Chapter 113 Unforgettable Ling Ye’s Gentleness (Monthly Pass)

On the other side, in the depths of the blood-red void.

Baijiu and others are waiting here.

At this moment, Baijiu was sitting cross-legged in the air, with white sword energy all over his body, flowing little by little!

She found that her mind was a little inexplicable these days!

Ever since she found out that Ling Ye and Luo You Leng had a child, her mood was a little bit unable to calm down.

She doesn’t even know what happened to her!

Why do you care so much about this?

Why is there so much confusion in my mind?

Ling Ye… and Luo You Leng?

It has reached that level without even noticing it?

Without everyone knowing, they actually had children directly?

No wonder Luo You Leng cares about Ling Ye so much, no wonder Luo You Leng came to look for Ling Ye the first time she fell, and was so angry!

What Luo You Leng said at that time, all Luo You Leng’s performance all the time, now Bai Jiu is completely understood!

In Luo You Leng’s eyes, Ling Ye has long been her man!

So she was so angry and so jealous!

Baijiu worked hard to restrain his mind, aroused the sword energy, and tried to calm himself down, but these days, it has become more and more frizzy.

Can’t seem to let go?

In the past, no matter what happened to Ling Ye, at least she knew that Ling Ye was alone!

But what about now?

It’s different, Ling Ye has a woman, a woman who truly belongs to Ling Ye, and even has a child!

It seems that Ling Ye has suddenly become someone else’s man, and she can’t accept it!

But why can’t it be accepted?

Isn’t Ling Ye his friend?

When a friend has a woman and a child, he should be as happy as he is!

Why is it so uneasy?

What happened to yourself?

The more Baijiu is reluctant to think about it, the more he can’t help thinking about it!

She suddenly recalled the day Ling Ye was just resurrected, the day Ling Ye came to the Demon Emperor’s Tomb!

At that time, Ling Ye’s hand gently caressed his face, the gentle blood, gently wiped away the faint trace on his face.

What should I say about Ling Ye at that time, she was not shy!

But, will care!

It seems that at that time, Ling Ye’s unprecedented tenderness was deeply engraved in her heart!

When she knew that Ling Ye was already Luo You Leng’s man, and when she knew that Ling Ye and Luo You Leng were already in such a relationship, she realized that she would care about Ling Ye so much!

It was only when I realized that Ling Ye’s gentle touch was so precious!

Baijiu Liu frowned slightly, what happened to him?

Is this the tenderness of unforgettable Ling Ye?

How could he mess up his Kenshin because of Ling Ye?

Even if Ling Ye already has a woman, even if Ling Ye is already Luo You Leng’s man, Ling Ye is still here!

He is still his friend!

What is it that you can’t figure out?

What’s wrong with it?

Baijiu forced himself to stop thinking about Ling Ye!

But some things are like this, the more you fight, the more you can’t resist.

Not far away, Jiang Yuan and Shura Kuang were sitting together.

“Is something wrong with her these days?” Jiang Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Is this liquor really a little distracted these days?

They can see this!

Sword God Baijiu, which has always been as quiet as water, what happened these days?

“She? I think it’s them, they’re not quite right!” Shura replied madly.

While speaking, their eyes turned to Zhuge Qingmu not far away.

At this moment, Zhuge Qingmu was sitting in the air not far away, holding the thick book in his hand!

In the past few days, she has added some content to it

She has all recorded the history of the past five years.

“After the Lord of Demons fell, the heavens and the world were in chaos, and various forces rose up!!

‘A year later, the Void family came again, and the heavens and the world were even more turbulent, Ye Tian could not resist at all.

“Master Demon Lord has been resurrected, the Void family has been repelled, and their vitality has been greatly damaged!

“There is also a person named Yu Duanqian who survived in the super ancient times. That person smelted the third-ranked supreme artifact. Once successful, it will be a four-in-one boundless realm. I feel that Lord Demon Lord will have it. difficulty.

“The Lord Demon and the most beautiful person in the world, Luo You Leng, have given birth to a daughter, I am so envious…

“If only I could be like Luo You Leng, what would it be like if I also had children with Lord Demon Lord?

It’s still the same as before, writing history as promised, and writing it down, and then writing it down as a diary.

Then, after thinking about it, Zhuge Qingchan’s little face showed a silly smile again.

All this was seen by Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and the others.

These two women seem to be very strange recently.

“Do they all have that kind of mind towards Lord Demon Lord~?” A little brother asked curiously behind Shura Kuang.

“This…that little girl is not surprising, after all, who doesn’t like the charm of the Lord Demon Lord? But Sword God Liquor…it’s a bit strange!”

Jiang Yuan rested his chin on his palm: “I thought that a person like her would not have a relationship between a man and a woman!

“Maybe she really doesn’t talk about the love between men and women, but after meeting the Demon Lord, she can’t control it?” Asura’s mad little brother guessed.

“Well, there is a possibility! Lord Demon Lord’s charm is strong, making a ruthless swordsman unwittingly become an amorous woman!”

