He was about to take another wave of attacks, but the next second the world in Lin Qiao's eyes slowed down.

Acceleration mode——

It turned into a red afterimage that was difficult to detect with the naked eye and quickly left the place.

Bang bang bang!

The moment Lin Qiao disappeared, the wall of the building behind him was filled with holes from the high-speed flying pebbles.

"Damn, where did you go?"

Facing the enemy who lost track of him in the blink of an eye, Jiang Yuan quickly looked around.

And right behind him, two huge red spider legs spread out behind Lin Qiao.

The huge spider legs, which could easily pierce concrete like tofu, fell quickly towards Jiang Yuan who did not react.



The moment the spider's legs touched Jiang Yuan, they were uncontrollably thrown to the side. Two trees nearby were directly smashed in half by the spider's legs that bounced away.

Even Lin Qiao himself was affected by this and was almost thrown away on the ground.

"Fuck! What's going on?"

After stabilizing his body, Lin Qiao was a little stunned when the sneak attack failed.

Then Jiang Yuan, who later realized that he was being attacked, turned around.

"Oh, it turns out he ran to the back."

He raised his legs and stomped lightly on the ground.

With a loud noise, his whole body flew towards Lin Qiao like a cannonball.

Upon seeing this, the latter immediately ducked to the side in a somewhat embarrassed manner.


Jiang Yuan almost flew past Lin Qiao, and then hit the support column of the overpass's remains, completely breaking it.

Along with the breakage of the support columns, the remains of the overpass, which had experienced countless wind and rain, collapsed suddenly.

Countless pieces of moss-covered concrete fell from overhead, making a splashing sound as they landed in the stream.

Putting on a fighting stance, Lin Qiao looked seriously at the figure pressed beneath the concrete stones.

And as Jiang Yuan gently moved his hands, the stones that were pressing on him automatically bounced around... and at an unusually fast speed.

——If this is going to be hit, it won’t just be a pain.

He decisively turned on the acceleration mode to avoid the flying gravel, and then found a place to take shelter temporarily.

Jiang Yuan, who discovered that Lin Qiao disappeared again, began to search - it seemed that he planned to kill everyone.

He took a deep breath to relieve the tension in his heart.

He reached out and touched the place where his chest was hit by the stone. In just a moment, the dent on the armor had almost disappeared.

At the same time, there is no pain in the body - not even a little bit of residual soreness.

And it was only then that Lin Qiao had time to calm down and analyze the opponent's abilities.

"Something's wrong..."

This was all he felt after the fight just a few minutes ago.

It is undeniable that the series of attacks launched by the opponent just now are indeed very powerful...but it is because of this that it feels inconsistent.

After all, as mentioned before, his movement of throwing the stone was too slow, but the flying speed of the stone was abnormally fast.

In addition, when Lin Qiao used spider legs to sneak attack him before, he was directly bounced away... If he didn't break the defense, he would understand. Although he would be surprised as well, but the bounce was a little bit... Outrageous.

Last but not least, this guy can launch concrete blocks weighing hundreds of kilograms as cannonballs with just a flick of his hand; he can fly far away with just a tap of his feet... and his reaction ability cannot match that speed.

Otherwise, if the other party touches him when he flies out and passes by him just now, he will suffer some serious injuries.

In short, the series of attacks launched by the opponent before seemed not to be carried out by pure physical strength.

——So it is very likely to rely on some kind of ability.

His brain was spinning rapidly, but before Lin Qiao could come to a conclusion, a burst of sound came into his ears.


The bunker used for hiding was kicked to pieces.

As if consciously, the gravel flew towards Lin Qiao, who had dodged one step ahead.

Dang Dang Dang——!

He crossed his hands to cover his head, and the flying gravel collided with the biomass-filled armor on his body, making a dull sound.

Lin Qiao grinned. If it were an ordinary person, he would have been shot through.

He put down his hands and stared directly at Jiang Yuan in front of him.

"—Vector operations."

Although there is no guarantee that it is correct, the current information seems to be the only one that matches the other party's performance, so the possibility is not small.

‘Tsk, that’s hard to do. ’

A vector is a physical quantity with a direction, also called a vector in mathematics - just like the most intuitive gravity.

Under this ability, unless it is the magical skill of "Kihara Divine Fist" that draws back the force in the opposite direction at the moment of contact, allowing the fist to actively stick to oneself.

Otherwise, the effect of purely physical strikes will only cause him to be injured...

He glanced at Jiang Yuan who was walking out of the ruins.

Well, although the strategy is already in front of him, the "Kihara Divine Fist" is still too difficult for him...

And if he makes a mistake, he will most likely suffer a fracture, which is the mildest kind.

