"Is it a loss... If you can't face him now, it is indeed a loss."

Looking at the somewhat empty conference room for a while, "Kaoru Fujioka" murmured to himself in a low voice.

Then he looked at the tabletop, which was polished and polished, reflecting the portrait.

"Thank you for taking care of me all the time, so it's time to prepare for your exit."

Chapter 327 As the saying goes, if you don’t listen to others’ advice, you will suffer the consequences.

I don’t know if it’s because the CVs are all from Jinjiashan.

Just like an old bug who has lived for five hundred years and talks about immortality every day, Saburo Arasaka has an almost pathological obsession with the words immortality.

Regardless of the time it took to fly on the road, the old man Deng almost knew that his branch had found a treasure, so he quickly came to Night City.

On the apron at the top of the Night City Arasaka Tower, the aerial vehicle belonging to Saburo Arasaka slowly stopped.

Tanaka and other high-level officials from Arasaka went to greet him despite the strong wind on the roof.

As for Kaoru Fujioka, who was controlled by Lin Qiao, he was staring at the black box that was going berserk again - no one was trying to snatch it from him, after all, the risk was too high.

Apart from the basic guards, there are only a few of them here.

This was also in response to Saburo Arasaka's request to act in secret.

After all, even if he retreats behind the scenes, there are still many people staring at him. An open and honest visit to Night City will inevitably arouse unnecessary suspicion.

Especially my good son - Arasaka Yorinobu

After inspecting Tanaka and others, and drawing a pie for them.

He led a group of people and rushed to the underground where the black box was placed.

And this was Lin Qiao's first real meeting with this Class-A war criminal who was left over from the Showa era and escaped trial.

His dry body was full of wrinkles and age spots, and his eyes behind round-framed glasses aggressively looked at everything around him.

He wears a silver chain around his neck—these are his dog tags from when he fought in World War II.

"...Tsk, what a pity."

It's a pity that this old guy failed to live up to his expectations and was injured while flying a plane, otherwise he would have been arranged to join the kamikaze team.

As for the person following him, it was naturally the comedian Hino Hidetomo.

Otherwise, could he still be Goro Takemura? (laugh).

"Lord Arasaka, please forgive me for not being able to go there in person to welcome your arrival..."

Fujioka Kaoru bowed in awe to the skinny old man in front of him.

This is his original personality.

Because she really didn't want to kowtow to an old war criminal, Lin Qiao simply implanted part of her memory and thinking, and deleted some thoughts that were not beneficial to her.

Let Fujioka Kaoru's original personality surface and be responsible for receiving Saburo Arasaka.

"Thank you for being able to withstand danger alone and stay here, Fujioka."

He praised the man in front of him without any saltiness.

Although Saburo Arasaka's impression has always been one of coercion, but under fear, the combination of carrots and sticks is naturally unavoidable.

Occasionally giving a little sweetness to the people below, even if it is just verbal praise, can make them grateful.

“What’s going on with the black box now?”

"Yes, three minutes before your arrival, the black box had a brief and relatively weak burst of energy. Fortunately, no damage was caused."

At this point, Fujioka Kaoru paused.

He knew that what the other party wanted to ask was not these irrelevant questions, so he continued to add:

"Based on previous observations, the shortest interval is ten minutes, the black box should be in a safe state now."

"And as long as you don't come into direct contact with the black box, or get close during its outbreak, it won't cause any harm to the human body."

"Lord Arasaka, look..."

Saburo Arasaka nodded with satisfaction: "Since the time is just right, then take me to see the creations outside the earth first."

"Yes, please come this way."

Kaoru Fujioka nodded, then walked ahead to lead the way.

Because there was the elderly Saburo Arasaka following him, Kaoru Fujioka, a sixty-year-old "young man", naturally did not dare to walk too fast.

Using Fujioka Kaoru's perspective to observe the surroundings, Lin Qiao, who was far away on the other side, thought for two seconds and then shook his head.

There are a lot of people around. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are five steps and one post and ten steps and one sentry.

