Chapter 115 If he hugs me, I’ll be really depressed, ask for a monthly pass)

In Ling Ye’s arms, Baijiu finally passed out.

The scattered white hair made her look a little different than before.

In the past, what she could feel on her body was only that pure sword energy!

But now, there is a bit more feminine aura.

“Sure enough, Jiang Yuan and the others smiled softly.

Sure enough, the relationship between Sword God Liquor and the Demon Lord is not that simple!

But then again, if the liquor is like this, it would be too much if Lord Demon Lord still doesn’t take it.

You can’t just watch Baijiu go on like this, can you?

Looking at Ling Ye, who was slowly falling down with the liquor in his arms, Xi Ji’s enchanting eyes also showed a bit of envy.

Speaking of which, I have never had any physical contact with Ling Ye at all!

If it was me who was in a coma, would Ling Ye catch me too?

Should it be?

After all, he also cares about himself!

At this moment, the rear space distorted.

Luo You Leng walked out of it slowly.

As soon as she came out, she saw Ling Ye holding Baijiu in her arms!

Suddenly Luo You Leng moved her eyebrows slightly!

But this time, she didn’t say much.

Baijiu seems seriously injured?

That Ling Ye hugged her is also excusable!

After all, isn’t the reason why Baijiu participated in these battles because of Ling Ye?

If it wasn’t for Ling Ye, Baijiu might not care about the Void family!

So now Baijiu is injured and unconscious, Ling Ye is holding her, naturally it should be!

Ling Ye held Baijiu and flew over slowly.

Then, his eyes also fell on Luo You Leng who had just arrived!

Ling Ye didn’t explain anything!

Luo You Leng also looked at Ling Ye and didn’t say much!

She knew that even if she was jealous, she had to be careful. If it went too far, it would be unreasonable!

She’s not the kind of little woman who likes to make trouble.

Also, if possible, she doesn’t want Ling Ye to have a bad impression of her!

After all, Ling Ye said before that in his eyes, he is the most perfect!

Of course she hopes that she will always be the most perfect in Ling Ye’s eyes.

“My Purple Cloud Immortal Lotus in the Purple Cloud Immortal Realm has basically recovered in the past few days! Let her go there to heal her injuries!”

Luo You Leng then whispered to Ling Ye.

As soon as these words came out, Ling Ye suddenly smiled: “You are quite sensible!”

The last time I just touched someone’s face, you were so angry that you won’t make trouble this time?

Seeing Ling Ye’s eyes, Luo You Leng immediately understood what he was thinking.

The last time it was because I hadn’t seen each other for five years, and when I saw it, I couldn’t hold back for a while!

This time is different!

“I’m not for you either, even without you, I’ll still help her!” Luo You Leng continued.

Indeed, she and Baijiu… can be regarded as acquaintances!

Even if Ling Ye is not there, even if it is not for Ling Ye, she will still help!

Ling Ye just smiled lightly and didn’t argue with Luo You Leng.

He just said to Jiang Yuan: “Next, it’s up to you!”

Now there is only one cold kill left, and Shura Kuang, with the air-breaking knife in his hand, has gradually had a tendency to crush!

Victory is absolute, and it will never be as seriously injured as Baijiu!

So, no need to worry!

The strength of the cold killing, looking at the many kings of the void, I am afraid that at most is a general existence.

It was Baijiu, who tried his best to kill the black moon, who was at the top of the list. If he didn’t treat him in time, he might lose his cultivation and leave behind a hidden disease!

“Don’t worry, I still trust him!” Jiang Yuan smiled.

Ling Ye then glanced at Xi Ji, and then said coldly at Luo You, “She also needs some recuperation!”

Luo You’s cold beautiful eyes immediately looked at Xi Ji.

“Well, if you mind, I don’t really need it! My injury is not as serious as hers!” Xi Ji smiled lightly.

Baijiu is really desperate with Heiyue. Although he won, he passed out!

She was different. Although she was seriously injured at the time, it was not as serious as Baijiu.

Besides, she has recovered a lot now!

“Why should I mind?” Luo You Leng Mei Mu and Xi Ji looked at each other.

“Because Xi Ji doesn’t know how to answer.

