"What's wrong? You look hesitant."

"Yes, they said they found something important, so they hope to show it to you in person."

This is a more polite way of saying it.


The wrinkled old face also showed more wrinkles as his facial expressions changed slightly.

This war criminal who participated in World War II and was considered the longest-lived, put his hands behind his back, wondering what he was thinking.

And his appearance also made Takemura Goro, who was kneeling on the ground, sweat for the people in Night City - I hope they can come up with something corresponding.

Otherwise, they will soon know what the price of teasing the emperor is.

After a moment of silence, Arasaka Saburo walked in a certain direction without saying a word.

And Takemura Goro, who was his personal bodyguard, stood up and followed behind him.

The servants along the way greeted the former respectfully, and it was hard to say whether the expressions on their faces were caused by respect or fear.

The two quickly walked to a separate room.

Just like any other room, it was spacious and full of Japanese style.

——The decoration and layout here are exactly the same as Saburo Arasaka's office at the Arasaka headquarters in Tokyo.

Every detail and item is exactly the same.

Even the small potted plants on the long table have their branches bent at an angle that has been precisely measured.

Sitting on his own throne, a huge holographic projection appears in front of him.

And what is shown on it is naturally the Arasaka executives who have been waiting for a long time in Night City.

"Lord Arasaka!"

The moment Saburo Arasaka's image appears on the projection, a group of people are shocked.

Then they remember Fujioka Kaoru's suggestion and immediately take the posture of sitting down.

And Tanaka, who is at the front, is even more trembling and can't help swallowing his saliva.

——He is the representative who will present the incident to Saburo Arasaka this time.

There is no way, he and Fujioka Kaoru are the only native Japanese present.

Although translation software is very useful these days, it is limited to "listening". Whether the pronunciation is standard is another matter.

If other people were to speak unstandard Japanese in front of Saburo Arasaka, they would probably annoy him and end up in trouble.

And Fujioka Kaoru volunteered to go to the scene to watch because of the sudden riot of the black box...

Then wouldn't he be the only one left?

Chapter 326 The hope of immortality

"I am very sorry to bother you in your busy schedule, and thank you for agreeing to our rude request..."

"Enough, I am not here to listen to your apology."

Waving his hand, Saburo Arasaka emphasized his tone.

But it was this change that made Tanaka's fat body sweat.

"Since you can sit in the current position, I believe you will not do those boring things for no reason, so I also look forward to you to produce satisfactory results for me."

"Yes, as you said..."

Tanaka nodded stiffly.

"But because this matter is too... bizarre, before I tell you, please allow me to show you the video footage of the scene at that time."

Give a look to the member of the counterintelligence department next to him.

The latter did not dare to hesitate and immediately uploaded the video prepared in advance.

That was the scene where the Arasaka support team was forced to press on the black box and then transformed into the Smasher during the battle with the Smasher.

In addition, there was also a scene where after taking it back, the internal staff of Arasaka wanted to test it, but was directly shattered by the sudden burst of energy.

"What is this...?"

Staring at the repeated images on the holographic image.

Arasaka Saburo couldn't help but frowned: "What's the matter with these metal monsters and the black structure?"

He has lived for 150 years, but in these 150 years, he has never doubted reality like today.

He turned his eyes to the people kneeling on the ground.

He knew that this group of people didn't have the courage to lie to him.

-So, is the content true...?

"Yes, just 14 hours ago, our military base in the east of Night City was hit by a meteorite, and the culprit was this black box."

"According to our speculation, this box is very likely not a product of the earth..."

He repeated the experience of the incident in simple and straightforward words.

As Tanaka spoke, Saburo Arasaka's attitude towards them also changed a lot.

Especially when he heard that Sasha was a special individual whose body was completely healed by the black box after touching it.

Although the change was not obvious, his tone towards Tanaka and others became a little more pleasant.

A kind of joy arose from the bottom of his heart.

He saw hope, the hope of immortality.

It was not through relic, which digitally uploaded his consciousness, but to some extent, it was equivalent to being replaced by a personality with the same personality and memory as himself, a compromise that could only be used when he had no choice.