And there are an exaggerated number of surveillance cameras, peeking around at all times...

Although it's not entirely impossible, overall, this is not a good time to possess someone.

But it doesn't matter, there is no rush at this moment, after all, he has prepared a good show for this old guy.



A faint sound, similar to the beating of a heart, sounded in Saburo Arasaka's ears, causing him to stop.

"Lord Arasaka?"

"That alien structure is really restless. It's actually making a scene again."

"This..." He scratched his head pretending to be confused.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Arasaka, I don't understand what you mean..."

Saburo Arasaka narrowed his eyes and looked at the man leading the way.

"It seems that your recent work has made you too tired, Fujioka..."

Hearing this, Kaoru Fujioka immediately waved his hand "nervously": "No, no, no! I don't mean to offend you, but I really don't know what happened!"

Saburo Arasaka turned his head and looked at Goro Takemura, the personal guard on the side.

"Master Saburo, nothing happened just now."


His eyes moved to the others again, but they all got the same answer.

Am I hallucinating?

Saburo Arasaka had such doubts, but immediately denied them.

Because the heart-like calling still continued to ring in his ears... but it seemed that he was the only one who could hear it.

That kind of sound had a vague and unique attraction to him.

——I am special.

I don't know why, thoughts like this arise from the bottom of my heart.

Normally, the moment such thoughts arise, Saburo Arasaka will become alert.

But his miraculous dog-licking stance left him without the slightest doubt.

And the thoughts that Lin Qiao implanted into him also caused the Chuuji soul engraved in Arasaka Saburo's DNA to begin to burn.

——Although this kind of thought implantation cannot control people, it can only make people have certain thoughts.

But through subsequent guidance and hints, it is still possible to deepen it a little bit.

Soon, the group of people arrived at the storage room which was sealed off at all levels.

Looking towards the center of the room through the thick bulletproof glass.

It was empty except for the fake Pandora's Box that Lin Qiao had created using genetic factors, which was placed on the central display stand.

The surrounding ground was also extremely damaged.


After entering the room, the sound of heart beating echoing in my ears became more and more obvious...

And accompanied by some kind of vague call.

——The most important thing is that it seems that only he can hear this sound.

Black Box...do you want to express something to him?

"Open the door, I want to take a closer look at the black box."

"This...may be dangerous..."

"I said open it."

There was no change in his tone, he just repeated what he said before.

But no one dared to disobey his will.

Kaoru Fujioka looked like "I am also doing this for your own good" and reluctantly opened the isolation door.

Approaching step by step with slow steps.

But he did not lose his mind after all.

When he was less than ten meters away, he stopped.

"It's so beautiful..."

After looking at the black box in the center for a while, Saburo Arasaka sighed.

Although it looks like an ordinary black box, if you include the possibility of immortality...

It is no exaggeration to say that in his eyes at this moment, even all the works of art accumulated by mankind over thousands of years cannot compare to a corner of the structure in front of him.

And as the distance between them got closer, the faint whisper in his ear seemed to become real.


"Is there something you want to express?"

After taking two steps up again, the whisper became real.

——Took the bait.

At this moment, Saburo Arasaka also clearly heard the content of the whisper.

【surprisemotherfucker! 】


However, before he could react, a blue light shot out from the surface of the black box.

The panicked shouts that no one expected and had no time to react hit Saburo Arasaka's body.

"Master Saburo!!!"

The moment the skinny body flew out, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Lin Qiao, who saw all this through Kaoru Fujioka's perspective, smiled extremely healthily...

So healthy that Lucy thought he was sick.

Chapter 328 A new tool man has appeared

Although the disobedient children at home mistakenly thought it was a sudden illness, they even suggested that Lin Qiao go to a mental hospital.

But I have to admit that everything went very smoothly.

Arasaka, the largest super company in the world... But to be honest, Lin Qiao was not originally considering them.

Although Arasaka is ranked number one in the world in terms of size, after all, his home field is not within the limits of this world - North America.

In comparison, the military technology of the same military industrial enterprises is much stronger.

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