"And yesterday the school teacher called me, and your mother always told me when she came back, 'Please, you and Takumi, let go of Mr. Tamura, the math teacher.'"


Katsuragi Takumi's breathing stagnated for a moment, and he turned his head to one side, as if he was deaf, and did not respond.

I want to die!

I really want to die!

Being mentioned about his dark history in front of his father, the most hateful thing is that there is a young self at home who is constantly creating more dark history...

This makes Katsuragi Takumi have an urge to leave the earth.

Katsuragi Shinobu patted his shoulder encouragingly.

Soon, with his departure, Katsuragi Takumi was the only one left in the huge park.

He continued to sit on the swing for a while, and perhaps because the sound of the iron chain was a bit annoying, he got up and walked to the lake.

Under the light of the street lights that flickered from time to time due to the aging of the line, Katsuragi Takumi looked at the green lake below him - another self was reflected on it.

"Reconcile with yourself...?"

Accept the innocent self, and let the innocent self accept him as a devil scientist.

——Is this a kind of completion plan?

Thinking of the rare cartoon he had watched, he couldn't help but feel emotional.

But to some extent, it's almost the same.

One of them has a year's memory difference, and the other has only one year's memory.

"So, what do you think?"

Take a deep breath and look down at the lake below.

The reflection of the face is blurry, but it is not his former appearance.

It was also from this time that Katsuragi Takumi opened his heart for the first time to try to understand the thoughts of another self.

——Please, another me.

Chapter 519 Return of the Genius Scientist

The evil alien Killbus finally extended its claws of destruction to the earth.

But due to the lack of the leadership of the genius scientist Kiryu Battle Rabbit as the protagonist, the Kamen Riders had to take the Time Demon Machine to escape to the past time after a hard battle and prepare for battle again.

Ah, as expected, without the protagonist leading the charge, the supporting roles are completely unreliable.

"But now, the hero protagonist with excessive self-awareness is resurrected... ah! It hurts!"

Before Zhan Tu finished the rest of his words, he was hit on the head with a merciless slap... and then he was attacked by others.

"Who is the supporting role? Explain it to me!"

"When we fought the killbus before, you were the only one who didn't do anything!"

"How dare you say you are the protagonist when you were killed in a second?"

"That's what I mean! How dare you say these things when you just woke up?"

"Who is the one who shouted to beat the aliens every day, but was beaten to the point of opening his mouth and closing his eyes?"

As expected, Zhan Tu, who woke up, was besieged by everyone.

But while several people were playing around, the background of the room was decorated very festively - there was a big cake on the table, and there were many birthday fireworks next to it.

"So did you really recover your memory?"

"I guess so..."

Battle Rabbit scratched his head with a meaningful expression on his face.

Rather than saying that he recovered his memory, it would be better to say that he and Katsuragi Takumi have completely merged together.

Now he is neither Katsuragi Takumi nor Kiryu Battle Rabbit, but he can also be said to be both.

It was just a little surprising that the other self would choose to be dominated by his own personality... I don't know who this insincere behavior resembles...

No, it seems to be himself.

"Anyway, welcome back... But it's a bit too late. The celebration was originally planned last night, but it was delayed until this morning."

As he said this, Lin Qiao and the others couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, the candles and cakes were ready, just waiting for him, the protagonist of the party, to come back...

In the end, a group of people were left out, and then in the morning, this guy pushed the door in without any consciousness, and spoke all kinds of infuriating words as soon as he opened his mouth.

Zhantu laughed dryly twice, with an awkward look on his face: "Well, well... it was too late at the time, and I was afraid of disturbing you, so I just stayed in the park for one night..."

"Forget it, except for Huande, how many people here have normal schedules?"


Himero Huande, who was called out for no reason, had a question mark on his head.

It's just that among a group of people who have a hellish schedule and Lin Qiao, who simply doesn't sleep.

He has a good schedule, insists on going to bed and getting up early, goes to bed at the latest at 11 o'clock and drinks a cup of hot milk before that, sleeps for eight hours a day, and does beauty exercises in the morning, he is indeed out of place.

But back to the point, although it's not very pleasant to be stood up, in general, everyone is still very happy that he can come back.

Especially Lin Qiao - although he has no emotions, he can't be called happy at this time.

After putting the golden paper birthday crown on Zhantu's head, after a night, the relevant celebrations can be said to have begun.....

