So this time it was Kiara's turn to be unable to remain calm.

It was almost visible to the naked eye, and there seemed to be a lightning collision between the two children's gazes.

"How interesting."

Touching her chin, Lin Qiao looked at the scene in front of her with interest, and the corners of her mouth curved slightly.

Only the honest Medusa stood there at a loss.

Chapter 582 Rin’s big adventure... cut in half

"Mr. Father, why is your face a little dark?"

"...That's because of the Holy Grail War and the fact that I couldn't sleep well at night."

"Mr. Father, why is the expression on your face so stiff?"

"....That's the trouble of being dealt with afterwards."

"Mr. Father, why do you..."


You can't hold back your words!

Kotomine Rizheng looked at Lin Qiao, who pretended not to understand anything, with the corner of his mouth twitching.

After taking two deep breaths, he suppressed the surging blood pressure.

It’s so irritating!

Seeing that the person who attacked the church last time and took away all the Command Seals came to visit again, and because the other party killed Gil de Rey, as the supervisor, I had to keep Tokoyomi and Kirei together. Give the other two Command Seals that are easy to squeeze out...

It's just like this for a wanted criminal to go to the police station to collect the reward!

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that his age had made him better cultivated, and he was really no match for this guy, Kotomori would have really wanted to blow this bastard's head off with a Baji punch.

As for letting Assassin go up and steal a wave... Regardless of the fact that there are two Servants on the opposite side, the two clones of Baimao are basically giving away their heads.

Furthermore, although it is true that Kotomine Rimasa intends to help his friend Tokiomi Tohsaka, this does not mean that he intends to abandon his faith and side with the Tosaka family in the Holy Grail War, thereby damaging the reputation of the Holy Church. damage.

"Hurry up, Father, give me both command spells together. Don't force me to rob you again - the same person robs you twice, even I will feel heartbroken."


Well, this is one of the important reasons.

If you get anxious and the other party plans to rob you this time, it will be troublesome... You know, the church's butt is not clean in this Holy Grail War.

In other words, even if the other party really tries to rob him again, the Holy Church will not help him.

A petrified human head was placed randomly on the church ground.

——That's the head of Ryunosuke Uyu... Although as far as the result is concerned, it's just a fake created by Lin Qiao using his ability to reconstruct matter after Medusa petrified a piece of pork.

But it can still be used to give the opponent a step down.

"Long time no see, Sakura."

"Well, long time no see, Grandpa Lizheng."

Kotomine Rizheng lowered his head and looked at the familiar girl Sakura Matou, who also greeted him in a friendly manner.

Before he changed his name from "Tosaka" to "Matō", he also met him at Tosaka's house...

But I never thought that meeting again would be in such a way.

"....This is the command spell promised before, please accept it."

Taking a deep breath, he handed over the two Command Seals to the young girl.

Visible to the naked eye, there were two more Command Seals on Sakura's right arm covering her elbow.

I have to admit that compared to other master-slave combinations, although the Master in Lin Qiao's group does not have an advantage in terms of age, it is the most troublesome group in all aspects.

"I'm really old..."

Although the last Holy Grail War was not easy to worry about, it was far less troublesome than this one.

Watching the four people leave the church, Kotomine Rizheng felt quite tired.

After leaving the church, two figures, one big and two small, walked on the street.

Because it happened to be the rush hour for work, there were many pedestrians on the street.

Although Medusa thought it would be better to turn into a spirit body, Sakura rejected it because if she turned into a spirit body, there would be no point in changing into normal clothes.

However, when passing by the elementary school and looking at the students walking in together, Sakura stopped involuntarily.

He looked eagerly at the students walking in in twos and threes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Lin Qiao patted her head: "Do you miss her very much?"

"a little...."

Nodding, although she was not dissatisfied with her current life except for Kiara, Matou Sakura still inevitably felt nostalgic for the ordinary daily life she had experienced in the past.

He didn't urge her to leave.

Anyway, they have nothing urgent to do at this time.

The group of people left only when the elementary school bell rang and no one was at the door.


"Master, there is someone following you."

After two or three hundred meters away from the school, Medusa suddenly said.


Tohsaka Rin was a little excited today.

Although her father Tosaka Tokiomi asked her and her mother to temporarily move away from the Tosaka family for safety reasons, she could still find some clues about the Holy Grail War from the news broadcast on TV.

