In general, he is now facing a system that seems to have been smuggled from a dark infinite text. If possible, I hope to check the passport of this thing.

Apart from this, the rest is similar to the novel, for example, he is currently in a world called "Tokyo Ghoul".

Ishimori Takumi, this is the name assigned to him by the system in this world.

His parents unfortunately died in a ghoul attack two years ago. Since then, his personality has become withdrawn and he has no contact with people around him, so he doesn't have to worry about whether he will be exposed when he meets acquaintances, because there are no acquaintances at all.

Although I want to complain about this protagonist template-like opening, is this the protagonist of a Japanese comic from which era? But after thinking about it carefully, such an identity arrangement is indeed very convenient for his actions, so I didn't say much.

In addition, there are a lot of messy settings, but they are not very important, just like the beheading theme song every time you watch anime, you can watch it or not.

It is worth mentioning that the cheap parents arranged by the system left him a generous inheritance after their death.

In addition to a considerable amount of cash deposits, it also includes the ownership of a property and two shops, as well as shares in several companies.

Although it cannot be compared with some chaebol sons, it can barely be ranked among the ranks of the second generation of rich people.

——But there is a problem now.

"Why did you suddenly stop renting?"

Lin Qiao looked at the woman in front of her in confusion. She looked very young, but her face was haggard, and there were faint dark circles around her eyes.

She had sent a message to Lin Qiao before, but it did not mention the rent suspension. She just said that she wanted to talk about something in person, but no one expected this to happen.

Although it is their freedom to rent or not, it is uncomfortable to suddenly come to such a place!

Searching for the relevant information about the other party in his mind, the woman's name is Mitsui Emi, one of the tenants of the two shops under his name. She opened a cake shop for about three or four years. The sweet but not greasy taste and affordable prices make it popular among adults and children, and it is also famous in this area.

That's why it's a little strange.

"Is there a problem with the business? If so, I can understand. It doesn't matter if the rent is paid a little late." Lin Qiao asked tentatively.

"Thank you very much for your kindness, but... it's not about the rent..."

Mitsui Emi became haggard again, with a sad atmosphere all over her body.

"I'm sorry, but since Guangtai left, I really don't want to continue."

"I knew Guangtai was gone a long time ago, but I always felt that he was still by my side, and I dreamed of him at night."

"But despite this, when I wanted to find him, I..."


After all, the person is dead.

At the end, she couldn't control her emotions anymore, and her tears fell like a collapse. From her state, it's not difficult to guess that she has been crying recently.

Guangtai, full name Mitsui Guangtai, it's not difficult to tell from the name that the two are husband and wife.

After marriage, Emi Mitsui did not choose to become a full-time housewife, but opened a bakery with her husband. Mitsui Kota was responsible for external affairs, and she acted as a baker.

The life pressure in the big city is not small, but generally speaking, the life of this young couple is pretty good, especially for Emi Mitsui, who wanted to be a baker since childhood, it can be said that it is a double harvest of love and career.

But the beauty is always fleeting.

Not long ago, it was their wedding anniversary, and Mitsui Kota, as a husband, wanted to give his wife a surprise.

——Then he was gone forever.

After the police investigation, the place where Mr. Mitsui was last seen was found, which was an intersection 300 meters away from the jewelry store. At that time, Mitsui Kota just passed by there, holding a wrapped gift box in his hand and a happy smile on his face.

But since then, the clues have been completely cut off.

Whether in the subsequent surveillance video or in the witness testimony, Mitsui Kota never appeared again. It was as if a living person suddenly evaporated and his whereabouts were unknown.

No body was found, and there was no news of his survival. His life or death was unknown.

In the end, the police classified the incident as missing and said that they would increase the search efforts... and then handed it over to CCG.


On the contrary, this is the most correct choice.

They have seen too many such things. Anyone with a little bit of brains knows that how can a living person disappear out of thin air while walking on the street?

You can figure out what happened with your feet.

Especially recently, it is not very peaceful. Various cannibalism incidents have occurred frequently. It is just that the evidence is incomplete and I want to leave some thoughts for the family members.

Mitsui Emi burst into tears, and the light makeup on her face was ruined. The knuckles holding the ring on her ring finger turned slightly white: "I hate those cannibal monsters!"

After the lover left, the business they founded became like a demon, and the beautiful dream of the past became a nightmare today.

Lin Qiao silently handed the other party a tissue: "...Please accept my condolences."

This was all he could say now. It was not that he could not understand the other party's sadness. The second before he was killed by the female racing god, his heart was also filled with fear and despair, as well as a sense of powerlessness against the cruel reality.

However, there is a lack of comparability between the two. After all, everything he experienced was too short.

Basically, he entered the resurrection match as soon as he closed and opened his eyes, and there was no time for him to develop feelings. When he finally had time later, it seemed that there was no need... He had already won and he was still brewing a ghost. ah!

In contrast, Mitsui Mitsui was not so lucky.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned this kind of thing..." She wanted to say something but was stopped by Lin Qiao.

"After all, something happened to the people closest to you. It's human nature to feel sad about it. There's no need to feel sorry for it."

Looking into Lin Qiao's clear eyes, Mitsui Emi suddenly remembered that the other person's parents were killed because of this, and she couldn't help but feel a flash of shame in her heart.

Even though it brought back painful memories, he still came to comfort me...

Mr. Ishimori, you are very gentle now.

"But I'm sorry, Mr. Ishimori, I can't be as strong as you."


Lin Qiao was stunned for a moment, why did it get involved with me?

"Um...well, actually being strong is okay..."

