The Villain's Light

Chapter 53 - 53

"Here we are" Rhash muttered as soon as he saw the fence of the village where their mission is going to be held

After a few more days in the city, they set off to fulfill the mission and also to obtain something that Rhash wants in this place

The village that they arrived in was a small one. It only has a few tens of houses and some of the fences are even completely destroyed

It might have been the work of the trolls that were attacking this otherwise completely peaceful village

Some traces of destruction can be seen but it was not as severe as the one from Rhash's dreams

After all, the trolls only started to attack the village and kill the villagers. It still hasn't come to the point that the situation was completely hopeless and dangerous for the villagers

Although it will not be for long before that would happen since no adventurer would accept the mission except for Reif that was hoping to see some good people

Since this is a small village and the people are far from being rich, they cannot give a high commission even if they want to. They simply don't have the financial capability for that

"This is where you want to go?" Reif asked in confusion. This village looks as poor as the people

What could it possibly contain that makes Rhash covet for it? It doesn't make any sense at all

"Don't simply look at the outside appearance of things.. Sometimes, a great treasure is found in the location where you would never expect it" Rhash replied

This village wasn't really that much. In fact, the thing that Rhash wants is not inside the village but was instead close to it and

The item that he wants is a special one and although Rhash is also not completely aware of what it does aside from a few things, he still needs to get it

As for the reason? That was because he can't let it land on a certain someone's hands

"I guess big brother is right" Reif said. They had obtained some treasures over the year and not all of them are exactly in the place that people would expect those things to be

The two continued on their way and as soon as they arrived at the vicinity of the village, the villagers immediately came to see them

However, after seeing two kids, the villagers were disappointed

After all, most people judge things based on appearance. Since Rhash and Reif are still too young, can they really fulfill the mission?

Although the trolls aren't harassing the village to the point that they were in complete despair, they are still being attacked

Some of them already died and the others were afraid that they would be the next victim if this goes on

"You two are ...?" The villagers asked curiously. Rhash already expected it but he was still a bit dissatisfied

Please! If Rhash is in his old world, he would have the power to demolish a large building all on his own

Being looked down upon is not exactly and pleasant feeling. Even then, Rhash still showed some professionalism as he smiled politely at them

If there is one thing he learned in this life, that would be to adjust his expression depending on certain situations that he is currently applying right now

"We are the adventurers that accepted the mission to exterminate the Trolls" Rhash replied and the villagers immediately murmured with each other

Although after they saw the two kids, the villagers already started thinking that they are the ones that accepted it, they were still surprised after the confirmation

"B-but you two are kids" one of the villagers said and the others nodded their heads in agreement

"We are but we are also B rank adventurers" Rhash replied while showing his badge that proved his rank in the guild

Even after showing proof, the villagers were still not completely convinced and Rhash can only do one thing

"You can all try to fight me. See for yourself my own skills"

What is the best way to convince someone that you have enough power to do the job? Naturally, that is by showing off your skills

If they saw how good you were, it would make their doubts vanish

"F-fight you?" The villagers muttered unsurely

Compared to most people, they are not bad. They were just worried that these kids wouldn't be able to do anything to help them. They might even lose their life

However, fighting them is still too much. The villagers are worried that they might get hurt

That's nice of them but they aren't exactly bright people. They have been living almost secluded from the world and it lowered their intelligence by some degree

Thinking that this is turning into a nuisance, Rhash decided that he just show them immediately

His body vanishes and reappears behind one of the villagers. Rhash had his arm wrapped around the poor villager although he didn't put any pressure to not hurt him

From the villager's eyes, he seems to have teleported from his original position to the back of the villager although he really just moved at an impossible speed

"I won't get hurt if that is what you all are worried about so come fight me" Rhash said after releasing the villager as he can feel how Reif is glaring

Just seeing his big brother 'touching' another person was enough to ignite Reif's jealousy

He doesn't want Rhash to touch anyone other than him. His possessiveness really took another big lift and that part is making Rhash helpless at times

"Big brother, I can do it. I will fight them" Reif volunteered. If he is the one that will fight them then Rhash wouldn't need to touch anyone. Isn't that a win-win situation for all of them?

Rhash would be able to show their skills to the villagers and Reif won't get jealous. It was simply perfect

Unfortunately, Rhash rejected that offer. Due to how jealous his little gem was, Rhash is afraid that Reif would hurt these villagers

The least they need is for these villagers to file a complaint to the guild

"Nah, I can do this" Rhash replied and Reif instantly pouted his lips

Since Rhash is being like this, Reif can only plan in his mind how he can make his big brother cry the next time they would have a passionate night ... or actually, day since they both like doing it a lot

After seeing how fast Rhash moves, the villagers decided to give him a chance and test him

Ten fully able-bodied men went on their way to fight Rhash

It might look too much for them to fight a single kid but the trolls are on an entirely different level

If Rhash can't even beat ten men easily, how can he fight the trolls that can smash a human's skull in a single move?

The ten were unsure at first as they don't want to hurt Rhash but then the latter made the first move

He simply walks towards one of the ten men and gave him a single punch

The guy blocked with his palm but he didn't expect that Rhash's punch was so powerful

A single punch alone already causes his body to fly in the air. There was so much force that it made the villagers broke out into a cold sweat

That punch seems no weaker than a troll's punch

The remaining nine men took Rhash more seriously and one of them slammed his feet on the ground and Rhash can feel the movement of mana below

As a result, he jumped from his original position before charging towards the one that attacks him

A second human was thrown in the air as Rhash kicked him away while making sure that he wouldn't be seriously injured

Yet another one controlled the ground and pieces of rocks were turned into bullets that chased Rhash

However, Rhash simply caught one of the stones and threw it. One stone hit another stone and they went on separate ways that in turn hit the other stones to the point that none of them managed to hit Rhash

But another one made a move as he tried to punch Rhash with a rock hardened fist

Too bad that his rock covered fist was not enough to defeat Rhash's bare fist and he too was sent in the air

Seems like these villagers are all using earth magic. Might be because they are living in a place like this that develops their affinity to suit the environment

Rhash continued and easily beat one man after another as if they are the child and not him

He didn't even sweat even for just a bit as there is simply no challenge for him to defeat these weak villagers

It was no wonder that the trolls managed to put them in a desperate situation

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