data, ten minutes had passed since the poison entered the bodies of several people...

- Then they were rewarded with a Nebula Smoke Fight by Lin Qiao and fell asleep peacefully.

A poison that can kill people in five minutes-although it is indeed possible to do such a thing, it is indeed unnecessary.

After all, he is not a demon who only has killing in his mind.

They went to work well and did nothing illegal. At most, they just fished. It was unjust that they lost their lives for no reason.

Of course, after all, this trick is quite effective for scaring people.

Anyway, there are no sequelae. At most, I will have some back pain when I wake up in the morning.

Besides, he just wanted to put a little pressure on this guy named Fujimoto, lest he want to delay time.

Things went smoother than Lin Qiao expected.

If it were in Assassin's Creed, he would be in perfect sync.

After erasing the memories about him one by one, and arranging everyone here to look like they were too tired from work and fell asleep accidentally on the table, Lin Qiao looked around.

Except that the surveillance was destroyed, everything else was not much different from before he came.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about this."

Put the small alarm that Fujimoto escaped from before back to its original position.

After confirming that it is correct, take out the smoke gun and press the trigger.

The thick smoke emitted from the gun's muzzle instantly completely enveloped his body. When everything dissipated, Lin Qiao's figure had disappeared.

After he left, a few minutes passed before a team of guards arrived.

After checking the environment inside, he shook one of them awake, and after confirming that nothing happened, the leading captain picked up the walkie-talkie and started reporting to the other superior.

"Yes, the exteriors of both cameras remain intact, and there are no traces of violent damage. Although there are some coincidences, it is probably because the circuits inside are short-circuited."

"Mr. Fujimoto and the others said they were fine, but it seems that they were too sleepy at work and accidentally fell asleep."

"Okay, okay, I'll wake them up right now."

After waking up several other people, the guards left here.

However, Fujimoto and four others were deducted from their bonuses this month due to dereliction of duty at their posts.


Even though he had obtained Cuquelia's data file, it was not that simple to find out the location of another time traveler. After all, just sifting through the list was very tiring.

Lin Qiao, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, stood up and stretched.

The screening process is not very difficult, but the workload is somewhat surprisingly large.

The best solution is the problem of outsiders.

The entry and exit records of outsiders recorded above show that there was only one search officer who came to interrogate the prisoner on the morning of the 10th, and there were no other extra options.

The second is the issue of ghouls. If he has been in prison for more than half a year, he will pass directly. He believes that no matter how stupid the other party is, he will not choose a prisoner as his starting identity.

And according to what Fujimoto said, there has been no prison breakout in Cuquelia recently.

In other words, if another time-traveler really disguised himself as a ghoul and sneaked into Cuquelia, he should still be in there at this moment... But this possibility was very small from the beginning.

In short, after solving this simple and difficult reasoning question, the rest is heavyweight.

Whether it was the staff and guards on duty that morning, or Amazon locked inside, they were all suspicious elements in Lin Qiao's eyes.

Especially Amazon, if there weren't too many of them and couldn't deal with them all in a short time, he would really want to rush in and kill them all.

"And considering that CCG also developed Sigma...where did they get the sample from?"

If CCG really found the true body of the time traveler, not just the remaining body parts.

Considering the actual use value, it should be sent to the research institute instead of being thrown into Cuquelia.

Even if the sampling has been completed and the subsequent research does not require the cooperation of the other party, such high-risk prisoners should be specially marked...

But the truth is, no.

Weird, just weird.

There are no specifically marked individuals already imprisoned in the Amazon of Cuquelia.

The file records above only state the same things as when, what they did, and where they were arrested.

In other words, if CCG is not so big-hearted that it doesn’t even care about this kind of thing, it is completely ignorant.

A rough total shows that there are 243 suspects in total, including the 100 Amazons.

If the goal is to kill more than two hundred people, then it is really not a big deal.

He could kill all the prisoners in Cuquelia within an hour.

But the trouble is, in order not to be thrown into other worlds by the system's thief, he can't kill the opponent directly.


"But this can be considered a huge improvement. At least now we have a clear target... just take your time."

After shutting down the computer, Lin Qiao fell on the bed in a vent of anger, burying her whole face deeply in the quilt.

Although it was a bit troublesome, the result was pretty good.

Chapter 102 The trap has been laid

In an unknown underground laboratory.

The middle-aged man wearing dark green surgical clothes was looking attentively at the man lying on the operating table in front of him.

There was a fanatical expression on his face, and the scalpel was held firmly in his hand.

Without any trembling or hesitation, like a precise machine, the sharp blade cut through the skin of the man in front of him without any hindrance.

The man whose body was cut open bit by bit by the scalpel had no expression or breathing on his face.

This was a corpse, no doubt about it.

Finally, after injecting a tube of green unknown medicine into the corpse, Akihiro Kano, who had been busy for a long time, took off his mask.

"It's still a bit tiring to do things alone..."

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