After waking up from the bed again, Katsuragi Takumi fell into such confusion.

Although he was hit by Lin Qiao, because the latter controlled the force and had a medical emergency gun, when he woke up, he no longer felt pain.

——Or that's why he woke up so quickly.

He came to a secluded park alone, and the noise along the way moved him a little.

The road was full of traffic and lights, which was completely different from the desperate future.

His face was full of complex expressions, and he looked up in a certain direction.

Seven years later, the sky wall will appear with that place as the center, and divide the country under his feet into three; and in another ten years, Pandora's Tower will rise there, and the terrifying alien named Killbus will also come to the earth.

What a desperate future that is.....

But now he is powerless, and even setting foot on the battlefield is a drag.

"Don't I have faith...?"

Sitting on the swing in the park, the slightly rusty iron chain made a "sizzling" friction sound that made people's teeth ache in the silent night.

Although I really want to refute this, unfortunately, both Lin Qiao's evaluation and the subsequent inspection of the genius bottle by the unbelieving superstitious have confirmed this.

Science is the only thing worth believing in, but science denied him today.

"Sure enough, you are here."


In his somewhat lost soul, Shinobu Katsuragi walked over with his back to the street lamp.

The skinny body blocked the light of the street lamp, but it made people feel at ease inexplicably.

"....Why are you here?"

Turning his head to the side, his tone was a little stiff.

The appearance of Shinobu Katsuragi made Takumi Katsuragi, who was originally in a somewhat unhappy mood, force himself to cheer up-at least he didn't want to show his cowardice in front of his father.

But for his pretending to be calm, Shinobu Katsuragi, as a father, did smile and recalled.

"When you were young, you liked to come here when you were alone and upset. I didn't expect that after so many years, this habit has not changed."

While sighing, Shinobu Katsuragi sat on the swing next to him.

"You are not in a very good mood. Do you have anything to say?"


He lowered his head and replied insincerely.

How long has it been since he sat with his father like now?

It seems that it has been almost ten years since the other party committed suicide in public and secretly went undercover under Evolto.

And after he finally recovered his memory and saw the other party, he was separated again because of the killbus in less than 20 minutes.....

The same thing was also placed in front of Shinobu Katsuragi. The person sitting next to him was not the child who kept running around him and was still in elementary school, but an adult who was mentally mature and missed his growth due to various reasons.

From being told by Lin Qiao that Katsuragi Qiao was missing to finding him, he was still a little at a loss.

'How should I face him? ’

The same question was put between Shinobu Katsuragi and Takumi Katsuragi.

Although they were father and son, there was an almost eerie silence between them.

It was as if there was an invisible wall blocking them on both sides - it was a high wall called time, which was built with 17 years.

“Hey, Takumi, can you tell me what happened in the future?”

After a long silence, Shinobu Katsuragi spoke first, taking the future as the starting point.


Takumi Katsuragi hesitated for a moment and then nodded to his father’s request.

Although in theory telling people in the past what happened in the future might trigger a chain reaction, he couldn’t think of such things at the moment.

In a slightly hoarse voice, he slowly told everything about the future.

However, since his memory was not synchronized with that of the battle rabbit, even if he heard others roughly talk about the later experiences, he only understood the general situation.

So the focus of the conversation was still on the ten years when Shinobu Katsuragi “committed suicide”.

"Did something like this happen..."

"I'm such an incompetent husband and father for abandoning my wife and children."

After listening to Takumi Katsuragi's description, Shinobu Katsuragi sighed with a heavy heart.

And his appearance also made Takumi Katsuragi, who was already unable to control his tears, unable to control his tears.

"No, father, you did nothing wrong! You had to do this to defeat Evolto and create a new world!"

As if to vent his dissatisfaction for many years, Takumi Katsuragi shouted hoarsely.

Fortunately, this place is relatively secluded and there are not many people around.

And Shinobu Katsuragi, who was standing aside, just remained silent. No matter what, it was indeed his fault to abandon his wife and children for ten years.

After a long while, he continued to ask: "What happened after that? Didn't I act with you at that time?"


"Is that so..."

Shinobu Katsuragi sighed with mixed feelings. Although the other party didn't say anything, he could probably imagine his own ending.

——I guess my future self won’t be very optimistic.

Katsuragi's eyes were red and he pressed his lower lip tightly: "...Father, am I very disappointing?"

He was called a "demon scientist" because of his cruel human experiments, and the knight system he developed triggered a war that killed countless people. In the end, he was even denied the genius bottle he created.

"Although I don't need to say it clearly, I know that what everyone is looking forward to is not me, but the person named 'Kiryu Sentu'..."

"But in that case, who am I!?"

No one wants to see a demon scientist like him compared to a warrior of love and peace.

Katsuragi himself knew this.

