He said it in what he considered to be elegant words.


"No one is asking who you are."


"And if your parents open another trumpet with better talent than you, you may not be the next generation head of the family, right?"


Being directly defeated by Lin Qiao's two consecutive questions, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Tohsaka Rin's face.

Obviously, she has never encountered such a situation - this is completely different from what her father taught!

"S-Stop blabbering! I want to take Sakura to find her father!"

As if she was angry, she took Matou Sakura's hand and prepared to take her away.

Tohsaka Tokiomi's reliable father figure appeared in Tosaka Rin's mind, giving her great confidence.

Yes, if it is his father, he will definitely protect Sakura in this Holy Grail War!


Just when she was about to pull Sakura away, she found that the good sister who had always obeyed her in everything was standing motionless.

The meaning is very clear.

"Sakura?" He looked at the sister behind him who had changed his surname in astonishment, with a look of disbelief on his face.


"I'm sorry, sister, but I did participate in the Holy Grail War with my own will."

Sakura said calmly after breaking away from Tohsaka Rin's hand.

But her words made Tohsaka Rin feel numb: "Participating in the Holy Grail War... Do you know what that means? Why do you have to participate in such a dangerous thing!?"


What does the Holy Grail War mean?

Facing her former sister's increasingly excited voice, Sakura was silent for a moment.

A universal wishing machine?

I have to admit that it is indeed attractive enough. It is better to say that for any being with desires, the omnipotent wishing machine itself is quite tempting.

But unfortunately, Lin Qiao had told her the truth about the Holy Grail before, so she currently only had a feeling about the Holy Grail that the card was drawn incorrectly...

Things are very valuable, but being crooked is the biggest shortcoming.

So what are the other reasons?

Sakura raised her head and silently glanced at the smiling Lin Qiao next to her. Perhaps her biggest thought was to train herself a little in this Holy Grail War so that the other party wouldn't worry.

But it's not that she can't understand Tohsaka Rin's thoughts...

He sighed helplessly: "But there are some things that you will understand when you reach my age, sister."


What do you mean by waiting until you are this age to understand?

Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a few seconds. Countless formulas, theorems and stars in the universe flashed through the immature worldview in his brain... and finally he couldn't understand it.

"And classes should have started by this time, right? Is it a family tradition of the Tohsaka family to slip up and play truant at critical moments?"


He continued to touch Tohsaka Rin, and this time he obviously completely defeated his once good sister.

"Hmph! I don't care about you anymore!"

Rin was a little crazy for a moment, and after coming out of the "mother-born" state, she turned away as if she was angry.

But in her heart, she was determined to tell her father about this - even though Sakura had been adopted by the Matou family, she was indeed her sister.


"Qiao, please catch her." As Kiara's plain voice sounded, Tohsaka Rin was angry and about to leave, but was tied up again.

But this time it's not chains, but spider silk.

"Wait! What are you doing? Aren't you Sakura's Servant?"

"No, Sakura's only Servant is Medusa, so it happens to be mine."

Deliberately omitting a certain word, Kiara walked out facing the double glares of Rin and Sakura.

Rin struggled for a moment, trying to break free of the spider threads on his body.

"Damn it! Let me go...what on earth do you want to do?"

But it turns out that even Evolto is tied up with strong spider silk, let alone an ordinary little girl.

——Even if it evolves into Devil Muscle Rin in the future, it will not be possible.

"Well, to be honest, it's rare for you to come to my door like this, so I just let you go. I feel like it's a pity."

Kiara smiled and continued as he approached.

"If you are used as a threat, then I think I can let Mr. Tohsaka use the Command Seal to force the golden man to commit suicide and give up this Holy Grail War, right?"

"Although the feasibility of this method is still unknown, I think it is still worth trying."

"What do you think, Rin?"


Rin trembled at this moment when she realized what stupid thing she had done in a hot head.

At the same time, the same thought as Sakura came up in her heart - this person named Sesshōin Kiara is not a good person!


Fortunately, in the end, Kiara only decided to scare Tohsaka Rin, rather than actually using it as a bargaining chip to threaten... Although it looked like it was a pity to see her.

Of course, Tokiomi Tosaka, who was far away on the other side, received a call from his younger daughter with complicated emotions to report that his own sister had skipped school.

And the latter also cried loudly after coming back and complained that his pocket money and today's lunch box were taken away. That is another matter.

Anyway, the headache is his fault in this life.

After simply relaxing with two children and an honest man, as the sun is about to set, some serious things should be put on the agenda.

