Chapter 114 The body of Lord Demon Lord can be part of someone’s family

Purple Cloud Immortal Realm.

Luo You Leng also noticed the battle movement from the depths of the void at the first time.

Have you hunted down there?

It seems that this time, Ling Ye is indeed going to completely clean up the Void family!

That’s fine, what is a threat to Ling Ye is also a threat to her and Luo Xin!

So, of course, the ones that can be eliminated as soon as possible should be eliminated as soon as possible.

“Mother, what’s wrong?” Luo Xin also noticed Luo You Leng’s expression.

“It’s okay! Xin’er, are you playing with Aunt Xun and the others? I’ll go and do something for daddy!” Luo You Leng smiled at Luo Xin.

Since Ling Ye wants to completely eliminate the Void family, then as a woman of Ling Ye, she is also an existence at the peak of the extreme god realm, so of course she has to help!

“Well, okay! Then you have to come back early!” Luo Xin nodded obediently.

“Well! Good!” Luo You Leng smiled lightly.

Immediately, he handed Luo Xin to Xun Ruyue, and then rushed towards the depths of the void,

Xun Ruyue took Luo Xin and stood in front of Ziyun Immortal Palace.

“Xin’er, how did you play today?” Xun Ruyue asked curiously.

“So happy!”

Luo Xin smiled and replied: “And today, my mother is also very happy!”

Well, indeed she can see that, her mother is really much happier today than before.

Sure enough, with my father by my side, my mother will be very happy, right?

Same with myself!

“That’s all because of you, Xin’er!” Xun Ruyue laughed.

If it weren’t for Luo Xin, Ling Ye and Luo You Leng, they would be the kind of people who would fight after a disagreement when they met!

But now, Ling Ye has lived up to their palace masters.

Ling Ye is still very gentle towards their palace masters.

Sure enough, Lord Demon is very principled!

To love, to love!

Hate it, hate it!

To kill, to kill!

This is the Demon Lord!

“Xin’er, do you know what a kiss is?” Xun Ruyue thought of something, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

“Kiss?” Luo Xin nodded: “I know!”

“I’m not talking about the kind of face-to-face, it’s another kind!” Xun Ruyue grinned wickedly.

In addition, “one kind? Is there another kind?” Luo Xin was very curious.

She also kissed her mother’s face!

But other kisses, she really doesn’t understand!

How can a four or five-year-old child understand that?

This “…Okay!” Xun Ruyue shook her head.

If she doesn’t understand, then don’t teach bad children

Otherwise, I really have to ask her to call the Demon Lord and the Palace Lord to try..

“Have you seen your father kiss your mother?” Xun Ruyue asked.

Luo Xin shook his head: “No!”

“Then you have to work hard, Xin’er, the relationship between your father and mother is up to you to maintain and strengthen it!” Xun Ruyue laughed.

You can kiss your face, too!

That picture is also very loving, right?

Anyway, I just want to see the love between Ling Ye and the palace master..

“Hmm!” Luo Xin nodded.

I can definitely make my father and mother become the most loving couple

Although they seem to be different from other 510 couples.

On the other side, deep in the blood-red void.


The aftermath of the battle of the four Baijiu caused the entire void to shatter again!


The one-on-one battle between the four extreme gods peaks is also spectacular!

At this time, the Asura madness has completely entered the state of crazy fighting, his eyes are fiery, and there is an almost crazy smile on his face!

Pin pin pin!

The Duankong sword and the cold ice double swords smashed together arrogantly, and every time, there was an earth-shattering explosion!

This feeling of fighting with all his strength makes Shura Kuang feel more relaxed!

Although he will be injured, the more he is injured, the more he will fight!

A stance that is getting more and more brave!

Hahaha “Haha! Even if you die here today, what’s the harm?”

Shura laughed wildly.

He is not afraid of death, and he has killed enough Void armies over the years!

If he could kill a Void King, it would be worth it for him!

On the opposite side, Han Sha seems to be at a disadvantage at this time.