Why? Your relationship with Ling Ye is here, don’t you mind helping me?

In the end, Xi Ji simply didn’t answer, and said thank you directly: “Thank you very much then!”

Okay, everyone said they don’t mind, and Ling Ye also said so, so let’s go kiss!

Ling Ye then looked at Zhuge Qingmu: “You follow too!”

He has something to do with Zhuge Qing maid!

And Zhuge Qingchan’s strength is too weak and needs to be improved!

“Yes!” Zhuge Qingchan nodded quickly.

Of course she also wanted to follow Ling Ye.

Stop by the Ziyun Immortal Realm to see Ling Ye and Luo You Leng’s daughter!

Immediately afterwards, Ling Ye didn’t stay any longer, holding Baijiu, Luo Youleng and the others, went to Ziyun Immortal Realm together!

Leaving Jiang Yuan and the others behind, watching Shura Kuang and Han Sha who were frantically fighting together in the distance.

At this time, the battle of Shura’s mad bombardment was basically coming to an end.

Asura madness, although it has obviously added many wounds of different depths!

But he looked like he was going mad, and he didn’t care how much blood he bleed and how much he was injured!

This is a serious fighting maniac!

It feels like Ling Ye’s devil emperor puppet, once he receives an order, he will only fight to the death!



At this moment, there was another explosion, and the two blades collided!

Under the tyrannical shock wave, both of their bodies shot back a certain distance from each other!

As soon as he stabilized his body, Han Sha clenched the ice double swords in his hands and bent his hind legs slightly: “Han Ji Slash!”


The next moment, his figure shot towards Shura Kuang suddenly, his knives crossed, and the cold air burst wildly!

On the opposite side, Shura was madly watching the cold killing coming from the dry rush, and a crazy thought suddenly appeared in his heart!

I saw him grinning, and instead of dodging, he clenched the air-broken knife in his hand!


Immediately, to kill the pair of knives, they suddenly slashed through his chest!

But, at that moment, the big sword in his hand also slashed at Han Sha’s back suddenly!

A ferocious wound appeared on Han Sha’s back. This brutal and heavy knife almost cut Han Sha into two pieces!

“Are you fucking crazy!?

Immediately Han Sha turned around abruptly, endured the fatal stab wound behind his back, and stared at Shura Kuang with savage eyes!

At this moment, on Shura Kuang’s chest, there was also a ferocious cross-shaped wound, which almost tore apart his chest and abdomen!

Blood flow!

Fuck, this lunatic!

Don’t hide! Don’t guard!

But to cut?

A knife for a knife?

What kind of bullshit fighting method is this?

Is this a game of life?

“What? Are you?”

Shura Kuang had a crazy smile on his face.

At the corners of his mouth, blood is also constantly staying out!

He just wanted to be like this, if he didn’t dodge, if he didn’t guard, at the moment when the cold killing swords fell, he could also give the opponent a sword!

Not at all!

Lunatic “! You are such a lunatic!” Han Sha had a grim expression.

How did you meet such a lunatic?

This is a real slash! You slash me and I slash!

This is really bigger than anyone’s life!

“Didn’t you already want my life? Come and take it, hahahaha!”

Shura laughed wildly, holding his hand to cut off the empty knife, ignoring the savageness of the wound, and continuing to slash towards Han Sha and Blast!


On the opposite side, Han Sha’s figure suddenly burst out!

This knife just now caused great damage to him!

To be honest, he didn’t want to fight Shura Kuang like this!

Even if you try your best, you won’t use this direct spelling!

“Do you want to escape? Then I and these Demon Emperor puppets are going to take action!” Not far away, Jiang Yuan suddenly sneered.

One-on-one, one-on-one, one-on-one, one-on-one, now you want to run away?


Han Sha clenched his knives and stared at the Shura Kuang opposite.

I want to escape, but I can’t! What else can I do now?

Looking at the crazy Shura Kuang, Han Sha finally had only two knives in his hand, and burst into the front: “Then let’s see who will fight to the death first!


The figures of the two, in this void, collided again!

But this time, the shock waves that collided with each other were no longer rippling!

Only between them, the majestic strength of the knife and knife!

– Ice and fire, tear the void!

The original battle turned into a crazy slashing!

