"Go on, don't push me, what is 993-7?"



Facts have proved that there are differences between people. The male protagonist Kaneki Ken can do things all night long, but if he is placed on a passerby, he may become weak in a few minutes at most.

Of course, this is also due to the physical gap between ghouls and humans, and this is also the reason why Lin Qiao felt constrained at first.

After all, humans are no better than ghouls. They can recover after being disemboweled. If they are accidentally killed... well...

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't seem to be a problem. Anyway, there are two half-dead ghouls next to them. If they die, they will die. It's just a good time to recreate the classic "Oh, wash the kelp".

With this thought, he didn't have any scruples when he started taking action.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah--!"

The miserable roar echoed under the night sky. When all five fingers were broken off, and even the bones of the entire right arm were crushed into pulverized fractures bit by bit like bubble wrap, Daisuke Takeda finally couldn't help but completely collapsed.

Lin Qiao didn't even open his mouth, he just spit out all the information he knew like beans.

hateful! Where is the promised hero of justice?

Even prisoners have basic human rights, right?

"...please don't kill me..."

He was lying on the ground as humbly as an ant whose legs were broken by a naughty child. His voice became hoarse from the long period of wailing, and his tears were mixed with other liquids and flowed on the ground.

Looking at Takeda Daisuke who was screaming at his feet, Lin Qiao couldn't feel any sympathy in her heart.

He won't give himself a lot of high-sounding reasons, such as this is a necessary evil. If he really wants to say it, it's probably because he doesn't like the other party.

Very unpleasant.

"Speaking of which, when characters in novels are tortured, shouldn't they strive to die? Why did it change when it came to me?"

He grabbed Takeda Daisuke's hair and lifted him up. What came into view was the man's face intertwined with fear and pain.

"Is it because I'm too gentle to you, or for some other reason? Can you answer my questions, Daisuke-kun~"

"...No, don't kill me..."

"This is not an answer, but forget it, who calls me a good person?"

That's right, the instinct of living things is to survive. People who constantly beg to die like in novels should be just to save trouble... After all, who would want to die if they can survive?

Lin Qiao patted Takeda Daisuke on the shoulder: "Don't worry Daisuke-kun, no matter what you say, I'm not a devil and I won't kill you."

After all, you still have some use value.

After saying that, without waiting for any reaction from the other party, Lin Qiao stretched out his hand towards Daisuke Takeda, and a stream of thick smoke spurted out. The man shrouded in thick smoke twitched for two seconds before falling into a coma.

He turned to look at the sack containing the victim in the carriage.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he walked up, tore up the sack, tore off the tape covering his mouth, and released one person after another.

Although it is not impossible to choose to leave alone and leave directly, with so many people crowded together and covered in sacks, there is always a risk of suffocation.

——It was hard to escape the fate of being eaten. It would be too tragic if he died for this reason.

"As for now..."

With a flick of the gun, gray smoke spurted out from the muzzle of the smoke gun, completely covering his body.

When everything cleared up, Lin Qiao's body disappeared from the same spot, along with Daisuke Takeda and two half-dead ghouls.

"have they gone.....?"

Shortly after they disappeared, a pair of eyes opened among the unconscious people in the car...

Chapter 9 The woman who demolished the house (4k)

A few days passed quietly...

For ordinary people, everything is as ordinary as daily life. Those who should go to work go to work, and those who should go home go home.

For Lin Qiao, she took the opportunity to replace all the damaged furniture in her home. At least now she wanted to live in a place where she could live alone, instead of being a filming location for a documentary about the hardships of life for people at the bottom of society.

But there is a saying that goes well, spending money is fun for a while, but you will be cremated afterwards.

Then when he saw the bill, he almost burst into tears on the spot.

Fortunately, he remembered that he was a rich second generation in this world, plus he had extra income from the Yamashita group, so he stabilized his mentality.

There are no storms and no panic. The city is still peaceful, and people spend every day busy and peacefully...

At least that's how it looks on the surface.

"——According to the joint investigation by the CCG and the police, the Yamashita group has been trafficking humans to ghoul organizations for a long time. The evidence is now conclusive, and most of the members of the organization have been arrested in accordance with the law..."

"Let's review the case together..."

The female host on the TV recited the news in a serious manner, and the fat on her chest trembled. Her figure was completely the ideal male type.

There is reason to suspect that people who watch the morning news should do more than just watch the news.

I wonder what man doesn't like watching football?

Apart from this, the news on TV is still going on, but compared to the exciting good news before, the following news is a bit disappointing, or... indignant?

"..... But during the arrest, CCG and the police did not find their leader Yamashita Makufu, and several important members and their families in the organization, suspected of fleeing. Please pay attention to the general public. Please contact the relevant departments immediately after discovery..."

"The following is a list of personnel..."

I believe that after hearing this, there should be many people in front of the TV who will curse, such as complaining that "CCG and the police are really useless" and "wasting taxpayers' money like this".

At least the male owner of the house upstairs from Lin Qiao is doing this.

Loudly criticizing the inaction of the relevant departments, his weight of more than 200 kilograms shook the ceiling of the house and dust fell straight down. The complaining sound can be heard clearly even downstairs.

I am a little curious about who he is so angry for. If I remember correctly, he seems to be the only one in his family?

Keyboard warriors are annoying, but at least they don't disturb the public.

It's just that Lin Qiao can understand the thoughts of this kind of people. After all, the hidden venomous snake is the most dangerous.

