The Villain's Light

Chapter 42 - 42: Seduction

"Reif, is there something that you are not telling me? No matter what that is, don't be afraid to tell me. You know that I could never get angry at you on anything"

Aside from feeling helpless and having a headache, Rhash would never be angry for Reif no matter what he does even if that were the evilest thing in the world

Well, maybe except for the times that Reif risks his life to save him even though Reif himself might die. But aside from that, Rhash would never get angry

This makes him miss the time when Reif can still speak whatever it is in his mind

That also brought Reif's mind into reality. He was still worried about what he would about to do next but the muscle head and Khaknur's words still filled his thoughts

Even if he felt that he shouldn't go according to Khaknur's plans, Reif decided to do it so that only he would be able to touch Rhash in whatever way he wants to

"B-big brother, it's nothing. I'm just wondering what to get for you since all clothes suit you" Reif made an excuse but Rhash let it pass since his little gem is being this sweet in his words

"Fine, fine. But if there is something that you want to tell me but can't, remember that I am always on your side, alright?"

Reif nodded his head at that and he can't help but smile albeit it also has some guilt due to his plans

It didn't take that long before the manager was back along with his attendants that were carrying all sorts of winter clothes

On earth, winter clothes were mostly thick to provide enough heat. But in this world, even a think fabric can give the wearer enough heat with the help of magic

Of course, winter clothes in this world still looks a bit similar to the ones back on ancient/medieval earth but it just wasn't as bulky as those

Most of the clothes were made from monster fur and each one of them was fantastic

After all, Rhash chose a shop that is high-end. The manager knows him and he would not show any shabby clothes

"Reif, you can go choose whatever you want first" Rhash said and he expects Reif to refuse

After all, Reif always put Rhash a priority even with the smallest things such as choosing clothes

What Rhash didn't expect was Reif accepted easily. The young man stood up from his seat to take one of the winter clothes

"Excellent choice! That jacket contains fur from a snow fox. One of the most sought materials for winter clothes!" The manager starts his sales talk although neither Rhash nor Reif paid him much attention

The manager was still spouting his speech that he rehearses beforehand to every high-quality clothes this shop has when Reif cuts him off

"Is there's a fitting room here?" Reif asked. It was a jacket and he can just put it on top of his clothes but he still ask for a fitting room

Even then, the manager didn't show a strange expression on his face and guided Reif to the fitting room next door

"B-big brother... c-can you go with me?" Rhash asked shyly with his cheeks gaining some red tint on it

Since the people in the city thought that the two were biological brothers, the manager and attendants didn't think much of it

Even Rhash only thinks that this is a good thing. Reif is being needy today that he normally didn't do

Rhash would be able to pamper his little gem even better

"Of course" Rhash answered and he entered the fitting room with Reif

"Let me help you put it on" Rhash said as he took the jacket and went behind Reif

Rhash places the jacket in Reif's body, making sure that it would fit the young man perfectly

"I think it looks nice on you. We should get this one" Rhash commented before Reif turned his body to face him

Rhash can see the nervousness in the young man and he can't help but raise his brows

"B-but I think it might be a little bit small for me or m-maybe i-it's just because of the clothes I am c-currently wearing" Reif said before removing the jacket and handed it to Rhash. In fact, it wasn't only the jacket that he removes

Reif also starts stripping his upper clothing in a slow manner with his hands even shaking in the process

He was the very example of a nervous man and Rhash just watched him trying to see what he plans on doing

However, Reif not only purposely removing his clothes in a slow manner. His shaking hands was also causing a delay causing his embarrassment to skyrocket as Rhash's whole focus was on him

It was only after much difficulty that he fully removed his upper clothing, revealing his toned body

Although Reif doesn't have much visible muscles yet, his chest was already gaining some meat. Even his stomach has a faint outline, if he were given some more time, he would definitely have abs

Although the two take baths together, Rhash don't really look at Reif's body that much after the young man was rescued from malnutrition

Now that Rhash was watching Reif intently, he realizes that his gem's body is not that of a kid anymore

Not only was Reif taller than him already. He also looks like a handsome young man that is close to having an athlete body

Reif is really not a kid anymore!

After removing all of his upper clothing, Rhash can see that although Reif's head was lowered, he was still sneaking glances at him

The already nervous young man also becomes even more nervous, visibly at how his body was lightly shaking

"I-I'll t-try the j-jacket a-again" Reif stuttered from his nervousness as he walks closer to his big brother

In the next second, Reif trips to the point that his body collided with Rhash

The older man can't help but blink his eyes repeatedly. If there is something in his mind, it would be the words "Reif sucks at acting"

Yeah, Reif really sucks at acting perhaps because he was nervous. He clearly didn't trip accidentally, he did it on purpose!

His bare body brushes against Rhash's clothed one but it seems like Reif is still not satisfied with that

Reif 'acted' as if he loses balance and he swipes his legs to Rhash's legs so that the older man would also lose his balance

Due to Rhash's mind going blank because of Reif's actions, he indeed also tripped and his body fell to the ground

Reif followed the fall soon after. Rhash's back was facing the ground while Reif's head was into his big brother's chest

Thanks to the close proximity, Rhash can feel how fast Reif's was beating currently. It was like there is a horde of horses running inside it and for an unknown reason, that also causes Rhash's heart to beat faster than before

If purposely tripping his big brother was not enough, Reif even places his in the side of Rhash's body

Their heads are now only inches away at each other

This close distance makes Reif feel feverish. He was supposed to stare at Rhash's eyes but when his gaze landed on those reddish pinkish lips of his big brother, he can't remove his gaze from it anymore

Rhash's eyes have the power to draw Reif into it as if they were whirlpools yet his alluring lips also has that effect

Reif very much wanted to have a taste of those sinfully delicious lips and his desire was clearly visible from his eyes

If Rhash still doesn't know what is currently going on, he would be an idiot

Reif was clearly seducing him! It was as clear as a day with the sun shining brightly above!

Now that Rhash thinks of it, Reif asking him for help put the bracelet must be one of Reif's seduction technique

No wonder Reif kisses every finger of Rhash. It was a slow a sensual one that was already too late when Rhash realizes

Rhash is screwed. Reif is seducing him and the young man's desire for him isn't hidden anymore

What should Rhash do? His mind went blank. He doesn't have any sexual nor love experience

He doesn't know what to do in situations like this one. But since Reif clearly want him then there is only one thing to do ... Rhash would give himself

There is no question about that. If Reif wants the whole world, Rhash would help him obtain that. What more if he only wants Rhash's body

In fact, even Rhash is aware that the body he was currently inhabiting is attractive. He just didn't expect that he would cause Reif to ben

Well, that part doesn't matter much. They already killed countless lives, how can that even compare to Reif's homosexual desire?

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