A group of four people arrived near an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Fuyuki City.

Desolate, dilapidated and far away from the city center, even a homeless person would not choose this kind of place - after all, if you can't even pick up trash, you will easily starve to death.

I don’t know whether it’s because this place is too remote, or because of the barrier of “dispersing idlers”, but there is obviously no one around here.

"He who comes is stopped!"

Just when the four were about to take a step forward, Diarmuid, holding two guns, one gold and one red, blocked their way.

Compared with what he had seen before, his expression was a little heavy, and he seemed to be in a bad mood, but he still exuded a strong fighting spirit.

Even if what he will face next may be a double siege from Lin Qiao and Medusa, he has no intention of retreating...

So you’re just here to play Pokémon, right?

"But relax, after all we are not here to fight this time."

Lin Qiao smiled and saluted a French military salute as if surrendering, indicating that he and others had no intention of fighting for the time being.

Kiara, who was beside him, took a step forward...but her gaze went beyond the guarded Diarmuid in front of her.

"Is Mr. Kenneth here? I am Kiara Sesshōin, and I am traveling with Sakura Matou, both of whom are students in your seance class."

"We have come to discuss with you regarding the upcoming Holy Grail War and related matters."

"I wonder if we can have an interview?"

The girl's slightly immature, but unflinching voice echoed in the empty abandoned factory for a while before it completely quieted down.

Lin Qiao was sure that Kenneth hiding inside had heard it...but despite this, there was no response from the abandoned factory.

The group of people did not feel anxious about this and stood there waiting patiently.

Diarmuid, who was standing opposite them, temporarily restrained his fighting spirit and waited for further instructions from Kenneth.

".....I know....."

It wasn't until a while later that an almost inaudible and rather decadent sound came from inside the factory.

"....Lancer, let them in."

"Yes, Lord...please come with me."

Without any objection to Kenneth's words, Diarmuid quickly got out of the way and walked ahead to lead the way for Lin Qiao and others.

Chapter 584 An absolutely irresistible condition

What do people think of when they think of Kenneth, or the monarch El-Melloi?

A child prodigy, a noble among nobles, the youngest first-level lecturer, a promising magician...

Although these words that have been repeated countless times are cliché, they really show Kenneth's talent and style.

Proud but not conceited, elegant but not pretentious.

But that was before.

After leaving the clock tower, when Lin Qiao saw the monarch again, he looked miserable.

He was sitting in a wheelchair. Although he tried to straighten his back, he could not change the fact that he could not even stand up.

From a distance, his lemon-like blond hair looks a bit messy, as if he hasn't taken care of it much in recent days. Under the dark blue dress, his whole body is covered with a bandage, even the thumb of his right hand. It was also tied up because it was broken.

The confidence and elegance that had enveloped him before now had disappeared and were replaced by thick negative energy emotions.

In short, at this moment, Kenneth seemed to have encountered some major accident, such as a lucky break or something...

But in a sense this is true.

Being hit by the origin ejection caused the magic circuits in the whole body to be disabled, and even the magic seal was almost completely destroyed. For the magician and his family, there is nothing more terrible accident than this.

"Gui'an, Mr. Kenneth..." Kiara couldn't help but widen his eyes, and the greeting he had prepared before paused slightly.

"But with all due respect, you look a little...in bad shape?"

Even though they had known about Kenneth's condition in advance from Lin Qiao, Kiara and Sakura still felt a sense of astonishment when they saw it with their own eyes.

"Huh, not in good condition? You call me looking like this!"

Facing Kiara's greeting, Kenneth sneered, as if he was laughing at himself.

Until now, he still couldn't accept why a mere magic competition held in the far eastern countryside would turn him into such a miserable state.

I can't accept it, and I don't want to accept it!

"But it's useless to tell you this..."

He gritted his teeth and suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart.

Although he still cannot accept the tragic reality, his long-term aristocratic training has allowed Kenneth to barely maintain his superficial demeanor.

At least he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his students.

——This is also the few things he has left.

Kenneth's eyes turned to Lin Qiao.

In his impression, the other person among the three was always responsible for making the final decision...even if he didn't realize until he came to Fuyuki City that this guy was actually a Servant.

....But something unexpected was that this time Lin Qiao took a step back and let Kiara stand in front, and the latter took a step forward without any excuse.

"Sesshōin... Never mind. You just said you wanted to discuss the Holy Grail War with me. Just tell me what you want to say."

"But you guys aren't here to form an alliance, are you?"

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