First of all, he is not a fighting lunatic like Shura Kuang, and also at this time, he was despairing in his heart!

Even if he bursts out with all his strength at the time of despair, in terms of fighting spirit, it is completely incomparable with Shura Kuang!

Coupled with the fact that Shura Kuang still has the air-breaking knife in his hand, it has a certain suppressing effect on him!

So, of course, he has already faintly appeared some failures,

“The advantage of the air-broken knife is still great!”

Standing behind him, Jiang Yuan’s eyes narrowed slightly.

This battle between Shura Kuang and Han Sha seems to be a safe bet!

Ling Ye didn’t care about Shura Kuang at this time, he knew from the beginning that in the battle between Shura Kuang and Han Sha, Shura Kuang would definitely win!

It’s Baijiu and Heiyue!

Black Moon is known as the Sword God of the Void Clan. Looking at all the Void Kings of the Void Clan, his strength is also in the top three!

The gap between her and Baijiu is really not big!

It depends on who has the better means.

At this moment, the space distorted slightly, and an enchanting shadow slowly appeared beside Ling Ye and the others.

Xi Ji!

“Master Demon Lord?”

As soon as it came, Xi Ji threw a seductive smile at Ling Ye.

“What are you doing?” However, Ling Ye frowned slightly.

“Can’t I come?” Xi Ji shrugged.

“Your injury has not fully recovered!” Ling Ye replied.

“So… does Lord Demon Lord care about others?”

Xi Ji laughed instead: “This is why Lord Demon Lord didn’t ask others to act with you?”

It seems that Ling Ye really still cares about herself.

Otherwise, to deal with the Void family, even Baijiu is called, why not call her?

She can too!

“The Lord Demon said before that there will be a time when I will be of use to me in the future! Is it the future now?” Xi Ji continued with a seductive smile.

“With your current state, you can’t even fight against the peak of the extreme god realm!” Ling Ye said lightly.

“It doesn’t matter, anyway, with the protection of the Demon Lord, people are not afraid!” Xi Jimei smiled.

“I don’t need a burden!” Ling Ye replied.

“People are not burdensome, no matter how bad the little girl is, she is still in the state of extreme gods!” Xi Ji’s bewitching eyes looked at Ling Ye.

“You don’t understand what I mean?” Ling Ye also looked at her.

“Understood! The meaning of the Lord Demon is to care about others, and don’t want them to be hurt again, so let them go back to recuperate and then come back?”

Xi Ji’s beautiful eyes fluttered slightly, and she winked like silk: “But people want to follow you!”

“You seem to be becoming less obedient?” Ling Ye looked at her.

Now Ji, really should rest well before coming out!

“Hehe, Lord Demon Lord admits he cares about me?”

Xi Ji smiled tenderly: “Why do I have to be obedient? People also want to learn from Luo You Leng, be a little rebellious to the Lord Demon Lord, and maybe even win the Lord Demon Lord’s favor!”

When she said this, there was a hint of jealousy in her seductiveness, but it had a different charm!

Ling Ye looked at Xi Ji, and he naturally understood what Xi Ji meant.

Then he just said lightly: “You are different from her!!

“I know, I can’t compare with her! She has given you everything to the Lord Demon! But I have never had the opportunity to do anything for the Lord Demon!”

Xi Ji then let out a sigh of relief.

She really envy Luo You Leng, she can do so much for Ling Ye!

Also got Ling Ye.

If possible, she is also willing to do everything for Ling Ye!

Unfortunately, she and Luo You Leng are indeed different.

“If you really want me to go and really don’t want to see me, I can go!”

Xi Ji’s tone then returned to normal.

Just when she said this, she lightly bit her red lips.

She knew that in Ling Ye’s heart, Luo You Leng was indeed the most important thing! She was indeed different from Luo You Leng!

Even Ling Ye himself has some misunderstandings about the past!

She will always maintain her admiration for Ling Ye, no matter what the outcome is!

Even if Ling Ye really let her go, she really didn’t need her, she really didn’t treat her as her own!

