Then he stayed offline for two or three days and argued with his teammates, telling them in beautiful Chinese how to die.

But that has become history.

Lin Qiao felt sad when he stood up and looked through the door at the small house that looked like a typhoon.

A few days ago, the CCG investigators and the ghouls had a fight at his doorstep, and then because of his intervention, the fight at the doorstep turned into a fight inside the house.

The demolition effect was much more powerful than that of a dozen huskies. At least the huskies demolished the house after the people left, but this time, they demolished it in front of him!

His blood pressure went up!

Lin Qiao, who had completely lost his sleepiness, yawned and climbed up from the wrinkled bed.

"I feel like if this continues, I'm going to grow mushrooms... Forget it, let's go out for a walk."

As he said this, he stretched his body. He was not complaining about anything, but simply because he was too idle at home, he went out to breathe fresh air.

Although going out for a walk in the middle of the night always makes people wonder if he has a brain problem, but... who makes him have so much free time, he can go anywhere.

After getting dressed and washing his face with cold water, Lin Qiao walked out of the room, closed the door casually, and left without locking it.

Anyway, the house has become such a mess, there is nothing valuable, and there are a lot of rags, so just throw it away, and don't feel bad... No, it's better to say that it's better that way.

Just think of someone cleaning the house for free, so he doesn't have to do it himself, and if he's lucky, maybe he can catch it when he comes back, and then ask for some spiritual compensation, which is a win for him no matter how you look at it.

This is a win-win situation.

Under the night sky, rows of street lights lit up in the dark, making the dark environment brighter.

Lin Qiao walked alone on the edge of the road, dragging a long back behind him. It can't be said that there are very few pedestrians around, but it can also be said that there are basically no pedestrians around, which makes him feel like he is the only one left in the world.

But if that's the case, maybe it's not bad?

You don't need to consider other people's feelings, you can do whatever you want. The only disadvantage may be a little lonely, but what can you do about it?

He is alone in this world, and there is nothing to worry about.

Throwing out the messy second-year thoughts in his mind, the evening breeze blowing in his face made him feel comfortable.

There are really not many people who choose to go out at this time, or most of those who say it are not serious people... Why choose this time to go out, don't you have any idea in your mind?

There are quite a lot of people in places like bars and KTVs, but Lin Qiao really doesn't want to go.

First, the environment is too noisy and the people are complicated.

Second, he doesn't know anyone, and it's meaningless to go alone.

"Why don't we find a place to eat something."

Lin Qiao thought so. It's still a long time before dawn. Compared with being outside in the wind all night, it's better to find a comfortable place to sit down and eat and drink, and use wifi by the way.


"That being said, it seems that few stores are still open at this time."

Not to mention the well-decorated stores like izakaya, there are no roadside stalls.

He kicked the can in front of his heel out of boredom. The brightly packaged metal can slowly rolled forward, colliding with the ground and making a gurgling sound, breaking the quiet atmosphere around him.

To be honest, that kind of sound seemed a bit... scary in this environment. If it was put on a hell filter, it could probably be a horror movie.

However, Lin Qiao himself did not feel that way. Instead, after seeing the trash can not far away, he was like countless foot-bound Hades possessed, raised his foot and shot a powerful shot.


After the can drew a nearly straight line... as expected, it did not go in.

With a muffled sound, it bounced to the side, and then-

"Woof woof woof woof woof!"

The stray dog, whose head was hit for no reason, left cursing, and before leaving, he did not forget to glare at Lin Qiao, the culprit.

Such a humane performance made Lin Qiao look at it twice more, thinking whether to go to the pet store to buy a cat or dog in a few days. After all, sometimes being alone is quite lonely, and petting cats and dogs can effectively relieve stress...

But back to reality-

Although having a fluffy animal at home is healing, as a person who even has a hard time raising himself, it is really difficult for him to have another pet at home. Who knows, it may die while raising it.