Jiang Yuan smiled: “And when she was already in love with the Demon Lord before she knew it, she found out that the Demon Lord has another woman, and even has a child. Of course she was uneasy!”

“Maybe she used to think that the relationship between herself and the Demon Lord is very simple, and she can continue to be like this! She thinks that the Lord Demon, like her, doesn’t care about the relationship between men and women!”

“But I don’t know that Lord Demon Lord has a relationship with Luo You Leng for a long time, so she is a little uncomfortable, right?

“Hey! Anyway, I’m quite envious of Lord Demon Lord. There are all kinds of top goddesses who like it! Where is it like me? I haven’t found true love yet!”

Jiang Yuan shook his head and sighed while speaking.

“Uh. With your ability, it’s not easy to find a woman you really love?” Shura Kuang’s younger brothers all looked at the dollar curiously.

You are the pinnacle of the extreme god realm, looking at the heavens, your strength ranks in the top ten!

Are you lacking true love?

“Oh, it’s different, I want to find a woman who can share my joys and sorrows, not a woman who only likes my strength but doesn’t like me!” Jiang Yuan shook his head.

Shura Kuang’s younger brothers are a little puzzled.

Then you are really busy!

“Aren’t you ashamed that a few rough people are talking about this kind of topic here?”

At this moment, Shura Kuang suddenly said something.

He is a serious man, and he will never talk about the love between men and women at all!

He is a pure fighting maniac, and fighting is more interesting to him than everything else!

“How can we be called a rough guy? We’re the sweethearts!” Dollar grinned.


Just then, there was a sudden humming from the front!

I saw that the void was twisted, and two figures fled!

Black Moon and Cold Kill!

When they came here, when they saw Jiang Yuan and others who were guarding here, their eyes suddenly changed again!

Sure enough, Ling Ye already knew that they would escape here, so they blocked the way back.

Baijiu, Jiang Yuan, Shura Kuang and his hunting team, and Ling Ye’s more than 2,000 puppets!

Such a lineup is far stronger than their two Void Kings!

Here is a dead end!

But they really have nowhere to escape, they will die wherever they flee, so they came here subconsciously!

“Aah! After so many days, is it finally here?”

When Shura Kuang saw them, he sneered and slowly stood up, dragging the three-meter-long jet-black sword in his hand.

Baijiu also raised his head at the first moment, and the sword energy around his body subsided a little.

Zhuge Qingfeng quickly hid behind them, and there must be a big battle next!

At this level of battle, of course, she can only watch and cannot participate in a small Supreme Realm.

“The dog is in a hurry and will always run towards the cage!

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

Ling Ye’s figure appeared in the back.

At this time, both Hei Yue and Han Sha’s hearts sank and they were desperate!

I’m afraid it’s really over this time!

Ling Ye, who is half a step in the infinite realm, is in the back, and in front are Baijiu Dollar and Shura Kuang, the peak of the three extreme gods, and Ling Ye’s army of demon emperors.

With the two of them, this time, there is no way to escape!

Are you really… going to die here today?

“This time, even if you miss it, you probably won’t have a chance!”

In front, Shura Kuang picked up the big sword of breaking the sky and locked his eyes on killing: “I also ask everyone not to shoot, I will have a showdown with him!

Han Sha was the first Void King he met, and the one he wanted to kill from the very beginning.

After several fights, Han Sha ran away!

This time, I will never let Han Sha go away again!

Shura Kuang doesn’t want the help of others, he just wants to have a complete fight with Han Sha!

A life-and-death showdown!

Over the years, although he has hunted the Void Army with his hunting team, he has never killed the Void King!

Today, have a good fight!

Han Sha’s eyes were gloomy, and his eyes were also staring at Shura Kuang.

Now, they have no way to escape, but what else can they do?

Heiyue is the same, she also knows that now, there is only one battle!

Her gaze then turned to Baijiu.

Bai Jiu naturally noticed her gaze, and immediately said lightly: “Now, there should be no next time! Between you and me, we will decide the outcome!

She then said to Ling Ye again: “If I lose, I will die! Let her go!”

Looking at Baijiu and Shura Kuang and Heiyue and Han Sha at this time, Ling Ye then nodded lightly.

It is not the first time that Shura Kuang and Han Sha have fought each other, they have already had grievances and grievances! It really should be settled!

Baijiu and Heiyue, one is the Sword God of the Heavens and Myriad Realms, and the other is the Sword God of the Void Clan, and there should be a winner!

Since they both want one-on-one, respect what they mean.

Come to two, the real decisive battle!

Seeing Ling Ye nodding, Shura Kuang suddenly held the big sword in his hand: “Remember you said last time that you will take my life next time! My life is here now! If you have something… just take it!”

On the opposite side, Han Sha’s eyes were also staring at Shura Crazy!

Now, there is no way to retreat, only a battle to decide the outcome!

“As you wish!” The two ice-cold knives in Killer Cold suddenly appeared in his hands.

“If you can kill me, I’ll let you go today!” On the opposite side, Shura gave a sneering smile, and in his eyes, fighting intent surged wildly!