For example, the collapse of Weiyuanchuan Port and Hyatt Regency Hotel...

Gas explosion?

It was just to fool ordinary people. For her, who was born in a family of magic, she could tell at a glance that this was the damage caused by the Holy Grail War.

Of course, for her, the more important thing was the arrest of the murderer who specifically targeted children and women, which had caused panic recently.

Thanks to this, after arriving at school this morning, the atmosphere in the class became much more relaxed.

"I guess my father must be working hard to maintain the peace of Fuyuki."

I thought so proudly and gratifiedly.

But when she sat in her seat and looked out the window, she didn't know whether it was a connection between blood, or a coincidence, but she saw a familiar figure.


Her sister, whom she had not heard from for almost more than a year, appeared in front of her. After confirming several times that she had seen correctly, Tohsaka Rin's eyes widened instantly.

It can be seen that besides a girl of the same age standing next to Sakura, there is also a man and a tall woman with long purple hair standing next to her.

"It's not Uncle Kariya..."

Tosaka Rin murmured to herself that although she had not seen each other for a while because of the latter's writing of a book, no matter how she looked at the man standing next to Sakura, he was not the familiar Uncle Kariya. .

In addition, she also saw a red mark on Sakura's hand...

Even though I couldn't see it very clearly due to the distance, that should be the command spell my father said, right?

Tohsaka Rin, who knew about the Holy Grail War, was stunned. What on earth is going on... What command spell does Sakura have?

Almost as soon as he realized this, a chill ran down Tohsaka Rin's back, and then he ran out of the classroom without looking back as the class bell rang.

Although Tohsaka Rin had no specific idea of ​​how dangerous the Holy Grail War was, he still knew something about it.

Some of the true features inside the Miyonkawa Port and the collapsed Hyatt Regency Hotel have been revealed.

But in any case, this is not something Sakura can face, so she must take her to find her father!

"Over here?"

He took out the magic pointer given by his father. The pointer above clearly pointed in a certain direction.

Without even taking a breath, he ran in the direction given by the magic pointer.

But what Tohsaka Rin didn't notice was that as she moved forward quickly, the surrounding area became more and more remote.

By the time she was exhausted and stopped to catch her breath, there was no one around.



The deserted environment in the alley made Tohsaka Rin swallow uneasily.

At the same time, what made her even more nervous was the crazily rotating magic pointer in her hand - that was a situation she absolutely couldn't handle.

"But in this case, you still chose to come here alone? How brave."

Like a poisonous snake spitting out its seeds, a seductive female voice sounded in my ears.

——It’s the purple-haired woman following Sakura!


Before Tosaka Rin could react, there was a sound of chains sliding, and she was tied up by several chains and hung in the air.

"It doesn't look like he's being controlled."

And it doesn't seem like there is a command spell...but there is a sense of magic in the body.

Picking up the magic pointer that fell to the ground, the moment Medusa picked it up, the pointer spinning at high speed seemed to have reached its limit.

After making a loud noise, it was completely stuck.

——The existence of such a thing also means that the other person is not just an ordinary person with certain magic qualifications like Ryuunosuke Uyu, but a family member of a magician.

But if he is so stupid, whose stupid child is he?

"elder sister?"


While Medusa was still thinking, some surprised voices sounded in the alley.

Looking at her sister hanging in the air by chains, Sakura's face was a little stunned for a moment, while next to her, Lin Qiao and Kiara stood there with expressions of watching the show.

The scene is a little embarrassing...

But what is certain is that Rin's adventure is over before it even begins.

Chapter 583 Kiara: Lemonhead, I’m here to negotiate!

What do you think when you meet the future pump lady here?

Fortunately, it was not an accident. After all, Lin Qiao had seen this scene with the ability to predict the future long before this.

But... interesting.

Medusa lowered Tohsaka Rin who was hanging in the air...but it seemed that because of being frightened just now, she consciously stayed away from the former.

"So, are you Sakura's Servants?"

As for Master Sakura's identity, she had already confirmed it the moment she saw the command spell.

The only thing I'm curious about is why my sister has an elbow full of Command Seals, while my father only has three...

After taking a deep breath and telling himself in his heart, "The elegance of the Tohsaka family cannot be lost," he straightened his chest and looked at Lin Qiao and others pretending to be calm.

"I am Tohsaka Rin, the next generation head of the Tohsaka family, and Sakura's sister."

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