The Villain's Light

Chapter 146 - 139

As a way to warn everyone, Reif clicked his fingers together and one of the high ranking Nobles' bodies swelled before he exploded

The small pieces of his flesh and organs splattered around, dying the Throne Room with a blood-red color

Every single person in this room is of the highest-ranking people in the entire world. In their knowledge, none of them had such a miserable death before

The Noble wasn't even able to resist when the slave mark took his life. The scent of blood wafted in the air making the atmosphere turn very oppressive


"Y-you can't do this!"

"We are just concerned about the Empire's safety!"

The Nobles tried to have some courage and go against Reif and the Emperor's words but they also met a tragic fate

Reif is not the type of person to waste time and he also uses the slave mark to kill those three people that dared to speak

Just like what happened with the first one, the bodies of those three also swelled before they exploded

It send shivers to the remaining people in the room as they stared at Reif just like how a person would look at a dreadful demon

"Anyone else that don't value their lives?" Reif questioned harshly. As long as one of these people go against him again, he would not hesitate to give them the death sentence

There is no one that would receive a second chance. Only death awaits those that would try to resist

As such, none of the Nobles dared to speak again. They love the Empire but their love their lives more

Without them speaking with each other, the Nobles had a tacit agreement of just letting Reif and the Emperor do what they want

After all, the Nobles present here are the ones that love their lives enough to surrender and become an eternal slave

Those that have integrity have lost perished already. This outcome is to be expected

"Since all of us are on the same page, continue purging the believers of God! Don't give them the slightest bit of mercy! Kill on sight!" Reif ordered and everyone shuddered before forcefully nodding their heads

The Nobles were about to exit the Throne Room lest their lives are the ones that would be gone next when...


The entire world shook as if an apocalyptic earthquake would happen. Everyone was shaken whether they are a normal person or existence at Reif and the Emperor's level

After experiencing this earthquake, Reif and the Emperor looked at each other and they understood what is about to happen

In the countless attempts of the Emperor to take his fate into his own hands, this is not the first time that this happened

Whenever the Emperor is close to succeeding, the whole world would suddenly go against him

Reif turned his head at the Nobles. Earlier, their eyes are filled with dread for Reif and greed for power

But now, their eyes look as if someone injected drugs into their bodies that made them very aggressive

"Kill the Emperor!"

"Kill the Demon Reif!"

"For the Empire!"

"For the Glory of the Church!"

The previously fearful Nobles that feared for their lives suddenly had their wills ignited

Their eyes looks as if they were in a frenzy as they charged at the two people that were trying to stop the Church's domination

"The End Game..." Reif muttered

The Emperor already explained that this situation would happen sooner or later

This is the fate's forceful solution to turn the world into the path it wants

The Emperor is destined to fall by the church's hands and Reif is supposed to be killed by Nath

Those are their fate but the situation has escalated and taken a wrong turn

As a result, fate took matters into its own hands, and now, literally the whole world is now against the two of them

The frenzied Nobles went to attack but Reif merely clicked his fingers together and their bodies swelled before exploding

It was the right decision to enslave all these Nobless. If not,  they are a force to reckon and would waste a chunk of Reif and the Emperor's power

"We don't have enough time. Start the plan" the Emperor muttered and Reif nodded his head before the two of them were teleported

When the Emperor said that literally the whole world would be against them, he wasn't exaggerating at all. He was speaking honestly

By now, all the living beings in the world should be on their way to kill the two of them

Every human and monsters have the same goal and the worst thing was that hiding would not achieve anything

Everyone would be aware of Reif and the Emperor's location even if they were to try and hide

There was no possible way for them to hide as fate itself was guiding all the living organisms in the world to attack them

This is something they have already expected to happen but they would prefer it if this thing happened at a sooner date

The reason why the Emperor was forceful of the church's purging was to lessen the numbers from both sides

He is aware that even the most normal person in the world would go against them once fate took control

He sent his people to the church and have them kill each other. Even the normal people weren't left unscathed as they died from the shockwaves or stray attacks of the combatants

Currently, the world is at its weakest. Many of its strong fighters died

Not to mention, Reif also spend the year enslaving as many people so that he could kill them with a single click of his fingers when needed

Currently, the number of strong fighters was as their lowest

However,  that doesn't mean that the two of them could win against the enemies

The fight was two against the world! The number of living organisms reachest an uncountable number already

Even if they are powerful, how could they defeat such a force?

As such,  this is their only chance to succeed and their end game

"The last battle. I will win this for my big brother. Emperor, do it!" Reif said firmly and the Emperor immediately summoned meteors

The church's main base is completely hidden and they would forcefully reveal it in the world

For that, the summon meteors are enough


The meteors met strong resistance but after several of them landed and exploded, the barrier separating the main church from the rest of the world finally revealed itself

It was the most magnificent church out there and only the most pious and strong believers could enter it

For the last battle, the church has the home ground. Not only would they have to fight against the Church with their defensive formation intact, but even all other people in the world are also their enemies

As soon as the church was revealed, a familiar formation instantly spreads around

It was the formation that would transfer Nath's injuries to other people. Instead of him dying, it would be his worshippers that would die

It also didn't take that long before Nath showed himself along with his clerics as if they were already expecting Reif and the Emperor's arrival

"Demon! You dared attack my church! Have you no fear for what I could do to your precious person?" Nath threatened while showing the weakened Rhash inside a cage

His aura was feeble, he surely have suffered a miserable fate

Reif's heart trembled after seeing his big brother but for the sake of the plan, he cannot lose his calm

"I don't care. Kill him if you want to. By now, I already realized something. Once I am at the top of this world, what could I not have?" Reif replied showing a great indifference

It's like he really doesn't care about his big brother anymore

No matter how painful this is, Reif could only do this. If he let himself get blackmailed, what is the use of everything that he had done?

"Rhash is a weak person from another world. He would be better off if you kill him and send him back there" Reif continued

At first, Rhash's heart pained a bit after hearing Reif's words but in the next second, the pain vanishes

From Reif's words, a secret code that only the two of them could understand is present

The key words are 'another world' and 'send him back'. If Reif use another world in the first sentence and send him back in the second, it means that he was merely acting

Rhash already predicted the things that might possibly happen including him being kidnap by Nath

If a day comes when Reif has to pretend that he doesn't care about Rhash anymore, he must use those two phrases in two consecutive sentences

That in return would make Rhash realize that he doesn't mean what he said and there is no need for him to worry

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