He followed his feeling and found a random direction to move forward.

Since there are animals nearby and the vegetation is rich, it means there is enough food and water.

Although he has not felt thirsty or hungry until now, it is better to prepare some things in advance, and he can also scout the surrounding environment...


"Huh ah ah ah!"

Just as Lin Qiao looked around and moved forward carefully.

At a place some distance away from him, a bungalow collapsed.

A giant covered with some white exoskeleton armor, with only red muscle tissue exposed outside, directly broke through the ceiling of the house and let out a thunderous roar.

Armored Titan?

Although the distance was still far, the powerful perception ability after the transformation still allowed Lin Qiao to clearly see everything that happened there.

"Steam Break!"


But before he could make any exclamations, a purple destructive light bullet fired from the heel of the Armored Titan instantly killed the Armored Titan who had just roared.

With the powerful force of the light bomb explosion, the part above the chest of the Armored Titan had completely disappeared, and the huge body also fell to the ground.

The huge steam and heat emitted by the corpse completely blocked Lin Qiao's sight.


There is a fight ahead, do you want to join in?

Hand: Good, good, good!

Brain: Good you der! Run!

Without any hesitation, Li Nao decisively chose to take a detour.

By the way, for the sake of safety, he also broke some branches on the road, and then used the newly learned silk spinning ability to tie them to himself to cover the eye-catching red color on the surface of the body...

So why is it this color like a target!

Continuing to walk forward, leaving aside the Armored Titan that was killed instantly before, Lin Qiao did not encounter any other unexpected situations on the way.

Even if there was, it was just bad luck and was encountered by the mechanical life forms wandering outside.

Because they were all basic models, except for those flying in the sky, the others were easily solved by Lin Qiao.

It must be said that the map drawn by the system was really large. Even after walking for quite a while, the distance of the blue light curtain in Lin Qiao's eyes seemed to have never changed.

At the same time, the scale of this ruined city seemed to be larger than expected.

Even though most of it had become ruins, without vehicles, it was far from the size of the few buildings in the game that could be visited in a few minutes by sprinting.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to see that before the extinction of humans in this world, this place was probably a large city with at least several million people.

It's a pity that the whole city was weathered too severely, and it was impossible to tell which country it was originally from the language on the sign...

"Hmm? Flyers?"

Looking at the flyers posted on the wall, which were a little faded but still relatively new compared to the surroundings, Lin Qiao fell into silence.

The text on it was automatically translated by the system into content that he could understand.

[Thank you for visiting our store today]

[Aike Weapon Shop, a chain of weapon stores with 140 branches around the world, has a wide range of products, including swords that suit the customs and troops of various countries...]

The flyer with various swords as the background has an exaggerated advertising slogan... Is there such a thing in the game?

Lin Qiao recalled that it was a game several years ago, and he didn't pay much attention to the details when playing, so he was not sure whether it was there.

But it didn't matter. Although it seemed good to have a handy weapon, he didn't have money after all.

And why are they all melee weapons?

After looking at the posters, Lin Qiao continued on his way.

And the further he went, the more lush the vegetation became - this also showed that he was heading in the right direction.

He walked carefully for about ten minutes with green leaves hanging on his body, and a stream appeared in front of him.

The clear water washed over the asphalt road and flowed slowly along the not-so-steep terrain.

The accumulated erosion made this place lower than other places, leaving obvious water flow.

And because it is close to the river, the surrounding temperature is much lower than other places.

"It feels like a good place for barbecue."

If he hadn't crossed over yet, it would be good.

It's a pity that the weather here is still too hot... and most importantly, the timing is not right.

His eyes stayed on the moose drinking water by the stream for a few seconds.

The animals in this world are a whole circle larger than their counterparts on Earth... By the way, will there be more parasites?

Then he looked down at the fish in the stream.

Except for a few real fish, most of them are mechanical life forms that imitate the appearance of fish.

Looking around, in addition to animals, there are also many plants with wild fruits-I have to admit that this is indeed a good environment.

But despite this, Lin Qiao did not plan to stay here.