The next moment, that violent flame burst out from his body instantly!

Then, holding the big knife in his hand, he slashed towards Han Sha and exploded!

On the opposite side, Han Sha also stared at it and greeted him head-on!

– Ice and fire, two figures, in the depths of this blood-red void, suddenly collided!


With an explosion, the blades collided, and a violent shock wave swept away!

At the same time, Hei Yue’s eyes were also looking at Baijiu, and a black slender sword appeared in his hand!

Ling Ye’s resurrection made the end of their Void clan come to an end!

Since there is no way out now, then I will try my best to kill a peak of the extreme gods in Ling Ye’s hands!

This time, it will also be completely divided with the sword god Baijiu of the heavens and the world!

Baijiu is also a jade hand holding the wooden sword in his hand, and the white sword energy is flowing.


The next moment, the figures of the two of them disappeared at the same time almost instantly!

Then, in that void, the black and white sword qi suddenly collided together!

bang bang…

The battle between the four peaks of the extreme god realm broke out in the depths of this blood-red void!

Jiang Yuan, Zhuge Qingfeng and others all came to Ling Ye’s side.

“You really don’t need to shoot? Will the two of them be in danger?” Jiang Yuan asked Ling Ye.

“Since this is their choice, it is their battle!” Ling Ye said lightly.

They don’t need to shoot, then don’t shoot!

It’s a respect for them!

In addition, Ling Ye also completely trusts Baijiu and Shura Crazy.

Baijiu, as the number one sword god recognized by all the worlds and the world, and the pinnacle of the peak of the extreme gods, reached the point of seeking defeat back then.

Although Heiyue is indeed strong, Ling Ye believes that Baijiu can win.

The same is true for Shura Kuang, Shura Kuang’s own strength is naturally not necessary to say, plus he has a broken air knife made of broken air lock in his hand!

With this advantage, Han Sha is definitely not his opponent!

Of course, Bai Jiu and Shura Kuang wanted to kill Hei Yue and Han Sha, but they might have to pay some price.

But this time, even if they paid the price, they were completely willing to go it alone!

Fighting alone is fighting alone!

This is the principle!

Ling Ye also respects their principles!

“This fellow Shura Kuang is a fighting maniac in his own right, and with the Knife Breaker, I believe he has a very high probability of winning! But Sword God Baijiu…

Jiang Yuan continued: “Even if you can win, you will definitely pay some price! If she is injured, will you feel distressed?”

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye’s eyes immediately looked at Jiang Yuan.

“I’m sorry, when I didn’t ask!” Jiang Yuan quickly laughed dryly.

Feeling distressed or not, that is also Ling Ye’s business, what does it have to do with him?

How can he manage Ling Ye’s affairs?

really curious,

“Even if she gets hurt, that’s her choice!” Ling Ye then said lightly.

As for whether it hurts or not…

Of course I don’t want to see her get hurt, but this is a decisive battle between two peak swordsmen!

He doesn’t interfere!


The battle of the four peaks of the extreme gods swept through the depths of this void (Li De’s)!

The vast shock wave rippling away billions of miles of void!

This kind of battle movement naturally disturbed the entire heavens and the world.

Wrong siren nest.

Although the last battle has basically destroyed this place.

But No Ji still took the lead and recreated a Minghai!

The Xihai is still connected to all the seas in the heavens and the world, and the steady stream of sea water is gathering towards the Xihai at this time!

After these few days, Xi Ji’s injury has also recovered a little!

And the banshee that died in the last battle in the sea monster nest is now constantly being resurrected.

The sea monster’s nest is indeed seriously damaged, but given a certain amount of time, it can still restore its original strength.

At this time, at the bottom of the stream and sea, there was a deep pool of dark green undercurrents.

Xi Ji is constantly recovering the remnants of the dead banshees, and then re-forging their bodies to bring them back to life.

At this moment, Xi Ji also suddenly noticed the battle movement coming from the depths of the void.

She raised her head slightly, her seductive eyes pierced through the void of all worlds, and looked there!

Then, she saw Baijiu and other four peaks of the extreme gods fighting.

Saw Ling Ye too!

“He hasn’t moved for the past few days. Now that he has come out, he must…. to make a break with the Void Clan!”

Xi Ji then said lightly: “Next, it’s up to you! I’ll help the Lord Demon Lord!

“But… Queen, your injury… Several banshees are all looking at her.

Before, Xi Ji was basically on the verge of death. Although she has recovered a little in the past few days, she has not fully recovered!

Is it appropriate to help Ling Ye now?

Why did she fight so hard for Ling Ye?

“He said at the beginning that there will be a time when he will be of use to me! I think…it should be now!”

A smile appeared on Xi Ji’s charming face.

Immediately afterwards, she left here and rushed towards the depths of the void!

The banshees who left the creek siren’s nest stood where they were.

Alas! The Queen’s infatuation with the Demon Lord is truly speechless!

Then let her go rape.

Although her injuries have not healed yet, Lord Demon Lord should protect her

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