In that void, the two of them fought frantically, one knife for you, one knife for me!

Shura’s blood stained his shirt red, but he didn’t care at all

The cold killing also left a series of healing wounds that could not be recovered.

Jiang Yuan and the others stood not far away, watching the bloody battle.

To meet a lunatic like Shura Kuang, it would be considered unlucky to kill him.

This slashing didn’t last long.


Another fiery red sword swept away!

With this knife, it directly caused Han to kill the void arm, breaking one!

Together with the ice blade in his hand, it fell off together!

At this moment, Han Sha’s heart sank fiercely!


Whoa whoa whoa!

Sure enough, after this move, Shura Kuang’s big sword slashed wildly again!

One after another flaming knife light flickered, and each knife fell on Han Sha’s body fiercely!

His second Void arm was also cut off!

At this time, his entire body was already covered with ferocious scars, and it was almost chopped into pieces by a random knife.

The picture was brutal!

“Ahahahahaha! Chaos God… Shura Slash!”

In the end, Shura madly raised the Duankong Dao in his hand!

As the fiery red spiritual power burst wildly, a knife fell!


Another blast of arrogance, suddenly erupting for hundreds of millions of miles, tearing apart the void and tearing everything!

In the end, it will also be bombarded, the whole from head to toe, divided into two!

At this last moment, Han Sha’s eyes were hideous, and he looked at Shura Kuang opposite him with unwilling eyes!

After all, even if he died, he couldn’t take away a realm of extreme gods!

After all, it is slightly weaker than Shura madness!

The nine cross-shaped void light eyes on Han Sha’s chest suddenly shattered at this moment!

At last…


His entire body was transformed into countless light spots, dissipating away in the depths of this void!

Another Void King has fallen!

The battle is over!

Seeing that it dissipated and went to the cold killing, Shura Kuang put away the knife.


As soon as he retracted the knife, he gushed out a mouthful of blood!

“Big brother!”

All his little brothers flew up.

Looking at the blood on Shura Kuang’s body, they couldn’t bear to look directly at him!

“Hahahaha, happy!

However, Shura Kuang laughed loudly: “It’s okay, it’s all skin injuries!”

Today, finally the king of the void has died in his hands!

This battle is really fun!

Those of his brothers shook their heads helplessly, what is God’s skin trauma, all of which are still like this?

“For you, it may really be a skin injury!” Jiang Yuan also flew over.

0… ask for flowers…

Indeed, even though it is a slashing slash, this kind of injury is quite durable for Shura Kuang!

Unlike the kind of Baijiu and Heiyue, Baijiu directly tried his best to fight against Heiyue, and his body received a great shock, which was an invisible injury!

“Hahahaha, when I finish my training, I will kill the Void King next time!”

Shura laughed wildly, and the fighting intent in his eyes did not go out.

Jiang Yuan and the others shook their heads helplessly, no wonder Han Sha said you were a lunatic, you are a real lunatic!

“Speaking of which, the scumbag is a bit biased, and the liquor will be taken to heal the wounds, and you don’t care! Is there such a big difference between women and men? Depressed!” Jiang Yuan continued with a smile.

“If he hugs me, then I’ll be really depressed!”

Shura Kuang also laughed loudly: “I’m just a skin injury, I can recover on my own, and I don’t need anyone else’s help!”

“Eh…also!” Jiang Yuan laughed dryly.

“Next time, give me a chance to kill the Void King alone!” Jiang Yuan continued.

“Hahaha, it’s easy to say, next time if there is a king of the void that escapes here, I will give it to you! But in the future, whoever grabs it will get it!” Shura said with a big laugh.

Several people laughed!

Immediately afterwards, Shura Kuang just took out some medicinal pills for healing and took it!

Then, heal in situ,

On the other side, Ziyun Immortal Realm.

Ling Ye brought Xi Ji and others back with Luo You Leng!

“Huh? Father and mother are back so soon?”

Luo Xin was instantly overjoyed and flew up directly.

But when she saw the liquor in Ling Ye’s arms, she was a little strange.

Who is this person, and why is he in Daddy’s arms? It seems that he is injured?

Also, who are Xiji and Zhuge Qingmu in the back?