Firstly, this place is relatively close to the edge of the poison circle in the city, and I guess I will run away from the poison next time.

Secondly, it is also because the conditions here are too good...

Let’s not talk about food for now. There are so many bold and heartless herbivores wandering around the city, so there is basically no need to worry about food.

But water is different.

People can only live for three days at most without water... not to mention that the weather here is still so hot.

If there is no golden finger for survival specialization and no timely replenishment of water, it is estimated that I will get heatstroke first without anyone else’s help.

If I really live in this area, I am afraid that I will soon encounter other travelers and be forced to leave.

Therefore, compared to living here directly, Lin Qiao is more inclined to find a decent container, pack up enough drinking water for his survival, and find a place to continue to live.

Zila La——!

He casually threw the metal bucket in his hand on the side of the road... It was originally the body part of a mechanical life form.

He wanted to use this thing to hold water, but unfortunately the leakage was too serious and it was difficult to block it, so he had to give up.

Fortunately, due to the war between the androids and the mechanical life forms, there are still many containers that can be used as water tanks nearby... although most of them are broken.

But after a careful search, Lin Qiao still found two metal tanks that are almost equivalent to large water dispensers, plus a few dark green square gasoline barrels - there are many hook-shaped protrusions on his armor, which can just hang on.

"Speaking of which, there shouldn't be any idiots who choose to stay here?"

Just as Lin Qiao was squatting by the river to collect water for the water tanks one by one, a light red liquid suddenly mixed into the stream.

- Blood!

Although the smell was very light, he immediately understood the true identity of the liquid after his senses were strengthened.

So Lin Qiao became alert instantly, and the bucket in his hand was thrown aside.

At the same time, there was a strange smell in the air.

"What a good smell..."

Sniffing the air, it felt like the smell of barbecue.

Following the smell, he looked up in the direction upstream.

Just about a hundred meters away from him, a blazing fire was roasting a large piece of meat.

There was a bloody area next to it, with antlers, deer skin and internal organs put aside, and blood marks dragged on the ground.

And in the stream, a naked man was soaking in the shallow water very comfortably, floating down with the water...


As he made a carefree sound, he walked out of the cool water, and his sight just happened to meet Lin Qiao who was walking here.



Accidents are always so sudden-it's just that the scene is a little awkward.

".....Um, why don't you put on your clothes first?"

Otherwise, it's a bit unrefined in broad daylight.

Jiang Yuan, who heard this, remembered the set of Taimanin cosplay clothes he brought from the comic exhibition after his death...

"Or let's not do it..."


This friend, you are not right!

Before Lin Qiao could react, Jiang Yuan immediately grabbed a handful of pebbles on the ground and threw them at him.

Because after the extra, it's build, and then fate zero.

I want to combine the experiences of the first three volumes to create a Heroic Spirit card for the protagonist, but the inherent skills and treasures are really giving me a headache.

So I hope you guys can give me some suggestions, either here or in the comment section.

One hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words, one hundred words

Chapter 3 Baby Bus, Attack (4k)

How powerful can a handful of stones thrown casually be?

Generally speaking, unless you hit a vital point, it will only hurt a little.

But the result at the moment is that the power is beyond imagination.


The high-speed flying stones made a sharp sound when they rubbed against the air, and almost instantly crossed the distance between the two people.

Even though Lin Qiao had dodged to the side as soon as the other party made a move.

But the pebbles shot out like a shotgun, and three or four of them still fell on him.

Boom, boom, boom!

Just like the sound of heavy drums, the stones had already broken the moment they collided with his armor.

But the physical impact force carried by them still knocked Lin Qiao out.

"Hiss! It really hurts...!"

Several pits appeared on the scarlet armor instantly, and he gasped in pain.

This power has surpassed the anti-material sniper rifle...

But the weird thing is that the guy's throwing action just now was very slow, and it didn't look like he could throw it with pure arm strength.

But even if he didn't understand it, reality didn't give him that much time to think.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

The next second after Lin Qiao was knocked out, Jiang Yuan grabbed a handful of pebbles from the ground again and threw them at him.


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