In terms of worry-freeness, plants are better, especially those with strong vitality. Just throw them on the balcony and water them every now and then...but other than that, there seems to be no advantage.

At least you can play with animals. If you change them to potted plants, you can't let them catch frisbees, right?

Beep, beep--

But just when Lin Qiao was struggling to find a pet store after dawn, there was a sound of a car crash not far away, followed by the sound of cars constantly alarming, which was extremely harsh at night.

"No, how many dishes did you drink so much? Can you cause a car accident?"

In this kind of road conditions where you can't see anyone for hundreds of meters, even a novice who just got a driver's license will not have any pressure. Those who can get into an accident in this situation are either drunk or playing "Need for Speed" and can't tell the difference between reality and the game.

"Let's go and take a look."

Based on the principle of watching the excitement, Lin Qiao began to move towards that place.

The place where the incident happened was not far from him, and he arrived there in a short while.

It seemed to be near an unfinished building. The surrounding lights were extremely dim. There were no street lights when walking deeper. If something really happened here, it seemed understandable.

But it was slightly different from what he thought. As soon as he approached, some rustling sounds came into his ears.

Similar to... a dog gnawing bones?

It was a bit close, but it felt much more violent. If you have to compare it, it was probably the sound of a wild beast tearing the flesh of its prey, and the prey was not dead yet.

"This doesn't look like a simple car accident." After two seconds of silence for the people inside, Lin Qiao sighed.

Without any intention of avoiding it, the further he walked, the stronger the smell of blood became.

Of course, the creatures that made such a sound could not be wild cats and dogs. At least these little guys who survived in the cracks of the city generally would not actively attack humans.

When passing by a white van, Lin Qiao couldn't help but stop and look sideways. Half of the body of the van was stained with bright red blood, and the door was severely deformed, as if something had hit it.

A little further away, two monsters that could only be said to be barely in human form were lying on the ground feasting on a person's body.

The reason why they are called bodies instead of corpses is that the two unlucky guys have not completely passed out, and they are even conscious, with faint whimpers coming out of their mouths.

"It's really bad..."

In all senses.

It's better to die cleanly than to be eaten alive. At least with the same ending, the latter won't suffer too much.

On the other side, a man dressed quite socially slowly crawled outside, his hands and feet trembling because of fear, for fear that the noise would attract the attention of the two monsters.

He was able to survive until now just because of good luck, and his two companions attracted the attention of the two monsters at the first time.

".... Save me... Please save me..."

Tears and other liquids flowed down his face.

Perhaps they were attracted by the food in front of them, or perhaps they didn't care about the man's slow escape speed. In short, the two monsters who were eating in big mouthfuls did not stop the man's actions.

"So why did you stay up late at night and run out to fool around? Look, it's all right now."

As he said this, Lin Qiao took out the red evolution driver.

Chapter 5 How about taking me with you?

If you want to use a word to describe Takeda Daisuke's mood at this time, it is-regret.

Fucking regret!

He didn't know what he regretted specifically, maybe all aspects.

Time goes back a little bit.....

As a member of the Yamashita Group of Tokyo Gang, Takeda Daisuke has joined the Yamashita Group for nearly ten years, and can be said to be an old man in the group.

Although his main job is to collect protection fees, a job that even a new brother who has joined for a month can easily complete, his status in the Yamashita Group is not low (he thinks so).

The reason is quite simple. First of all, the current boss of the Yamashita Group, Yamashita Makufu, rose to the top by means of overthrowing his superiors.

This filial son successfully killed his father and two brothers a year ago, and after a large number of opposing forces, he successfully sat on the throne of the second generation of the Yamashita Group.

In this dispute over the successor, Takeda Daisuke very cleverly stood on the side of the third son, Yamashita Makufu.

Facts have also proved that this may be the most correct thing he has done in his life.