Why did you come back with your parents?

Xun Ruyue and others were also a little curious, why did they bring Xiji and Baijiu?

Sword God Baijiu, was actually seriously injured and unconscious?


It seems that this battle is very serious!

At this time, Xi Ji’s eyes were also looking at Luo Xin.

This is not the first time she has seen this cute little girl, every time she sees it, she can’t help it, she is envious!

Zhuge Qingfeng also looked at Luo Xin in astonishment!

Is this the daughter of the Demon Lord?

Look, four or five years old?

So she was born after the Lord Demon Lord fell?


Doesn’t that mean that Luo You Leng was pregnant with Lord Demon Lord’s child before Lord Demon Lord and Ye Tian fought?

No wonder, no wonder Luo You Leng at that time was a little strange in front of Lord Demon Lord!

It turned out to be pregnant, the Demon Lord didn’t know it at that time, right?

This little girl is so cute!

His eyes were the same blood red as the Demon Lord.

And it has also successfully inherited the temperament of the Demon Lord and Luo Youlen!

At a young age, she is a proper little beauty embryo, and when she grows up, she may not be worse than Luo Youleng, right?

“Mother, who are they?” After Luo Xin flew over, she grabbed Luo You Leng’s jade hand.

“That… hello, my name is Zhuge Qingfeng!” Zhuge Qingmu immediately stretched out his hand.

Immediately after that, he also reacted, what is he doing?

Seeing that Luo Xin is too cute, she couldn’t help but take the initiative to show her sympathy?

“Hello, my name is Luo Xin!” Luo Xin looked at Zhuge Qingmu, and then stretched out her little hand, learning from Zhuge Qingzhi’s words.

“Luo Xin? How cute!” Zhuge Qingmu couldn’t help laughing.

“Sister, you are also very beautiful!” Luo Xin also replied.

As soon as these words came out, Zhuge Qingmu was stunned!

elder sister?

Is this age inappropriate?

Directly calling yourself a generation younger than the Demon Lord?

“Little girl, you can call me Aunt Xi in the future!” At this time, Xi Ji also spoke.

She took the initiative to teach Luo Xin how to call her, lest Luo Xin also call her younger than Ling Ye, which would be inappropriate.

“Aunt Xi? Aunt Xi is also very beautiful!” Luo Xinxiao had a bright smile on her face.

Although she is not as beautiful as her own mother, she is indeed beautiful!

“Hehe, you really can talk!” Xi Ji also smiled.

A thousand envy in my heart!

What if I had a lovely daughter myself?

“Take them to heal first!” At this moment, Ling Ye spoke.

Luo You nodded coldly.

Immediately, Ling Ye held the liquor and flew towards Huahai Immortal Palace together.

Then came to the temple.

At this time, the five purple cloud fairy lotuses had returned to their previous purple color from their previous transparency.

Looks energized!

Ling Ye put the baijiu directly on one of the Purple Cloud Immortal Lotus!

The purple healing spiritual power flows towards the liquor, constantly repairing those invisible wounds in her body!

Ling Ye’s eyes then turned to Xi Ji.

Many thanks, “Your family’s Ziyun Immortal Lotus! After I recover, Lord Demon Lord please tell me to your heart’s content!”

Xi Ji also smiled lightly, and then tapped her jade feet, and her delicate body landed on one of the purple cloud fairy lotuses!

The words “your family” she said made Luo You Leng’s eyebrows wrinkle slightly.

This is not our family, this is my Ziyun Immortal Realm, and it has nothing to do with Ling Ye!

“You also go up, your strength is too weak, improve as soon as possible! I have some tasks to arrange for you!” Ling Ye then said to Zhuge Qingfeng.

“Yes…!” Zhuge Qingmu nodded.

Then he hurriedly swept away and came to one of the lotus flowers.

As Zhuge Qingfeng and Xi Ji were both cross-legged and closed, there were only three Ling Ye family left.

Luo You’s cold and beautiful eyes glanced at Xi Ji and Bai Jiu, and then turned her gaze, and it landed on Ling Ye’s face!

“Let’s talk alone!”

She then said something lightly at Ling Ye!

About Xiji and Baijiu, she needs to make it clear to Ling Ye! Qian,

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