"Safe? Who gave you the courage to think so?"

The demonic voice sounded again. Even though the two sides were far apart, as a bat with extremely strong hearing, it still heard what the other person said.

Immediately afterwards...

Bang bang bang——!

As the sound of explosions sounded, Amazon, the bat flying in the air, instantly felt the sharp pain of tearing all over his body, especially his wings, which almost made him unable to fly.

And losing the ability to fly in mid-air, the consequences can be imagined.

Chapter 7 A hero of justice (4k)

——All kinds of martial arts, this is the smoke gun.

Falling from the sky to the ground, the battered bat Amazon swayed up from the ground. Black liquid like petroleum continued to drip from the wound. The bat wings that were originally like a noble cloak also changed at this moment. It looked like the rags on a beggar's body and looked extremely miserable.

It is obviously impossible to fly with such wings.

"It's been dragging on for a little too long, and it's time to end."

As Lin Qiao finished speaking, a flashy-looking weapon appeared in his hand the next second.

It clearly looks like a short sword, but it is equipped with things like a sniper scope and valves. Even the hilt of the sword is interspersed with small red, green, and yellow pipes.

Twist the valve slightly.

"Elek Steam!"

Along with the opening sound effect of the smoke sword's special cutting technique, gray smoke with lightning spurted out, instantly electrocuting the bat Amazon, which was trying to spread its wings to escape again, and the blue current continued to rage on its body.

This scene fell in the eyes of Takeda Daisuke, who was also shocked.

"That's... Kuink?"

Some people were not sure and muttered in a low voice. If it was true, it didn't look like it.

Although he has never dealt with a ghoul investigator before, there is a saying that goes like this: Have you never eaten pork and seen a pig run away?

He still knows a bit about iconic gadgets like Kuink, or in other words, there are only a few people who don't know about them these days. Just search the Internet and you will find hundreds of related videos.

However, no matter how much Kuink's style changes, the overall style remains the same. After all, the raw material is the hezi stripped from the ghoul, and it never changes away from the original.

But now this very technological... toy sword? Although I always feel something is wrong when I say this, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with Kuink. It can even be said to be the product of another style of painting.

It's just that no one will answer his doubts, and at the same time, the battle on the field has also come to an end.

"It's not bad. It hasn't fallen down yet, so let's try this next."

"Ice Steam!"

A layer of crystal blue energy was attached to the blade of the smoke sword, which looked very dangerous. Before the bat Amazon could react, several sharp slashes fell on it.

In the blink of an eye, a layer of frost appeared on Bat Amazon's body, and a terrifying cold air filled his body. White cold air continued to radiate around him.


so cold......

It was obviously a summer night, but it couldn't feel any warmth. Instead, the blood in its body seemed to be frozen into ice, as if it had been thrown into Siberia naked.

His body trembled, and he stepped forward like a hobbling old man.

The nerves in the body became numb due to the sudden low temperature, and now lost their original functions, acting like anesthesia, and the pain in the body slowly disappeared.

Kicking it to Spider Amazon, Lin Qiao held the joystick of the evolution drive in her hand.

"It's going to hurt a little bit next~"

As he started to turn the joystick, an exciting sound effect like a change of tune in the Ode to Joy came out of the belt, and the energy in his body continued to surge up.

Large and small light spots condensed under the feet, and then connected in series. It looked like a beautiful and unknown vortex like a nebula appearing on the soles of the feet.

Dangerous and beautiful.

"Ready! Go!"

The six black holes on his forehead flashed a red light at the same time.

Leaping high, the bright nebula energy was completely concentrated on the soles of her feet. At this moment, Lin Qiao became the most shining presence in the night sky.

"Killbus Spider Finish!"

Like a fleeting meteor piercing the night sky, the energy completely swallowed up the bodies of the two Amazons at the moment of being kicked, and there was no time to even let out a scream.

He was pronounced dead on the spot after being kicked more than ten meters and smashing into several walls.


With the vicious ending, everything calmed down, leaving only a mess and two corpses that were rapidly decaying and seemed to be burnt.

Cricket Amazon is nothing more than that.

If you were to switch to certain games, it would probably be to clear the level without any damage - under the premise that the data is completely crushed, victory is a matter of course.

Lin Qiao didn't feel relaxed when she saw this scene.

"It has not dissolved into a liquid. In other words, is it a Category 5 Amazon...?"

Things are in trouble.

He leaned over and picked up a blackened bone from the ground. Although the kick just now was loud and powerful, he had actually withdrawn his strength in order to confirm the changes in the body after death.

Amazon, an artificial life form, can be roughly divided into five categories according to the different birth processes.

Let’s put aside the first four categories for now. The most troublesome one is the fifth category, Amazon, which is a mutation of humans—although it is also the weakest type.

Judging from the feeling of the battle just now, the punching power of the heaven-sacrificing combination may still be in the single digit.

With such embarrassing data, even if it is placed in the pile of miscellaneous soldiers who are given away as soon as they appear, it is still the kind of bullying.

