The Villain's Light

Chapter 145 - NOT EDITED YET

1 year later

After an entire year, everything is far from different already. The church that was spreading their influence at a fast pace suddenly stumbled into a thorny path

The Emperor's forceful resistance against the church made it extremely hard for the church to keep growing

In fact, instead of growing, their powers are decreasing 

The masses favored the church more compared to the Emperor but they are force to have one battle after another

The Royal Family is close to the state of ruins. Their people turn their backs against them and their loyal men are dying one by one 

However, at the same time, the church was also suffering heavy losses 

It comes to the point that while they are still in the process of recruiting combatant clerics, there are already ones that are dying

Both sides were suffering heavy casualties but it was clear to see that it was the Emperor that is in the losing side

His men are weaker without the God's blessings and his support from the people are torn and torn over and over again

However, with his domineering power, the Emperor is still sitting in his Throne despite the people wanting to dethrone him

The world is engulfed in war everywhere and its state was entirely different from what it was a year ago

Almost all places have traces of fighting. No one dared to rebuild their properties as they feared that in the next day, another battle would break out and destroy the thing they were still in the process of rebuilding 

Everywhere, there were chaos, death, suffering, and fear. It was as if the whole world has turned into hell that punishes almost everyone 

Imperial Capital, Throne Room

The Emperor can be seen sitting in his throne and below him were the important officials and Nobles of the Empire

None of them were missing and everyone was present. All of them were kneeling fearfully and they never dared to look at the Emperor

Their Emperor has always been a mysterious existence to them. It was as if he doesn't care about the Empire's state

He don't even do his job properly of managing the Empire. He'll just let the Nobles and Minister do whatever they want to do

If not for the interference of his other family members, the Empire must have fallen already

The Emperor don't have any descendants as he was far too indifferent to beauties but he still has his brothers

Most of them are the ones really running the Empire

However, although the Emperor don't care about the Empire, still, no one dared to usurp his Throne or atleast no one tried to do that anymore

In the past, the Emperor's attitude displeases the high ranking people. They also sees it as a chance to become the next Emperor

However, all those that dared to try was killed by the Emperor himself. Their deaths were even too quick as if they were nothing but ants in the eyes of their Monarch

There were countless people, including other Royals that tried to become rulers themselves but they all failed

One move from tbe Emperor was enough to kill all of them

As such, the Empire had a tacit agreement. The Emperor is still the Emperor even if he don't care for the country 

They can try to take power for themselves but they absolutely cannot cross the line. They cannot let their greed offend the Emperor or else, their deaths are eminent 

The Empire has been in the state for a long time until one day, an intruder arrives and vanishes. But from then on, the Emperor has changed

In the past, he don't meddle in the Empire's affairs but he suddenly had his people suppress and forcefully destroy the church

He still doesn't care about the Empire and only make moves against the church as if they were his hated enemy

At first, no one wants to say anything as they thought that his reaction is normal. What kind of Monarch would let another force take his power?

They even think that the Emperor's decistcame in too late

However, that thinking soon changes. It was fine to wrestle for power but to do so in a way that would turn the world upside down and destroy the natural order is a completely different thing

As such, the Aristocrats, Royals, and the Ministers gathered today in the Throne Room as they kneel into the Emperor

"Your Majesty, please hear our pleas!"

"The Empire is in utter chaos. We cannot afford this war anymore!"

"The Church is not a bad entity, please reconsider your decisions!"

"Our people are suffering, please order us to stop the war!"

"Your Majesty…"

"Your Majesty…"

"Your Majesty…"

One by one, the Nobles pleaded the Emperor and they only want one thing and that is to stop the ongoing war that would just turn the world into ruins

All of them were really desperate but the Emperor didn't bat an eye. It was as if he doesn't care about whatever they were saying. He just sat in his Throne whole quietly listening to his people's pleas

When they were done, everyone stared at the Emperor, waiting for his order to cease the war but the words that come out from his mouth is not something that they like

"Continue what we are doing. We will not stop" the Emperor said in a dismissing tone. It's like he didn't even bother hearing his people

The Nobles looked at each other before nodding their heads together. They already made an agreement before they come here to beg. After all, this is not the first time that they did this

If the Emperor wouldn't stop his mindless actions, then they would be force to fight for what they want

To be an important person in the Empire, one must not only have a title. Their title must also be back by a strong power and none of the Nobles are weak

Most of them are new Nobles that got the title after the previous head died but still, all of them packed some power

They believe that if they were to work together, they would be able to defeat the Emperor

Not to mention, the Palace is already filled with their people. They are all prepared for this outcome

"Your Majesty, we wouldn't let you destroy the Empire!"

"The people cannot suffer anymore!"

"We will stop this even if we have to fight you!"

Everyone looks serious and they would really attack the Emperor any time from now but the man facing danger is still as indifferent as before

"I said, we will not stop" the Emperor simply said and the people present in the room turned to look at each other again before shaking their heads

On a one on one battle, they don't think that they could win against the Emperor but all of them are currently united! There was no possible way that they would lose, right?

Everyone was thinking of that and they were about to stop attacking when someone walks out from behind the Emperor's throne

It was a face that all of them are familiar. Almost all of these high ranking people have encountered him in the past year

"T-that! N-Nameless!" The Nobles muttered in disbelief. What is he doing here?

"From what I can recall, you all are my slaves, right?" Reif muttered before clicking his fingers together

The slave marks instantly showed their selves and they were surprise that almost every one of them has been reduced into the Nameless's slaves

How could this be even possible?

Indeed, there are many Nobles that died in the past year. It was not only because of the war with the church

It waa because Reif killed the previous heads that wouldn't submit to him and force the heirs into submission 

Everyone that don't submit would die. It comes to the point that there are people that succeeded the Title even though they are the ones that are most unlikely to have it

Reif waved his hand into his face and his real appearance was revealed, making the Nobles even more stunned

That face… that face is the face of the Demon Reif!

He was the number 1 target of the church. In fact, despite the raging battle with the Emperor, the church still puts Reif as their priority 

To think that Nameless that turned them into slaves was actually this demon… some of them have already guess it but most doesn't and seeing him, they became a bit unsure of what to do

"You will all follow the Emperor's orders, if not…" Reif trailed and the slave marks wrapped themselves on the Nobles' necks

They can feel the threat of death as if one thought from Reif would kill them

"…. You will all die" Reif continued and the atmosphere instantly became suffocating 

None of these people wants to die but they also cannot let the Empire perish. Just what should they do now?

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