The Villain's Light

Chapter 41 - 41: Plan

"How am I even supposed to do that?" Reif asks through gritted teeth. God knows how much he wants to turn that muscle head into a pile of meat paste for coveting someone he shouldn't!

This is the moment that Khaknur was waiting for and he urged Reif to lower his head to whisper some words into his ears

Reif's still developing adam's apples moved while he listened to Khaknur's words. No doubt that he was tempted to try that but he was also anxious for the result

Reif's nervousness spikes causing him to feel cold all over his body. He even shuddered that Rhash notices

"Are you cold?" Rhash asked in concern and Reif immediately shook his head with a bit more force than it should be

"You sure? Come to think of it, winter would be arriving soon. Must be the reason why you are feeling cold. Come, let's get you some winter clothes!"

Just because a human has strong destructive power, doesn't mean that their bodies are invulnerable

Thus, it wasn't weird even if Reif were to find the weather uncomfortable

However, Reif was really not feeling cold. He was just nervous because of what Khaknur whispered into his ears

"W-wait! I'm not really cold!" Reif said but Rhash insisted

"Doesn't matter. We should still buy some winter clothes"

Rhash wouldn't be cold but Reif is different. And who knows, Khaknur might also want to have something to warm him up even if he doesn't need it

There might be something in the stores that he would want to have for himself

Khaknur has been a great help to the two. For now, Rhash don't mind treating Khaknur with kindness

But if Khaknur were to betray him or Reif then Rhash would make sure that this spider would regret living in this world

"Big brother wait!" Reif called out after gathering all of his courage and Rhash looks at him with a questioning look

After gulping a mouthful of saliva, Reif looks at Rhash with a 'pure' look on his face that was adorable in Rhash's eyes

"Big brother, can you help me wear the bracelet?" Reif sweetly asked, pertaining to the bracelet that Rhash just brought for him

Since Reif himself is asking for it although he always tried not to spend any money, how can Rhash refuse?

This was like the first time that he asks for something like this and his big brother would happily comply

Rhash took Reif's wrist in his hand to help him wear the bracelet. The bracelet looks as if it was really made for Reif as it fits his wrist perfectly

Just as Rhash was about to take his hand back, an unexpected yet cute thing happened

Reif took Rhash's hand and places it into his face along with his hand that was wearing the bracelet

"Thank you, Big brother" Reif gave his gratitudes while rubbing Rhash's palm into his cheeks

The older man's heart thumped loudly. Reif currently looks cute but there is something in him that Rhash can't point out

It was like Reif is cute as he has always been but it was not the perfect way to describe it

Rhash doesn't know why but the way Reif look at him makes his face heat up a bit

If that wasn't even enough, Reif even starts to kiss every finger of Rhash as if it was the most precious thing in the world

"R-Reif... w-what are you doing...?" Rhash ask and he doesn't know why but his voice sounds nervous

"Big brother's fingers are soft. I want to keep kissing it, can't I?" Reif asked with an innocent allure and Rhash can't help but stare at him

As a result, Rhash can clearly see the long and moist eyelashes of his gem along with his eyes that were glistening with an emotion foreign to him

"Y-you c-can... b-but w-we still have to get going!" Rhash stuttered and because of his nervousness, he quickly took his hand back before walking at a fast speed

"W-what have I done?" Reif asked himself while looking at his big brother's back

His earlier action was already lewd in his opinion! He was looking at Rhash with his undisguised desire

Although his big brother can read his expressions well, that was still the first time that Rhash saw those kinds of emotions from him. Hence, the reason why Rhash becomes nervous even though he can't decipher the emotion behind Reif's gaze

"Master, master, don't worry! Our plan is working! Did you see how red face and nervous Master Rhash was? That's a good sign! It means he was being affected by your seduction!" Khaknur's head popped out from the basket again as he reassured Reif that was very much regretting his action

"How do you even know if big brother was really being seduced? What if he was just uncomfortable with my actions?" Reif can't help but become pessimistic again

Rhash is the only reason for his existence. Thus, he cannot ruin their relationship just because he can't keep his disgusting thoughts to himself

"Master, when will you trust me? With my years of experience, I can guarantee you that the plan is working perfectly fine!"

By 'experience', Khaknur means all the novels he had read. It was true that most of his time was used in studying magic but a person can't simply do one thing for the rest of their life

One of Khaknur's pastime was precisely reading novels that depicts how humans live their lives, including romance

He was in awe at how organized the humans are especially in their habitats

In the wild, monsters would just stay in whatever place they can without creating that much building or infrastructure. Completely different from the human cities

With Khaknur's experience that actually only comes from novels he had read, he was sure that Rhash was really being seduced without him knowing it!

"The next destination is crucial. It seems like Master Rhash planned on buying clothes for you. Master, here's what you should do next"

Khaknur whispered the plan into Reif's ears that immediately panics

"No! T-that's too much! I can't do that!" Reif said in panic while his whole face turned into a blushing tomato

Khaknur's plan was too much for him to handle. He doesn't think he could ever do something like that

"Master, I know it was hard but you must do it! The only way to prevent Master Rhash to 'make love' with anyone is to do it with him until he doesn't have any energy for other people!"

"Master Reif, you must succeed in seducing Master Rhash and suck all of his libidos. I know you can do it!"

Khaknur cheered while inside his basket and Reif starts wondering where did things go wrong?

Reif swears that if this fails, he would crush this Khaknur with his bare hands for planting such thoughts inside his head

While still unsure, Reif run to catch up to Rhash that is already a bit too far from him


"Welcome! Welcome to our humble store. What can we help you with?"

As soon as the two young men entered the shopping store, the attendant immediately focuses on them

The manager knows a lot of people living in the city. It was a necessity so that he can judge whether a person is an important customer or not

Since both Reif and Rhash are B rank adventurers that even receives a nickname for their exemplary performances, they are included in the list of people that this shop should please as much as they can

Although B-rank adventurers don't have everything in their palms, they are still rich! If the manager were to do a good job, he might be able to sell a lot of clothes today

"Let us see your winter clothes" Rhash replied, not being bothered by the overly enthusiastic manager

He knows that in this world, extremely privileged people exist. As of now, he can be said to be part of the privileged already. It was no use being overwhelmed by something as simple as this

"Certainly! Let me guide you in a private room" the manager said and Rhash didn't refuse

He along with Reif went to the private room while waiting for the winter clothes to arrive

The manager even serves them some tea while they were waiting

"Just let me know if you fancy any of the clothes that will arrive, alright?"

Reif is too much of a cheapskate and Rhash always need to convince him to spend money on himself

However, for the second time today, Rhash didn't receive a reply and he was forced to look at Reif again

He saw Reif pondering over something. He didn't even notice anything around him as he was too lost in thought

"What is this kid up to again? Why do I feel like he is too weird today? He's not normally like this" Rhash thought while watching Reif

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