Rushing at the enemy angrily, the long sword-shaped Quinque danced in Ibinru's hand, and there were constant fierce collisions with Matsumae's shield and spear.

As a half-human, she was far superior to ordinary humans in physical fitness, and for a while she was evenly matched with Matsumae.

However, even though she was much stronger than ordinary people, she was still a human being.

——And humans have their limits.

Not to mention that she had just joined CCG not long ago, and she was far from mature due to lack of time and experience.

From the initial fierce attack to the current passive defense, the rhythm of the battle was controlled by Matsumae, and many wounds were cut on her body by the spear.

"Good swordsmanship... but it ends here!"

"Good swordsmanship... but it ends here!"

She swung a sword with all her strength, but was blocked by the small black shield again, leaving a gap in the whole person.

Bounce back!

Realizing that the situation was not good, just as she was about to regroup, Matsumae kicked her in the abdomen and flew three or four meters away.

The other investigators were also anxious when they saw the situation here, but the enemies they faced made them unable to help.

Falling to the ground, Yi Bingru showed a painful look on his face, opening his mouth and closing his eyes.


Just when Songqian was about to go up and end the life of the investigator in front of him, a certain smell in the air made her stunned.

Standing there in disbelief, looking at the hole that she had previously sealed with her kagune: "Master Xi...?"

"Steam Break!"


A huge purple powerful light bullet shot out from the darkness, instantly completely destroying the kagune used to block the entrance and exit, and flew towards Songqian who was still stunned.

Can't take it hard!

Rolling to the side quickly, he avoided the fate of being shot on the spot.

After the purple enhanced light bullet hit the mountain behind, a violent explosion occurred.

Step by step, he walked out of the passage, and the strange sound made everyone present frown.

"It's been a long time since we last met, Yi Binger... But it's not that long actually. By the way, why do you always get frustrated every time I see you after you transform?"

Where did you come from, the invincible god of war?

But facing Lin Qiao's teasing, her reaction was mixed with a kind of shock and dullness after surviving a disaster: "Are you... a crab monster?"


"..... As expected, I still don't like chatting with you."

He sighed, picked up her collar, and threw Yi Binger, who was still struggling, to her teammates amid the girl's exclamation.

Chapter 68 Revenge is impossible

"Why... Why do you smell like Master Xi?"

Matsumae, who was on high alert, stared at Lin Qiao.

Although it was very weak and the wind around was strong, Matsumae was sure that he smelled the scent of Master Xi on this spider monster.

"You mean that... cough cough!" Lin Qiao coughed twice and changed to Yueshan Xi's voice.

"I'm sorry to have worried you, Matsumae, but I'm actually very greedy for your body..."

Dozens of wooden stakes pierced the ground and attacked Lin Qiao at the same time, but were easily torn apart by the smoke sword in his hand.

"Hey, hey, this is not the right attitude for your own young master, right? And as childhood friends, shouldn't you be very happy to hear this?"

"You are not allowed to defile Young Master Xi!!!"

"Look at what you said, I'm not interested in defiled him either."

He continued to speak slowly in the voice of Tsukiyama Xi, and even imitated his unique tone 70% of the time.

The instant ridicule of the Tsukiyama family's ghouls was MAX.

On the other side, Yoshimura Et's face under the bandage showed an interested expression.

But just when they were all ready to fight, Yueshan Guanmu, who had been silent all the time, suddenly stopped them and said: "Let's go, Songqian, the next thing will be left to the employees of Bronze Tree."

"But, Guanmu, he..."

"This is an order, Songqian!"

There was no emotion in Yueshan Guanmu's words, but his tightly clenched fists showed that his heart was far from as calm as he showed.

He had heard a little about the spider monster that appeared in front of him, and knew that the other party was the target his son had been looking for before his death.

Although he didn't know what happened in the middle, and didn't know whether his son's death was directly related to him, the fact that the other party could come here meant that the password door he set up had been broken.

Songqian gritted his teeth and seemed to realize this problem.

She stared at Lin Qiao tightly, and almost squeezed out two words from her teeth: "..... Retreat."

No matter how unwilling the ghouls of the Yueshan family were, they could only retreat obediently.

"A very wise judgment."

Clap for Yueshan Guanmu's choice.

"But since this is our first meeting, I personally think I should give you a gift."

He took out a black mobile phone.

He tapped on it a few times, turned up the volume, and then pressed the play button.

"Hmph! Hum! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

The screams of Yueshan Xi were clearly heard by everyone.