She can also obey Ling Ye’s words and leave!

But her heart for Ling Ye will not change.

No matter what Ling Ye thinks of herself, no matter how much status she has in Ling Ye’s eyes, it will not change!

Is this a humble love?

But so what? Who made him Ling Ye?

Ling Ye’s eyes, at this time, looked at Xi Ji’s expression.

The originally seductive face was now somewhat helpless and well-behaved, and the face was a little pale due to the serious injury.

This kind of appearance makes people feel a little bit unbearable and loving.

Immediately, Ling Ye only breathed a sigh of relief: “After this battle is over, go to Ziyun Immortal Realm, Ziyun Immortal Lotus in Ziyun Immortal Realm can help you recover from your injuries quickly!”

As soon as these words came out, there was a surprise on Xi Ji’s seductive face!

He didn’t drive himself away!

Is he willing to let himself stay by his side?

Although it is only reserved to deal with the Void family together!

However, he still didn’t chase him away!

Does this count as his approval and acceptance?

“Yes! The little girl obeys!” Immediately, a smile appeared on Xi Ji’s face.

“Now you’re obedient again?” Ling Ye looked at him.

“Didn’t the Demon Lord find out? The little girl has always been very good!” Xi Jimei smiled.

Ling Ye glanced at her, then retracted her gaze.

This woman is really… a fairy!

Demon, still do it?

What a complex and unique blend!

“Lord Abandoned Lord, have you recovered your current strength?” Xi Ji then asked.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to chase the Void King here, would he?

Ling Ye nodded lightly.

“Aah…that’s good!” Xi Ji smiled again.

Half a step in the boundless realm, so, then you really have no fear of this Void family!

“Speaking of which… Lord Demon Lord’s body is part of someone’s family!” Xi Ji then smiled seductively.

Dinghaizhu is her treasure of Minghai, she gave Dinghaizhu to Ling Ye at the beginning.

By the way, with a kiss of his own!

Unexpectedly, Ling Ye took Ding Haizhu to forge her body?

Thinking that Ding Haizhu with her affectionate kiss turned out to be a part of Ling Ye’s body, Xi Ji felt inexplicably happy.

Ling Ye just glanced at her and didn’t say anything more.

Immediately afterwards, their gazes were directed towards the center of the battle!

Look towards Baijiu and Heiyue!

At this time, Baijiu and Heiyue seem to have reached the point where the winner is almost determined!


The black and white sword qi suddenly collided in the center of the battlefield and exploded!

Wooden sword and black sword, each has its own merits!

Ding Ding Ding!

The two swords clashed, and with the crisp sound of impact, under each sword, hundreds of millions of sword qi burst out, filling the void!


After another move, the figures of the two men retreated a certain distance from each other!

“I admit your strength!”

After Hei Yue stabilized her figure, she looked at Bai Jiu on the opposite side.

Baijiu is indeed a Sword God! It is worthy of the title of Sword God!

“You are also a qualified opponent!” Bai Jiu replied lightly.

Black Moon’s strength is indeed very strong, and it is also the peak of the peak.

Heiyue looked at the Void family, even if it was the thirty-six kings of the void, her strength could still be ranked in the top three!

Of course strong!

“There’s no need to fight anymore, let’s divide the outcome, and let’s divide the life and death!”

Hei Yue then held the sword in his hand, and the black sword energy suddenly burst out at this moment: “This sword is a blood sacrifice in the void!”

Suddenly, the row of void light eyes on her face suddenly burst out with the vast power of void!

With this move, she seems to want to sacrifice all her power!

Under this frenzied surge, the pitch-black sword qi all over her body was restrained at this time!

In other words, it keeps condensing.

In the end, it condensed into nine giant swords that were as black as ink, floating around her.

Opposite, Bai Jiu is also holding the wooden sword in his hand, and all the snow-white sword energy flows out: “This sword… nameless!”


As soon as she finished speaking, her entire body was completely submerged under the snow-white sword energy that erupted!