It's just that the process was a bit fast.

"Wait! That's too fast!"

"What's the hurry? After finishing the work, you can celebrate however you want... Open your mouth!"

"... Um!"

Lin Qiao directly turned on the acceleration mode, and hurriedly pulled the confused Zhantu to the birthday cake, symbolically went through the whole process in just a few seconds, and finally stuffed a piece of cake into his mouth.

After that, Lin Qiao pulled him and Longwo and others to the deserted area where they often came.

"What are you doing? So impatient..."

Wipe the cream on his mouth, Zhantu complained in a low voice... But don't say it, although the cake is overnight, it tastes pretty good.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, quickly become a smart guy and punch me."


Zhantu looked at Lin Qiao with a confused look.

Big smart... is it the genius bottle?

Let alone the various unpleasant names, he really couldn't understand the behavior of asking him to punch him right away.

After all, shouldn't everyone celebrate the return of the protagonist at this time?

"——It's emotion." Lin Qiao said calmly.

Unlike the previous time when dealing with Katsuragi Qiao, Lin Qiao explained to Zhan Tu about gaining emotion with the help of the genius fist.

After all, with the former's awkward personality, if he really wanted to tell him his purpose, it would probably take a lot of effort... On the other hand, Zhan Tu didn't have so much trouble.

"The genius bottle has this ability?"

After hearing Lin Qiao's description, Zhan Tu felt a little shocked and... stunned.

By the way, this thing is obviously designed and made by me, but why do you know the specific functions better than me?

Although he was crazy about this in his heart, after wiping the cream from the corners of his mouth, Zhan Tu still took out the genius bottle.

Apart from anything else, at least if Lin Qiao can also gain emotions like Ryuga, and then quickly increase the danger level, then their chances of winning when facing the killbus will also be improved.

"Come on, let's start the experiment."

Took out the genius bottle and tapped the switch with his finger.

"Great All Yeah!"

Accompanied by the sound of the startup effect, the prism-like structure in the center of the bottle emitting a dazzling light.

Yes, this is the power to save the world!

The next second, Zhantu confidently inserted it into the build drive and quickly turned the joystick of the drive.


"Yeah! Yey! Yeah! Yey! Yeah! Yey!"

The platform manufacturing factory, like a great man's speech, unfolded from the drive, and a conveyor belt full of full bottles formed an omega (?) shape behind it.

"Are you ready?"


The moment the voice fell, the originally dark gray full bottles on the conveyor belt seemed to be activated, and instantly burst into their own colors.

The golden build knight emblem appeared on Zhantu's chest, extending several white catheters, and turned into pure white armor on the surface of his body.

At the same time, as the processing plant behind him began to operate, the full bottles on the conveyor belt that burst out with their own brilliance were also introduced into the upper socket of the blank armor.

"The perfect Bottle boy!"

"Build Genius!"

"Sugeei! Monosugeei!"

The plain white armor suddenly became a little fancy, and the colorful bottles on his body looked like a rainbow, giving people hope.

Chapter 520 Eat my genius punch!

"Is this the genius form?"

Lin Qiao looked at the bottle boy in front of him, and he looked unstoppable... Forget it, I won't nurse him anymore.

If I nurse him again, I don't know what will happen to me in the future.

He took out the evolution driver, inserted the spider evolution bottle and the knight bottle in turn, and also transformed in Ode to Joy.

"But if I want Qiao to awaken your emotions, what should I do specifically?"

"You ask me about your equipment?"


Battle Rabbit couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Emmm, that's the truth, but I always feel that something is wrong...

Didn't you say it happily before? Why don't you know it now?

"Anyway, just hit it with a punch to neutralize the nebula gas, right?"

He sighed helplessly and couldn't help mumbling a few words. This sounded too unreliable...

But if the genius bottle really has this ability, you should be careful when you hit the killbus.

If this guy also gains emotions, I'm afraid it's really impossible to play.

He climbed up the joystick of the driver with his right hand and turned it quickly.

"One Side!"

"Reverse Side!"

"All Side!"

The full bottle on the genius form stimulated colorful light, as if bathed in colorful rays of light, countless function formulas with changing colors floated in the air, surrounding Lin Qiao and Zhantu in the center.

The dazzling colorful energy gathered on Zhantu's fist, and the exaggerated special effects seemed to illustrate the power of this blow.

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