"So what about my novice protection period? Why do I encounter this kind of physical enemy that can defeat me for the first time?"

So what should we do now? This kind of enemy with built-in anti-armor is not easy to deal with.

Lin Qiao's claws were numb for a while.

Even if running away is also a solution, it seems that the opponent will not let him go so easily.

He entered the acceleration mode and swung his fists quickly, smashing all the gravel brought by Jiang Yuan, and then distanced himself from him again.

Hiss, hiss, hiss——!

After exiting the acceleration state, due to the inertia brought by the high speed state, and the fact that there was a lot of sand on the ground that weakened the friction, the soles of his shoes rubbed against the ground for a long distance before he stopped.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the acceleration mode is easy to use, it is better to reduce the frequency if possible.

After all, using this ability is also a burden for him now.....

Hmm? Burden?

Thinking of this, Lin Qiao seemed to realize something.

Admittedly, the opponent's vector operation ability is not very friendly to him who uses physical attacks as the main means, but this ability cannot be completely free of consumption.

And just like him, although he has obtained the power of Killbus, his strength is very different... It feels more like he has obtained the seed of power.

Therefore, Lin Qiao does not believe that the other party can develop to the level of Accelerator after only one day of obtaining the ability.

——If that's the case, he won't play anymore.

Eight eyes looked at Jiang Yuan. Now that he understood this, the method was very simple.

Take a piece of concrete from the wall and throw it at Jiang Yuan over there.

Although it is just an ordinary stone, with the power of Lin Qiao after the transformation, if it is really hit, it is estimated that it is not much different from being shot at close range.


The finger-sized concrete block flew at Jiang Yuan at high speed, who had not yet reacted.

Just as Lin Qiao guessed, in terms of physical strength and reaction ability, he was no different from ordinary people. Facing the stone flying towards him at a speed comparable to that of a bullet, he had no time to dodge...

But he had the ability of vector operation, so there was no need to dodge——


The moment the concrete block touched his skin, the situation instantly changed.

The stone that hit Jiang Yuan flew towards Lin Qiao at a faster speed...but the latter had already left the original place.

Seeing this, Jiang Yuan also chased after him.

The scarlet figure quickly shuttled through the ruins of the city.

Even without using the acceleration mode, with his normal running speed, it was enough to compete with a car with the accelerator pressed to the bottom, or even faster.

Coupled with the ability to fly over the eaves and walls..... It felt like playing the first-person "Prototype".

While running, Lin Qiao also picked up a handful of stones from the walls or the ground and threw them at Jiang Yuan who was chasing behind.

.....It's just that I don't know whether it was intentional or not, the place where Lin Qiao threw was exactly his lower body.....

Although there was no damage at all, and it would bounce back in the next second, it was definitely 100% insulting.

——Because of this, Jiang Yuan looked at Lin Qiao with his eyes almost bloodshot.

He jumped onto the roof of the abandoned building with all his strength, but Lin Qiao didn't dare to stop and continued to run without looking back.


Shortly after he left the place, the concrete under his feet was hit by Jiang Yuan who flew up from the bottom of the building.

"Fuck you! Don't run if you have the guts!"

There was an angry shout behind him, and Lin Qiao threw two stones at the opponent's lower body with his backhand, and then... Run!


Keep running!

You must not stop at this time.


Looking at the big red spider that only left a back again, Jiang Yuan, who was naked, was gnashing with hatred.

He really wanted to skin that hairy crab alive now!

In terms of pure speed, although the opponent is fast, he should be better than the opponent with his vector operation ability... But the problem lies here.

Although he is fast, his reaction ability and dynamic vision can't keep up.

If he just runs in a straight line, it's naturally no problem, but if he turns or makes a sharp turn, it will be difficult.

Often you need to pause in the middle to see the surrounding environment clearly before you can take the next step.

But Lin Qiao likes to go around.

This makes him, who has the advantage in speed, only eat dust behind the opponent.

Even if he wants to shoot down the stone thrown by Lin Qiao by reflecting it, it is difficult to capture the opponent's high-speed moving figure.

It is also vector operation, but unlike Accelerator, his vector operation relies on his own physical strength to operate.

Although it was convenient and more flexible to launch, he also lost his powerful calculation ability, which made him unable to use the calculation speed to calculate the opponent's foothold in advance and then take the lead.

——And what's worse is that Jiang Yuan is already tired.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, he had been chasing for such a long time, and his physical strength had been greatly consumed.

In addition, after meeting Lin Qiao, he didn't have time to eat the meal he had originally planned, and his physical strength could not be replenished...

In short, it would be disadvantageous for him to drag it on like this.

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