The Villain's Light

Chapter 147 - NOT EDITED YET

Instantly, Klein's facial expressions become something that is hard to read. This filled Calix with even more fear

He feels like this type of reaction falls under the bracket of not good. His already sweating body sweats even more than before as he stared at Klein with a begging and desperate look

"K-Klein... I-I'm really sorry. I-I didn't want to h-hide it, I'm just s-scared"

Calix almost cried on the spot. The past days with Klein were the happiest days of his life. He never want to lose this person, ever

The more seconds that passed that Klein don't say or do anything, the scarier Calix becomes until

"Pfft!" Klein suddenly laugh out of nowhere, catching Calix offguard and he blink his eyes repeatedly 

He expected multiple reactions he could receive but Klein laughing is not one of them

Klein laugh genuinely. The way that Calix looks so scared as if someone would eat him alive was really hilarious

He even regretted not taking a picture of it

Since today is Calix's birthday, Klein don't plan on making this man cry. As such, he holds Calix's hand and raises it to kiss him at the back of his palm

"Do you really think that I am not smart enough to not realize something is weird when literally almost everyone in the university looks at us either weirdly or excitedly?" Klein questioned with a chuckle before giving Calix's hand several more kisses

"Y-you know? Y-you're not angry?" Calix muttered in disbelief and Klein shook his head 

"No, I was actually angry at first but things happened" Klein explained. He don't want to explain the whole reasoning and he made it quite vague lest Calix does something bad in the future then do something sweet and heart warming yo coax him

"I'm glad. You don't know how hard my heart was beating earlier. You're so mean, making me feel that nervous" Calix scolded

It was only several seconds but in thise seconds, he felt as if his life is falling apart. He was really scared then

"Oh, after I forgave you, I am now the one in wrong? Is that what you are saying?" Klein questioned while raising his brows and Calix immediately shook his head

"No, sir. It was my fault" he replied and the both of them chuckled at their own silliness 

"But Calix... I know that our schoolmates already know about us but can you still give me some more time? I'm still not quite ready to be really lovey dovey in public" Klein said seriously and Calix flicked his forehead

"Silly. It's fine. No need to feel sorry about that"

With that, the atmosphere between the two turned even better. They had their own little word while the others were partying together until Cain went back and spoke with them

"Klein, Shane asked me call you. She said she has something to say" Cain said 

"What is it?"

"I don't know, ask her"

Feeling that his quality time with Klein got interrupted, Calix frowned 

"Wait for me, I'll try to deal with this as fast as possible" Klein said while tapping Calix's shoulder before he followed Cain to whatever place Shane was staying

Calix was left alone and he can only sip his wine. He waited for a few minutes for Klein to return but it wasn't him that he saw but Shane

"What are you doing here? Aren't you with Klein?" Calix questioned 

"I-I was waiting for him b-but I saw the ghost again! I run here as fast as I can!" Shane replied fearfully

Now that Calix looks at her, Shane does look like she just run a marathon. Her hair was dishiveled and even her dress was wrinkled

Bullets of sweat can be seen in her forehead as he puff for breath

"G-ghost?" Calix muttered. He really don't believe in ghost but remembering what happened a few days ago...

"W-where? Where did you ask him to meet you?" Calix questioned urgently, he was worried that if there really is a ghost in here, something bad would happen to his boyfriend

"I-In your room. K-Klein actually has a surprise for you there" Shane answered and Calix immediately run. He head towards the bedroom he uses when sleeping in the Manor

His mind was already occupied with worry for Klein for him to think rationally

The only thing in his mind is to catch up to Klein before anything bad happen

With how fast Calix was running, it didn't take that long before he arrived at the hallway where the bedroom is located and he went straight to the bedroom when the lights suddenly went out

This phenomenon made Calix stop in his tracks with all the hair in his body raising

The lights only went out for a few seconds before it returned and Calix cautiously continue heading to his bedroom but for the second time, the lights went off again

If all of this is not enough to creep him out then what will?

When in this type of situation, even if a person don't believe in ghost, they would still be force into believing 

After a few seconds, the lights returned again and Calix heard small footsteps as if they came from a little kid

When Calix turned his back behins him, he only saw a small shadow at the end of the hallway

"Fuck, is the possessed doll story really true?!" Calix cursed and he didn't waste any time anymore

He arrived at his room's door and just as he was about to twist the doorknob, he suddenly heard a scream


It was a scream of a familier person and Calix immediately turned pale from fright

That voice... that is Klein's voice!

If Calix was at his normal state of mind, he might have realized that that exact scream was familiar as it came from one of the scenes in the series

However, his mind is fullt preoccupied with the thought of saving Klein and he immediately opened the door while the lights in the hallway went off again

Calix pushed the door open to see that the room's lights are also off

Calix cannot see anything with this level of darkness and his hands hurriedly roamed the walls to find the switch

When his hands finally found it, he immediately turned the lights on. However, what he expected as bright lights didn't come

The lightbulbs only shone with so little light. It was so deem that it was still hard to see anything inside the room

However, that little light enabled Calix to see the state of the room

The first thing he saw was the wall. The light was dim but he can still distinguish that the wall was covered with something red that might possibly be blood

It looks like someone scratched the walls and there were even the word 'Help' here and there

"Oh God..." Calix muttered as he gulped a mouthful of saliva

The walls alone aren't that bad but then his eyes landed on the bed. He saw rows and rows of little creepy dolls in there 

They look really scary especially after all the things that Calix had experience in the past few minutes

As much as he is afraid, Calix still hasn't seen Klein and he swallowed his fear. With legs shaking a bit, he roamed around the room but he hasn't seen even a shadow of Klein as such, he went to the bathroom that has its door open

The bathroom was dimmer but still, Calix saw something in the bathtub. It looks like a human with a knife in its chest submerged with water

Calix cannot see that person's face but since he heard Klein's scream earlier

"N-no... no.... no!" Calix mumbled in disbelief and with shaking hands, he reached out for the person in the tub to see its face when

"WAAAAAAHHHHHH!" A loud errie scream suddenly rang around and that made Calix's body jolt in shock

He stoop a step back but then felt that he hit someone and that made him even more afraid

"AAAHHH!" Calix screamed loudly as if he was a pig being slaughtered 

His heart almost jumped out of his chest. His face was extremely pale as if all color escape from his body

His legs were wobbly as his whole body was shaking badly. He even looks deprive of oxygen while his teeth was cluttering loudly

Calix was in so much fear that it might have been the scariest experience he ever had his whole life when...

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!" A loud joyful laughter entered Calix's ears and this laugh sounds familiar to him

With his forehead drenched with sweat, Calix turned his head back to see who was laughing behind him to see the person that never failed to irritate 

"Hahahahah! You should have seen your face! Oh my god! This is your best birthday ever!" Kayden said happily while holding his stomach from laughing too much

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