There was some uncertainty in his words. Could it be that the topic deviated from a strange angle without him knowing?

In order to avoid such ridiculous incidents as cross-server chatting, he decided to bring the topic back.

"Anyway, I understand the general story. It's not that I can't understand your choice after something like this happened. It's just that you have thought about what to do next?"


She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Mitsui Emi's eyes were wandering and she pressed her lower lip tightly.

"...I want to leave Tokyo first and then make plans."

"That's it..."

That is to say, I have never thought about this issue.

Now Mitsui Emi just wants to escape from all this as quickly as possible, and go as far as possible. As for what will happen in the future... Although she has thought about it, the pain caused by reality is far greater than the confusion about the future, which makes her subconsciously avoids the issue.

"...I'm sorry for causing you trouble." Mitsui Emi barely stopped her tears, her tone full of apology.

"The dead are gone, but the living are like this, and life has to go on."

He tried to comfort the other party, but it didn't seem to have much effect.

He did not choose to keep Mitsui Emi. For him, it was best if the other party could choose to stay, and it didn't matter if she left. Moreover, staying in a place that was full of sadness for her was not necessarily a good thing.

After bidding farewell to the young widow, Lin Qiao walked out of the store.

It was getting late and the weather was getting cooler, and the gentle breeze dissipated the sweet cake smell from his body.

Finally, I looked back at the bakery behind me. The cute font and the sign of "Dessert Selection" gave me a strong girly feel.

It's a pity that the so-called sweetness has long since turned into a heart-wrenching scar.

"I never thought I would be able to comfort people one day." Lin Qiao felt a little unsure of what to say... dumbfounding?

"Escape can't solve the problem. In the end, you have to face it... Obviously the person least qualified to say this is me."

It sounds reasonable to say that escaping is shameful but useful, but only if you can escape.

Stretching out his palm, a strange bottle that could be completely held in his palm appeared in his hand.

The bright red bottle contains unknown ingredients. When the bottle is gently shaken, it will make a strange sound. There is a spider logo carved with white paint on the bottle, and at the bottom is a spider sculpture that is about to open its mouth to prey.

This world does not lack all kinds of tragedies, nor does it lack protagonists.

Although some things clearly know that even if you leave them alone, they will have a happy ending in the end, but...

"When all this is really happening in front of you, who can keep their expressions unchanged?"

He had obviously tasted the bitter consequences of being nosy not long ago, but why couldn't he control himself!

The hand holding the spider evolution bottle was squeezed hard, and just like a magic show on TV, the bright red bottle disappeared in the same way.

Chapter 4: Going out in the middle of the night is definitely not good.

It has to be said that Lin Qiao's attitude has become very negative since he traveled to the world of "Tokyo Ghoul".

In the past two months, he had barely left the house unless necessary.

Because of everything that happened in the resurrection game, he subconsciously didn't want to have any contact with other people, and he didn't even pay attention to the tasks issued by the system.

There is no time limit anyway. Apart from not being able to leave Tokyo, the system basically has no restrictions on him.

There is no study, no life burden, and no one urging him to find a partner. On weekdays, he is free and free to do whatever he wants. Even if he stays up late playing games and eating snacks, he does not have to worry about dark circles or gaining weight. Almost everything is done. It's perfect.

If that's the case, why bother fighting?

Simply put it on display.

With the identity and funds arranged by the system, he lives a life of a dead house every day. As for what happens in the outside world, what does it have to do with him?

He has no intention of becoming a city vigilante. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It has nothing to do with him...

Although this kind of thing is not his concern, whenever something happens in front of him, he will regret it at the last moment and forcefully get involved.

"I never realized before, am I so nosy... or is it just a whim?"

It should be both.

He sighed in his heart, just like people would feel sad when seeing wild cats and dogs die in front of them, but would only say a faint "oh" when seeing the death of a stranger thousands of miles away.

Lin Qiao doesn't mind doing things within his ability. If someone asks him for help, he will also lend a hand to help the other person, but all this must be based on the premise that he can do it and will not harm him personally, so don't expect anything else.

For example, what he can do now is very limited.

Press E to search the scene to automatically deduce information, and then do a stupid elimination method based on the existing clues - if it is a game, then the investigation process is probably like this.

However, this garbage game in reality does not have such a convenient function, otherwise there would not be so many unsolved cases in the world.

Don't mention Conan or anything like that, it is really a big brain disease to replace anime with reality.

Moreover, even though the plot in Conan would make Edgar Allan Poe so angry that he would die again, the murderer is still a person after all, but here the species has changed, and the difficulty is doubled.

As for finding hidden clues...

Not to mention that almost two weeks have passed, and it rained heavily in the meantime, which can wash away all the clues overnight. Even if you find them, will they be useful?

Even experienced police officers can't find the whereabouts of Mitsui Kota, so why is he, a person who has never added anything to the profession of "detective" since birth, intervening?

A layman guiding an expert, in the words of a former captain named Fan, I'm afraid he doesn't even care about his face.

"Although his face is not worth much, he can't do it if he can't do it."

In the middle of the night, Lin Qiao lay on the bed tossing and turning and couldn't fall asleep.

——He suffered from insomnia again.

On the one hand, he slept too much in the park during the day and couldn't sleep at night.

On the other hand, his need for sleep has decreased a lot now. Two hours of sleep a day is enough. Even if he doesn't sleep for three or four days in a row, he won't feel any obvious discomfort.

To be honest, he misses the days when he could sleep until noon.

"But now, it's actually pretty good... If it was before, I should be playing games right now, right?"

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