
Takeda Daisuke’s mouth twitched fiercely, and I thought, I fucking thought you could let me go, okay?

Lin Qiao ignored the man who was still trying to perform. He looked extremely innocent. If it were an outsider, he would probably think that he was deliberately making things difficult for him.

He was a master at pretending to be confused.

“But since you said you don’t know anything…”

He mercilessly threw the still gasping “person” in front of Takeda Daisuke.

His torso had long been eaten by Amazon, and some places were even left with only bones, and even his internal organs were exposed to the air.

Such injuries would have killed an ordinary person ten times. The blood loss alone was enough to kill him, not to mention other injuries.

It was more realistic to contact the crematorium first than an ambulance.

But he was still alive, very weakly alive.

Even though it looked like he would die at any time in the next second, at this moment, the heart in his chest was still beating.

At the same time, the pupils of both eyes turned blood red, and the whites of the eyes turned black.

"Then can you explain why your two companions are ghouls?"

"I... I don't know them, we just met by chance!" Takeda Daisuke's face showed a trace of panic, and he looked away.

"Don't know them? This is really a good excuse, but..."

The next second, Lin Qiao's fist brushed past him.


Like the sound of a cannon explosion ringing in his ears, the huge sound scared Takeda Daisuke, and while his eardrum was hurt, the door of the van was punched through, and countless glass shards were scattered all over the ground.

"You're wrong about one thing. I'm not a policeman. The law doesn't mean much to me, and you have no room for bargaining!"

Chapter 8 Not now (4k)

Grabbing the gap on the door, with a tooth-grinding sound, in the horrified eyes of Takeda Daisuke, Lin Qiao pulled the door off easily like tearing paper, and the things inside were exposed.

——It was a full car of sacks.

There were at least a dozen of them, stuffed with bulging things, and at first glance it was impossible to tell what was inside.


As if stimulated by the outside world, one of the sacks moved slightly and made a tiny sound.

Takeda Daisuke's mind instantly became blank, as if his browser history and secret folders were exposed in front of all his relatives and friends.

What to do, what to do, what to do, what to do?

It would be terrible if that thing was discovered, even the second generation couldn't save him!

No, it should be said that the second generation would be the first to want him dead.

Suicide by eight bullets is not as simple as the jokes circulating on the Internet!

His brain was working rapidly, his lips turned pale, his legs kept shaking, and he hurriedly explained in front of him with a panicked look.

"Please, please wait a moment, we think there must be some misunderstanding, and the things in it are just some, some local specialties..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Qiao threw him aside, and with a light wave of the smoke sword, the things wrapped in the sack were revealed.

A sleeping woman.

She looked to be in her early twenties, her body was tied with ropes, and a towel was put in her mouth. It seemed that she was given some hypnotic drugs, otherwise she would not have been sleeping so noisy outside.

"Hey, where are the specialties, Tokyo specialties and Tokyo people?"

Haha, what kind of hell joke is this.

In addition, the two who came to collect the goods before were ghouls, so the answer is naturally obvious.

‘It’s over, we’ve been discovered…’

The Yamashita Group’s business is indeed not drugs. It’s one thing that they can’t get involved, but more importantly, they already have an excellent substitute—people.

After all, compared to drugs that take time and cost to make, people are much simpler and easier. There are tens of thousands of people in Tokyo alone, and there are sources of goods everywhere.


You can earn more without conscience.

Besides, if you really have a conscience, who would go to the underworld? Isn’t it better to find a factory to work?

Anyway, it’s not uncommon for a few people to disappear these days, and there are fewer people who pay attention to it than those who watch celebrities cheating.

As long as you are clean and don’t leave any traces, there is no problem with everything else. Even if you choose to attack those illegal immigrants, homeless people and fat otakus, the risk will be further reduced.

No one will care about their existence… At least it should be like this!

"Then may I ask, what else can this master who pretends to be confused have to say?"

Faced with the question, Takeda Daisuke's heart instantly fell to the bottom, and the look he gave Lin Qiao changed from panic to hatred. If conditions allowed, he would definitely shoot twice at that hateful spider face...

However, this kind of thing can only be thought of.

When the long-hidden secret was exposed in front of him, his first reaction was: run.

The farther the better!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it! Why can't you just pretend that you didn't find anything? Since you saved me, get out of here!"

He shouted in anger from deep in his heart.

But before he ran far, a pulling force suddenly came from his legs, causing Takeda Daisuke, who was running away, to fall to the ground.

When he turned around, he found that a white spider silk as thick as a finger was tying his calf, and the red figure had appeared in front of him without knowing when.

The back of the man's clothes was instantly wet with cold sweat. It was not until then that he recalled the other party's ghostly speed before.

Escape was impossible from the beginning.