That was the true immortality and eternal life.

Even putting this aside, judging from the power displayed, as long as they can continue to create such metal monsters and control them, Arasaka's power will be visibly improved.

"Where is the black box now?"

"Please rest assured that we have properly placed the black box in Arasaka Tower and have people guarding it 24 hours a day."

"Very well, you did a great job."

A casual compliment made Tanaka talk to him like a treasure.

He knew that his future was stable.

He shouted with all his strength: "Yes! Thank you very much for your approval!"


The shouts echoed through the meeting.

Saburo Arasaka raised his eyes and glanced at him. His voice was so loud. If he was born in his era, he would be suitable to be sent to the navy.

Of course, this is just a thought.

The top priority is to ensure that the alien creation truly falls into his hands, so as to avoid long nights and dreams.

"Next, I will ask all the Arasaka branches in the United States to cooperate with you, and we must send it to Tokyo as quickly as possible."

"This..." Hearing Arasaka Saburo's words, Tanaka had some hesitation on his face.

"If you have something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it."

"Yes, Master Arasaka, but I'm afraid we have no way to safely transport the black box back to Japan for the time being..."

Seeing that Saburo Arasaka's mood seemed to have deteriorated, in order to prevent the other party from misunderstanding that he and others wanted to rebel, Tanaka quickly explained:

"I'm very sorry to live up to your expectations, but the strong electromagnetic waves emitted by the black box will prevent the surrounding electronic instruments from functioning properly."

"Moreover, the black box itself will burst out some kind of energy irregularly, destroying everything around it indiscriminately. The interval is as short as ten minutes and as long as one hour."

"We haven't discussed a suitable method for this yet, so I'm really sorry!"

Hearing what Tanaka said, Arasaka Saburo's face became a little better.

He could accept this reason.

After all, he also knows that whether it is air or sea transportation, the entire process cannot be separated from the use of electronic devices...especially navigation.

——The United States is not close to Japan.

Without navigation and relying solely on the driver's own intuition, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get to grandma's house.

And combined with the characteristic of exploding from time to time, it is not impossible that it can sink directly into the sea midway.

As for taking the land route...

Not to mention whether military technology will come to cause trouble, well, it should be said that it will definitely cause trouble.

The sign "Arasaka" alone is attractive enough.

For ordinary people, the company's escort fleet is an existence that cannot be avoided; but in the eyes of caring people, such as the Luandao Society and other desperadoes, the company's fleet is a fat sheep.

There is definitely a risk, but maybe you can make a lot of money by cutting it off?

Not to mention that there is no direct road from the United States to Japan!

"Forget it, I'll leave the black box with you for safekeeping for the time being. Remember not to let any news leak."

"Yes! We will definitely live up to Master Arasaka's expectations!"

"Very good, then I will visit Night City in the near future."

Saburo Arasaka waved his hand and ended the conversation.

His skinny body leaned back on the chair.

Alien creation...

Immortal and immortal...

——Okay, that’s really great!

The corners of his mouth rose, and the wrinkles on his face deepened.

To be honest, he hasn't felt this kind of joy for a long time.

Even when we participated in World War II, flying airplanes, shooting machine guns at civilians on the ground, and dropping bombs on the crowds were not half as happy as they are now.


"Yes, Master Saburo"

"Make arrangements for me. I'm going to Night City. Also, don't let anyone else know."


Although Black Box cannot come to Japan, he can still go to the United States.

——He can't wait even one minute for this alien creation now.

and on the other side

After seeing Emperor Arasaka's face disappear from the holographic image, all those who took the Tuge seat breathed a sigh of relief.

It was only then that they realized that their backs were wet with cold sweat.

At this time, the door of the conference room opened, and "Kaoru Fujioka" walked in from the outside slowly.

"It seems I came back a little late. How about it? Is everything going well?"

"Fortunately...it's your loss for not seeing Master Arasaka's face, Fujioka."

Tanaka straightened his tie, his tone was far from friendly, and then he and the others walked out of the conference room without looking back.

They must be prepared before the master of Arasaka arrives.

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