Those who can do such things are obviously a group of desperate people who don't care about human lives. If they are really pushed to the limit, who knows what they will do. Indiscriminate attacks are not impossible.

He closed the window and turned up the volume of the TV with the mouse, just covering the complaints from upstairs.

At this time, the female host on TV was still introducing the information of those fugitives, among whom there happened to be a familiar figure.

He took a bite of the breakfast just taken out of the microwave: "You have made it, Daijie-kun, you are on TV."

Of course, there will be no one here to pick up his joke.

He is not worried about being retaliated by the remnants of the Yamashita Group.

Not to mention that there is nothing to worry about for a group of stray dogs who don't even know their true identities. Besides, even if they want to retaliate, they have to have that opportunity.

"Perceive the crisis, escape in advance, and then retaliate... For those scumbags, such a good thing can only happen in dreams."

Movies can forcibly violate logic for the sake of plot, but reality is hard to say.

Whether it is to obtain more information or simply to make his thoughts clear, he has no reason to let these people go.

After learning the location of the other party's lair, he went door to door that night and killed them all.

Except for those who were necessary to ask for information, including family members and pets, the rest were directly transferred to Tokyo Bay by him using a smoke gun, and then twisted their necks and thrown into the sea to feed the fish.

Facts have also proved that compared with Takeda Daisuke, an insignificant little man, these scumbags know much more.

——Ghoul Restaurant in District 7

This is the conclusion of intelligence he came to after combining all parties, and it is also the living hell where all victims will arrive.

Just by listening to the name, you can tell that it is a place where only ghouls will go.

Although it is a restaurant, it is different from the restaurant that most people have in mind. The building structure inside is more like the ancient Roman Colosseum, and it is essentially the same as a slaughterhouse.

What is most lacking in it is powerful ghouls, and the one who traded with the Yamashita Group is one of them.

Then the clues were cut off.

The other party's confidentiality awareness and confidentiality work are very good, and basically no traces are left. As the weaker party in the transaction, the Yamashita Group obviously does not have the ability to ask the other party to be open and honest.

Just kidding, it's not easy to meet a God of Wealth. What if the other party is unhappy and kicks you in the end?

As a tool, the Yamashita Group is undoubtedly very qualified.

The scumbags of Yamashita Makufu only know that the buyer is from the ghoul restaurant, and his background is very strong. Even in human society, he can get through unimpeded, and no other information is known.

If the police or CCG encounter this situation, it should be a headache, after all, there is too little useful information, but they have known this level of clues a long time ago.

But for Lin Qiao, it is enough.

"District 7... Tsukiyama Shuu, I forgot about this guy by accident."

Lin Qiao muttered to herself as she switched TV channels out of boredom.

The only person who could be related to the ghoul restaurant in District 7 and have such a high status was this young master nicknamed "Gourmet".

As for whether he would make the wrong target in the end...

"It's not too late to talk about it after killing that guy. Anyway, we can kill all the ghouls in the ghoul restaurant and guarantee that there won't be any false charges or wrongful convictions."

After finishing the rest of the breakfast in a few bites, Lin Qiao glanced at the wall clock and set off on his electric donkey.

Well, although he has a luxury car as a rich second generation, it's reasonable for Kamen Rider to ride an electric donkey these days when energy conservation and environmental protection are important?(? ? ??).

Well, the main reason is that parking is too troublesome.

A familiar sign appeared in sight...

Mitsui Emi was standing on the side of the road. Her face looked a little better than before. Maybe she had come out of the pain of losing her husband, or maybe she was used to it.

In any case, she had finally decided to leave here

Lin Qiao parked the electric bike aside, walked over to exchange greetings with her, and then took the door lock key.

She also boarded a gray car beside her, and drove away with the engine started.

Looking at the car that disappeared at the end of the intersection after turning a corner, he felt a little complicated.

After all, he was one of the few acquaintances in the world. Thinking about what he could do, he could only wish him peace in the future.

He walked into the printing shop next door: "Hello, boss, print something."

"Okay, wait a moment."

After a while, he handed him the printed things.

By the way, he asked the other party to borrow some tape, and Lin Qiao simply pasted the printed paper with the words "Store for Rent" on the door.

Then he was idle and watched TV series in the cake shop without tenants.

There was no way, the house had just been renovated, and the formaldehyde smell was too strong. Even if it would not cause any harm to him who had been strengthened, the smell was really unpleasant.

He was only 22 years old, in the prime of his youth, and should have worked hard to contribute to a better society, but he ended up having to retire at such a young age...

That was really cool!

The dream life of a worker is just like this.

"It feels good to be a useless person like this. Fighting wits and courage is not suitable for me at all."

The room was filled with an appetizing aroma.

Sniffing gently, there were still a lot of stocks left on the wooden bread rack, and they were all the best-selling styles in the store.

This can be regarded as a farewell gift left by Mitsui Emi for him.

Although the other party asked him not to care, saying that these were just leftovers, the color showed that they were just out of the oven not long ago, and you could still feel the residual heat on them when you picked them up.

Isn't this more worrying!

Lying lazily on the counter, staring at the screen of his mobile phone, yawning from time to time, it is really appropriate to describe his current state as a "lazy dog"

He looked down at the time on his mobile phone, and then looked outside the door.

Maybe it was because the morning rush hour had passed, or maybe it was because the road was in a bad condition, there were not many pedestrians on the road at this time.

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