In this case, there is only one answer -

"I am very sorry! I feel deeply guilty for the crimes I have committed all the time. I will go to the police station to turn myself in!"

He knelt down and surrendered without dignity.

He knelt on the ground with his knees together, and his hands were pressed forward to the ground in an inward-facing position. The standard doge-za position was probably something that no Japanese could find flaws in. It was obvious that he had practiced it often.

Turning himself in... This was also the only way to survive.

Although he was very unwilling, there was nothing he could do, right?

He couldn't fight, and he couldn't escape. Now he could only hope for the other party's mercy.

Since he was obsessed with saving people, he should be similar to the superheroes he saw in TV animations when he was a child, right?

"He didn't run very fast, but he knelt quite neatly. He deserves to be a national intangible cultural heritage."

Lin Qiao was amazed at this island country's quintessence that she had only seen on the Internet before. He just turned himself in. Did he think I didn't dare to go to the police station?

Or was he sure that the second generation would protect him?

Probably both reasons.

Although I'm not interested in the twists and turns in the story, the other party's clumsy lies really made me laugh. What regrets...

To be honest, he just regretted being caught. If he really had a conscience, he wouldn't have turned himself in. He wouldn't have done such a thing from the beginning.

Anti-war defeat or not anti-war, it's an old tradition.

"So don't talk nonsense, tell me who the buyer is."


Takeda Daisuke didn't answer, but lowered his head even deeper, as if he wanted to completely sink his face into the shadows.

"I'm sorry....I.....I can't say..."


"....Please let me go, I still have family, if I say anything, they'll be dead."

"Threatening with family?"


"Is that so? Then there's nothing I can do. It seems I can only hand you over to the police."

He looked like he really couldn't do anything with you, and there was a hint of regret in his tone. However, when he heard this, Takeda Daisuke felt a burst of joy in his heart, even to the point where he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Sure enough, he made the right bet. The other party was a person with a strong sense of justice. Even a scum like him sympathized with him and chose to take legal action.

Ahhh, that's it!

A righteous hero is someone who protects people from monster attacks, so he naturally won't attack humans, just like no matter how much damage the Joker caused, Batman would only send him to Arkham.

Then things will be easy to deal with.

In the face of the victim's identification, he only needs to refuse to admit it, and then find a random charge of stealing a car to take the blame, and stay in the police station for two days.

No, not even a day.

Before that, the second generation will find a way to get him out of there, and everything will be the same as before. It is really a win-win situation!

"——So you don't really think I would say that?" Just when Takeda Daisuke was feeling lucky and thought he could escape, the devilish voice came again and broke his dream. Even a fool could hear the joke in it.

"Although I don't know what you misunderstood, I remember saying before that it was your last chance, right?"

"No, no, please believe me, I'm serious... Kaa!"

Takeda Daisuke, who wanted to continue to quibble, suddenly lost his voice, took a deep breath, and kept making painful sounds in his throat. Lin Qiao was grabbing his knuckles and twisting them in the opposite direction little by little.

Twisting fingers is obviously a trick used by children in a fight, but the pain caused will not decrease with age.

"Qiao, I'm serious too. Since you want to resist, you must carry it through to the end, so don't try to beg for mercy~"



After a numbing snapping sound, Takeda Daisuke's index finger was reversely broken into 180 degrees, and he also let out a heart-wrenching scream.

It is said that the ten fingers are connected to the heart, and it can make an adult cry and roll on the ground in pain. It seems that such a statement is not nonsense.

The inner fear and physical pain are stimulating Yamada Daisuke's nerves.

"I really don't know who the buyer is! After all, I am just a small person responsible for running errands! Just let me go... Gu!"

Feeling that the situation is deviating from his expectations, Takeda Daisuke curled up his body and retreated repeatedly, trying to persuade Lin Qiao, but the next second, his head was stepped on the ground by Lin Qiao.

Feeling the increasingly heavy force, Takeda Daisuke had no doubt that his head would be crushed like a watermelon by the other party's foot.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute! I'll tell you, although I don't know who the other party is, but I..."

"No, you don't want to say it."

The foot stepping on his head exerted a little force, making him hold back his words.

As the saying goes, he who knows the times is a hero. The opportunity has been given, and if you can't grasp it, don't blame others - this is a good opportunity for me to see the backbone of a top figure.

Bending his middle finger with his thumb, Lin Qiao looked down at the other party: "Speaking of which, do you want to play a number game? I remember there is an interesting way to play it - the difficulty is probably at the level of elementary school mathematics."

Taida Daisuke suddenly felt a chill, as if the world's malice was constantly being used. To be honest, if he could, he didn't want to play the math game that the other party was talking about, but he had no choice.

"What is 1000-7?"



"Ask again, what is 1000-7?"



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