It sounds a bit ridiculous, but the appearance of this thing also means a very dangerous signal, that is, the "lysogenic cells" as the source of infection.

The nature is similar to the T virus in the biochemical crisis, except that the infected people will not become zombies, but Amazon.

It is no exaggeration to say that the harm caused by the outbreak of this thing is much more powerful than that of ghouls. If it is not handled properly, it is not impossible to turn everyone in the city into bloodthirsty monsters.

The picture is really numb.

"But the question is why this thing spread, or what's the point of doing this?"

After dealing with both Amazons, he finally had time to think about this problem.

In summary, there are two reasons - accidental and man-made.

As for the former, there is nothing to worry about for the time being. It may be simply because the other traverser was in a bad situation and was beaten up, and a part of his body was left behind, such as blood or something.

Finally, by chance, it flowed into the water and became a source of pollution.

This situation is easier to deal with.

But if it is the latter, the nature of this matter is not so simple.

It's like a certain Korean country got a missile system from Rende Dad, but said that it was just for self-protection. Who the hell believes this! ?

Especially under the premise that the system, this bastard, intends to let them fight among themselves, it is really hard for him not to think about this.


He sighed helplessly: "I just want to live a peaceful life, why are there more and more troubles... And, I have a lot of troubles, can't you be a little more content?"

Raising the smoke gun and pointing it behind him, Lin Qiao pressed the trigger without looking back.


The energy bullet shot from the muzzle brushed against Takeda Daisuke's scalp and instantly pierced the window of the van.

A burnt smell came from above his head.

"After all, I saved your life. Don't you think it's chilling to leave in a hurry without saying hello? The unknown gentleman over there."

Ignoring the other party's obviously ugly face, Lin Qiao walked over and put his arm on his shoulder in a familiar manner. His height of nearly two meters formed a sharp contrast with the latter.

Although he didn't use much strength, Takeda Daisuke felt that his body was about to fall apart.

He tapped the other person's face with a smoke gun: "Look, when the gun goes off, someone dies, and when someone dies, someone cries. When someone cries, they have to speak their mind. Come on, you have at least three things to say to me."

Is this... asking for a reward?

Thinking of this, Takeda Daisuke put on a painful mask in the next second.

Not for anything else, just because it hurts!

Hum ah ah ah ah ah! Iron me! Get your hands off me!

He twisted his body and tried to break free, but found that the other person's arm was tightly clamped on him like a vise. If he really moved, he would only get hurt.

"....Yes.....Yes, thank you very much for your help tonight. I am Takeda Daisuke, a member of the Yamashita Group. If you need anything, just tell me."

He tried to put on a bowing posture, cold sweat kept oozing from his forehead. He struggled in vain and just wanted to end it all as soon as possible.

"Not this sentence."

"I understand, I understand! Your Excellency has done me a favor this time, and I have no way to repay you..." As he said this, he opened the box filled with money, revealing the banknotes stuffed inside.

"——You are not only my benefactor, but also the benefactor of the Yamashita Group. Please accept this little gift!"

It's not his money anyway, so he doesn't feel bad about using it. As for the second generation asking about it later, he can just give it to the two cannibal monsters.

In any case, everything will be fine if he can leave here.

"Your attitude is good, I will accept the things, but this is not what I want." He raised a finger and shook it in front of the other party.

"Ah, this..."

Takeda Daisuke's face froze, and he was a little at a loss. To be honest, this was the first time he encountered such a thing.

It's not for business, nor for money, so what are you looking for?

Even if you want to play with me, you don't play like this.

As if she saw his doubts, Lin Qiao smiled and lifted her hand from Takeda Daisuke's shoulder. The latter took a few deep breaths and shrank back in fear.

"Since you can't guess, I'll give you a hint."

She reached out and knocked on the door of the van, and raised her head towards the inside as if she meant something.

"Do you understand now?"

"No, I don't understand what you are talking about..."

"Then I'll give you another hint."

Lin Qiao raised her hand and shot out a spider silk from her wrist. After drawing a white track in the air, the end of the spider silk entangled something and then dragged it over little by little.


Takeda Daisuke swallowed his saliva and glanced at the steering wheel next to him.

The distance was so close that he could almost reach the door. The door was not locked and the key was still inserted. He just had to walk in and step on the accelerator...


In the blink of an eye, there was a black bullet hole on the driver's seat of the car, with a faint smoke floating on it.

"Sorry, it went off accidentally."

It was a very insincere apology, and even a fool could see the warning in it.

Takeda Daisuke, who was scared and sweating, had no choice but to restrain his thoughts.

There was no doubt that if he dared to make any unnecessary movements, then the next step would definitely not be just a warning.

The other party might not kill him, but it was hard to say what they would do specifically... Some things in this world are much more painful than death.

The spider silk quickly contracted and dragged the tied thing in front of the two people - it was one of the unlucky guys who was eaten by the two Amazons before.

"Mr. Takeda, this is the last chance, are you really not going to say anything?"

"... To be honest, I really don't know what you are talking about..." After a pause, he pretended not to know and continued: "If possible, can I leave first?"

"What do you think?"

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