Yueshan Guanmu's body trembled, but she quickly calmed down: "If you want to use the recording of your voice change to hold me back..."

"Recording? This is not a recording, but a genuine photo video."

He shook the phone and threw it to Songqian, who looked alert.

"It's less than 20 seconds, and you can fast forward. Don't you want to see your son's final voice and appearance?"


Although she knew he was deliberately provoking her, Yueshan Guanmu still borrowed the phone from Songqian and pressed the play button.


Just as Lin Qiao said, the video was not long.

Ten seconds and fast forward, it would take only a few seconds to watch it.

But it was in these few seconds that Yueshan Guanmu had an unprecedented killing intention towards Lin Qiao.

The content was very simple, which was the process of Lin Qiao removing bones from Yueshan Xi without anesthesia.

The screams inside made the bronze tree and the search officer next to him feel numb.

"How is it? My gift is very shocking, isn't it?"

"By the way, didn't you ask me before why I smell like Yueshan Xi? Actually, the answer is very simple, because I have this."

Under Yueshan Guanmu's candid eyes, Lin Qiao took out a spine that originally belonged to Yueshan Xi.

A piece of spider silk shot out from her wrist and tied it to the smoke sword.

"The simplified version of Yueshan Spinal Sword is completed."

With a knife flower in her hand, she said something extremely vicious to Yueshan Guanmu.

Her chest rose and fell violently, and her trembling hands wanted to take off her glasses, but before that, tears fell first.

".....Matsumae, kill him!"

The cold words were a father's rage that burned everything.

"Yes! Lady Guanmu!"

After receiving the order, the black-haired beauty, who was already furious, attacked Lin Qiao, who had tortured and killed Master Xi, together with other Yueshan family guards.

"Go to hell, you scum!"

"Please call me a scum in a friendly way."

Lin Qiao raised his gun and fired six bursts of Ashina-style at the guards around him, but the ghouls here were no ordinary people. Seeing him raise his gun, they all used their kagune to block in front of them.

But it was just to contain them.

He leaned over to avoid the stabbing kagune, and like an ordinary and agile cheetah, he came to the guard at the end of the team.

Without waiting for the opponent to counterattack, he punched through the opponent's chest, and then used a backhand defense to use it as a shield to block the armored kagune that attacked from behind.

He jumped up lightly, raised his right leg, and after the whole person rotated in the air for a circle, he kicked the heads of two guards directly with a roundhouse kick.

Then he quickly squatted down and turned 180 degrees to avoid the sneak attack of the scale-shaped kagune guard behind him. He held the smoke sword in his right hand and cut the whole person in two with an upward thrust.

Bang bang bang!

The muzzle of the gun was facing backwards and he would not press the trigger. Except for Songqian who kept raising the shield and escaped, the other two remaining guards had a bullet hole between their eyebrows.

The set of actions was smooth and flowing.

"It seems that I have made some progress."

Without relying on his own defense to resist damage and without using abilities such as acceleration, he could kill so many people quickly with his own skills. This was something he could not do before.

In short, he was finally able to pass the level without injury.

"Go to hell and confess your sins to Master Xi!"

I almost forgot there was another one.

Like a knight who was ready to die, Songqian launched an unstoppable sprint. As a knight of the Yueshan family, she was ready to die in battle.

Facing the long spear that Songqian stabbed with all his strength, Lin Qiao clenched her left fist and swung it with all her strength amid her roar.


At the moment when the fist and the long spear collided, the long spear broke, and the arm bones of her right arm were also broken.

Lin Qiao crushed her last dignity as a knight in an extremely violent way.

He raised his hand and pinched her neck, then turned around and lifted her up into the air-

Defense is coming!


The dark purple sharp blade kagune pierced her heart and continued to stab towards Lin Qiao's head, but he just tilted his head and avoided it.

"..... Guanmu... Sir..."


Before she could finish, he slightly pinched her neck with a little force.

"It is the honor of a knight to die in the hands of his master in the end... right?"

Throwing the corpse with a look of astonishment on his face before death aside, Lin Qiao looked at Yueshan Guanmu who showed his kagune.

It was somewhat similar to Yueshan Xi's kagune, but it was thicker, bigger and longer.

It seemed that she also understood that she was no match for Lin Qiao. Even though she was already furious, Yueshan Guanmu did not lose her mind.

Trying to keep calm, he asked Fangcun Et, "What Bronze Tree said should still count, right?"

"It counts~" Fangcun Et nodded in a cute tone.


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