Although he was just a small figure before, and the so-called standing in the team was just a slogan, after the second generation came to power and purged a large number of people, resulting in a certain degree of shortage of manpower in the Yamashita Group, he, a small character with the merit of following the dragon, naturally entered the eyes of the second generation and became the most trusted (self-perceived)... henchman of the other party.

On the surface, he is still responsible for collecting protection fees, but that is only on the surface. Privately, the second generation gave him an important task - delivering goods to the business partners of the Yamashita Group.

Ahem, although it is a job of running errands, can it be the same as running errands for the second generation?

He vaguely remembered that the second generation patted his shoulder and told him: "Come on, Takeda, when the Yamashita Group becomes the number one gang in Japan, you will be the hero of the group."

These words instantly moved Takeda Daisuke, who dropped out of junior high school, to tears.

"Such an important job was given to me. The second generation really has me in his heart!"

With this idea in mind, whenever he received an urgent overtime call from the second generation's secretary in the middle of the night, he always got up from the bed without complaint and drove to the transaction site.

In general, this matter is still quite dangerous. If you find it, you have to squat in the account, so the transaction is usually carried out at night. Of course, he can be sure that what he sent is definitely not drugs.

The business of the Yamashita Group includes but is not limited to loan sharking, money laundering, hacking people and watching the scene for others, etc., which are written in the criminal law, but it does not include drug trafficking.

This is not because of a change of heart, but because I can't get involved.

High EQ: Our organization still has a huge room for improvement.

Low EQ: It's a waste!

As a new Yakuza organization, the Yamashita Group has been established for some time, but it still has a considerable gap with those old gangs.

And the huge profit cake of drugs has long been divided up by several old-fashioned gangs.

As a latecomer, the Yamashita group can't even drink soup, let alone the leftovers. If they want to lick the plate at the table, they have to look at other people's faces.

They are not without temptation, and they plan to force a share of the pie.

However, the fact is that if the Yamashita group dares to make a little trick, they will be beaten by several big brothers.

Not to mention that the Yamashita group is now seriously injured, it is good enough not to be troubled, and there is no need to add to the trouble.

Of course, having said so much, the above things have nothing to do with Takeda Daisuke, and he can't intervene in any decision made by the group. After all, he is only responsible for running errands for the big guys above... It's a bit tiring, but it's not shameful to cultivate qualifications.

This time is the same as usual.

After driving the car to the agreed place and waiting for a while, the person sent by the buyer came.

The other party was also very punctual and arrived at the right time. However, in order to show his sincerity, the second generation usually let Takeda Daisuke arrive an hour earlier.

"Hey, long time no see Mr. Takeda, you are the one delivering the goods again this time."

"Look at what you said, who else could it be but me? Haven't I always been doing this job?"

"That's true... How was it, did you encounter anything on the way?"

"Don't worry, everything is safe, no one noticed."

As soon as the two sides met, they chatted and laughed. There were only two people responsible for receiving the goods. It was not the first time that Takeda Daisuke met them. Everyone was running around.

Although he was worried that the other party would turn against him when they first met, they became more familiar with each other after a few times, and there was nothing to be nervous about.

He even planned to go to Kabukicho to find a woman to practice swordsmanship.

"As before, the goods are all here. Do you need to check them first?"

"Then I'd better obey your order. Oh, by the way, this is the payment for the goods. Please count them."

According to the usual practice, the money is exchanged with the goods, which is similar to what is shown in the movie.

But for the sake of concealment, there are not as many people as in the movie, with more than a dozen people gathered together at any time. After all, it is easy to be targeted when there are too many people.

Give a suitcase to Takeda Daisuke. What is inside is self-evident. Just by the heavy weight in his hand, he knows that it probably contains a huge amount of money that will allow him to live a comfortable life for the rest of his life.

'It would be great if it were all mine. '

Although he is loyal to the second generation, greedy thoughts like this still inevitably appear in his mind, but most of the time they are just a flash.

If he really dares to put it into practice, he will be gone!

But just when Takeda Daisuke thought that everything would go smoothly this time as before, an accident happened...

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