Then, a giant white lightsaber was formed!

This sword seems to be transformed by Baijiu himself!

At this moment, all their sword energy is all condensed!

Although there is no longer the overwhelming sword energy, everyone can perceive an absolutely devastating power from the color-changing lightsaber and the nine black swords!

This sword, between them, will decide the winner!

Under the gazes of Ling Ye and others, after the white sword and the nine black swords were condensed…


They blasted towards each other at the same time!

In the depths of this endless blood-red void, the sword of black and white cuts through everything!

Finally, hit each other hard!


The next moment, a loud noise spread throughout the heavens and the world!

The monstrous sword energy surged out like a torrent at this time.

Swept the entire void!

The sword gods of the heavens and the world, and the sword gods of the Void family, will be the winner under this move!

Decided to live and die!

The majestic sword energy rippling through the entire blood-colored void!

Everyone is holding this sword qi, and their eyes are fixed on the center of the sword qi explosion.

Under the gaze of everyone, this majestic sword energy slowly dissipated for a long time.

Then, everyone saw the scene there.

At this time, Baijiu and Heiyue were both fixed in the air.

Baijiu’s snow-white silk-like hair had already spread out at this time!

Her face was pale, and there was already a smear of blood on the corner of her mouth!

This sword, obviously, she reached the limit, she tried her best!

“Is this the peak of the sword in the heavens and the world?” On the opposite side, Hei Yue’s row of Void Light Eyes looked at the liquor in front of him.


As soon as she finished speaking, one of her nine Void Light Eyes shattered directly!

This sword came down and hit her Baijiu, but in the end she still lost!

“I’m not the pinnacle!” Bai Jiu’s cold voice also sounded: “He is!”

Hei Yue’s eyes glanced at Ling Ye below.

Of course she knew who Baijiu was talking about!

What Sword God, such and such titles are all under Ling Ye!

Whether it’s a sword, a stick, a sword, Ling Ye is definitely the pinnacle of existence.

And the so-called competition of high and low by the rest is actually just a high and low competition under Ling Ye!


At this moment, Black Moon’s Void Light Eye was broken again!

“I lost! Our Void family also lost!” Her last weak voice sounded.

bouncing bouncing

As soon as she finished speaking, the remaining Void Light Eyes all shattered and exploded!

Together with the black sword in her hand, they will be smashed together!

When the nine Void Light Eyes were all shattered, Hei Yue’s figure was also annihilated little by little.

The battle between the sword gods of the heavens and the worlds and the sword gods of the Void family, the heavens and the worlds won!

“I will remember your name… Black Moon!” Bai Jiu said lightly.

Although Heiyue belongs to the Void family, Baijiu recognizes her strength very well!

Hei Yue is indeed a peak sword wielder.

At least among all Baijiu’s opponents, except for Ling Ye, Heiyue is number one!

As the black moon disappeared, the battle between the sword gods was declared over!

And Baijiu finally relaxed.

As soon as she relaxed, another mouthful of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth!

With this sword, she killed Hei Yue, but of course she was severely damaged!

Now that the battle is over, that kind of heavy damage floods into her mind instantly as she relaxes.

Makes her a little unbearable!

She held the wooden sword in her hand tightly, trying to force herself not to fall!

But still couldn’t resist!

The serious damage to her body still made her consciousness gradually blur, and finally fell into a coma.

Her figure fell from the sky above..

But at the moment she fell, at the moment when her consciousness was about to go into a coma.

She felt a figure and gently caught herself.

It’s Ling Ye!

Suddenly a touch of warmth lingered in her heart

It never occurred to her that she would need someone else at some point.

Before, she was alone, and Kendo was alone!

Whether it is life or death, you can only rely on yourself, and you never need the care and care of others!

But now, she suddenly felt that it was not bad to be cared for and helped by others!

If it was before, you can only rely on yourself for everything, even if you are on the verge of fainting, you must endure it!

But now, I can safely hand myself over to Ling Ye’s arms, this feeling is really amazing!

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