But it is precisely because I know this that I want to deny it.

He obviously did such a thing, even abandoned his conscience, and was called a demon scientist, but in the end he had to be denied by his past. He couldn't accept this kind of thing no matter what.

Unlike those who shout about bonds, beliefs, etc., science is the only thing he firmly believes in, and only science is his salvation...

But when the genius bottle became unusable, this last belief was shattered.


Katsuragi Shinobi did not respond in a hurry, but raised his hand and patted his head gently.

Katsuragi's body trembled, just like he remembered when he was a child.

Chapter 518 Accept another self

Although Katsuragi wanted to say that he had grown up, he did not say it even when the words came to his lips.

In the park, there were only the quiet cries of the demon scientist that no one recognized.

"As for me, I haven't seen you after you lost your memory, so it's difficult to make any specific comments."

Katsuragi Shinobu spoke slowly: "But listening to your and other people's descriptions, I really feel that the child called 'Kiryu Sentu' is very similar to you."

"...It doesn't look like that."

"No, it is indeed very similar."

Seeing his son's vigorous denial, Katsuragi Shinobu sighed and continued.

"You may not have the impression, but in elementary school...that is, you now, although your self-esteem is much stronger than others, you are indeed a person who is willing to open your heart and trust your friends around you wholeheartedly."

"...That was a long time ago, right..."

Katsuragi Shinobu laughed out loud: "Maybe it is like this for you, but for me, it is what is happening."

He didn't know what he thought of, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but grin upward...but then the guilt in his heart became even stronger.

Demonic Scientist….

What was revealed in just five words was that the title was derived from the accumulation of countless lives and corpses.

Even after listening to the other party's previous story, Shinobu Katsuragi still couldn't imagine that in the next 17 years, the child who would follow him and shout, "I want to become a scientist like my father and benefit all mankind" would be born. How did he go through the process of becoming that formidable demon scientist?

I just think it has something to do with the ten years I spent pretending to be dead...

He is really an unfit father.

The more he thought about this, the more bitter the expression on his face became.

"But, coincidentally, in my opinion, it's not that 'Kiriyu Sento' has replaced your existence, nor is it that you have obliterated him. You are the same person..."

"...I'm not as naive as that guy."

After all, was that really him?

Even if the body is the same person, there is nothing wrong with it, but there is still a difference in the core that really determines a person.

Faced with Katsuragi Takumi's unwilling argument, Katsuragi Shinobu shook his head and softened his tone a little.

"Didn't I just say that now... when you were a child, you really looked like the 'War Rabbit', do you remember?"

"Although your memory was erased by Evolto at that time, looking at it from another perspective, it's not like you left behind the burden of the past and was reborn with relevant scientific knowledge."



It seems that this explanation is indeed possible.

Shinobu Katsuragi glanced at the thoughtful Katsuragi Takumi and continued.

"To put it bluntly, a person's life is just a piece of white paper that is constantly painted over. Everything we experience is the color that time has painted for us. It's just that evolto's ability allows you to temporarily return to the state of white paper."

"But don't forget that white is our color at the beginning, but we apply too many colors on our bodies and forget it."

Yes, they are the same person.

Rather than seeing 'Kiryu Sento' as another personality born after amnesia, it would be better to say that his soul has not accepted the poison of society and has returned to the one-year-old Katsuragi Takumi.

The choice Kiryu and Usagi make is Katsuragi Takumi's choice, and Kiryu and Usagi's belief is Katsuragi Takumi's belief.

The difference between the two is that Katsuragi has grown up and can no longer see the world from an innocent perspective, while Sento is just a child who has grown up physically and has a huge reserve of knowledge.

Katsuragi hates Sento's innocence, just like when people grow up, they dare not look directly at their own dark history;

And the reason why Zhantu hates Katsuragi Takumi is because he saw himself running around and busy every day when he grew up, and was overwhelmed by mortgage and car loans?

Just like Emiya Shirou and Hong A, both sides dislike each other, but they have to admit that it is indeed them.

"Compared to escaping and resisting, perhaps what you need is to reconcile with yourself."


Reconcile with yourself?

Katsuragi Takumi fell into deep thought, and seemed to be really thinking about something.

Seeing this scene, Katsuragi Shinobu smiled. He knew that the other party had listened to his words.

But even so, no matter what, he still needed to give his son, who had always been precocious, some time to accept it.

He looked at his watch and smiled as he got up from the swing: "It's already this time, I will go back to check your homework, otherwise you will be unhappy again now. You are looking forward to this the most, and you give me your homework every time you finish it."

"....No! I'm not that naive!"

"Really?" Katsuragi Shinobu's smile became even stronger.

"But if I remember correctly, your favorite thing is to think that the questions in the homework are too simple, and then give a reverse question to the teacher, right?"

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