The Villain's Light

Chapter 54 - 54

If this is not enough to impress these villagers then Rhash don't know what would

Fortunately, the villagers were in awe of his prowess. The way he made it easy to defeat ten fully grown men with such a young body is just too amazing

"We apologize for having a prejudice against you!" The villagers immediately gave their apologies after seeing what Rhash did

These villagers are quite simple and they aren't necessarily bad but they are also stupid and naive

Rhash don't have the mental capability to treat them different after what they did in his dreams

"It's nothing" Rhash replied to brush the topic off

"Anyway, we only show ourselves for formality. We can solve the troll problems on our own" Rhash said

The thing that he wants to obtain is not really in the village itself. It was close from here and the exact location was located inside the troll's lair

Rhash need to obtain that rather than a certain someone that would become his and Reif's enemies

"Y-you two will do it alone? Don't! That's really dangerous!" The villager tried to stop them out of concern but Rhash is already set on accomplishing the mission without the help of any strangers

He doesn't want what would happen to blow up and become known by too many people. If not, troubles would soon follow

"B-but, the trolls are high in number!" The villagers insisted. They can't let two kids throw their lives away

"We are B rank adventurers. I'm sure we can at least escape if anything were to happen"

The mission is just at C rank. The only redeeming qualities with trolls were their high quantity and amazing physical prowess

They almost cannot use any magic at all. That makes it easier to kill them

After all, the trolls have similar intelligence to savage animals except for the very few of them

They are what people would call all brawns with no brain.

With that, Rhash guided Reif to find where the trolls are living

Reif removed the gravity's downward pull on him as he soared into the air while Rhash condensed a pair of blood wings behind him

Looking at the woods from above would make the targets easier to find

After all, the trolls have huge bodies ranging from 3 meters to 6. The very exceptional ones are even taller than that

The sensation of the gentle winds hitting one's body is a pleasant experience. In Rhash's past world, no man can fly as freely as the ones in this world

He along with most people on earth dreamed of one day flying in the air. Rhash really likes flying as this is an experience he can never get from his former world

Rhash was enjoying his flight while searching for the trolls when he felt a hand holding his

When he looked at Reif, he saw the young man has a gentle smile on his face. He really wishes days like this would last forever

"Big brother, can you please tell me now what the treasure we would need to get from here?" Reif asked curiously. He badly wanted to know their goal here

After all, Rhash has never wanted to obtain a treasure such as the one they are currently looking for

It might not look like it but Rhash planned things more meticulously this time to avoid mishaps and also so that they can react when a sudden situation came up

Rhash saw the great curiosity from Reif and he won't have the heart to make him wait for a longer time

He really has a great soft spot for Reif and Rhash decided that he should just spill the beans

"It's the shard of brilliance. There are only three of them in the world and even if we can't get all three of them, we must at least have one or two. In that way, we would be able to cut off our biggest threat in this world early. It's like removing a budding seed before it can grow into a tall and giant tree "Rhash answered seriously

The seed of brilliance is an extremely important thing. No one else can have it aside from them

"Is this related to the guy that you said? That Nath?" Reif asked another question and Rhash nodded his head

Nath. The so-called Son of God has the second greatest power in the world with Reif being the first

If Reif was painted as the evilest and cruelest demon in the world, Nath on the other hand was seen as the most sacred and holy person

"Yes, a large part of his force would come from the Shards of Brilliance. Therefore, we need to cut his power early. He won't be able to reach his peak but we can

That is the reason why after the two of them became B rank adventurers, Rhash decided to retrieve the shard as soon as possible

Rhash's dreams don't really have an ordered calendar in them. He doesn't know how far he is on the original timeline already

It's not like his dreams would say something like "1 year later" or whatever

Rhash is also grasping in the dark. He was afraid that Nath would obtain the shard without a problem and that cannot happen

"What are these shards, big brother? What can they do?" Reif asked again. Since it was a treasure by his 'enemy', he need to get ready for it

No harm can be inflicted on his big brother. Reif must make sure that Rhash is safe from that Nath

"Each of the shards is said to have come from the God of Light itself. The Church has almost gone obsolete by now but soon, they will take over the world and even the Royal Family of the Archenlan Empire would be nothing in front of them "

Currently, the world is ruled by the Archenlan Clan. It's just that, there are few of them and all of them are also residing inside the Capital

There is almost 0% chance that people would meet a Royal inside the Mesha City

After all, the Royal Family are few in number due to how good their genes are. The Mesha City is one of the three biggest cities in the Empire but it was also the freest

It was ironic that such a big city aren't that influenced that much by the Royal Family

Well, that is because of the certain someone living in there in which Reif knew by the name Salamander

Thus, the Mesha City was barely influenced by the Royal Family and there are not much of traces of them in there

"The shard that we would get now particularly has the ability to—" Rhash's words were cut off as he saw a troll

It was just a group of around twenty trolls though. They aren't the whole group and this is also not the lair

Even then, this was a good news

"Reif, let's go down. I think these trolls are going to attack the village again"

Based on the direction that the trolls are going, it was very plausible that they are after the village

Although Rhash don't really care much about those villagers, they still accepted the vision

They must do it beautifully. This might not take care of all the jealous people but it would give them one less thing to gossip about

Even if Rhash can ignore their harsh words, it was still irritating to see people publicly flaunting their insecurities and jealousy

"Okay!" Reif replied and his body starts free-falling at such a high speed. He looks like a falling meteor that soon destroyed an area of ​​the woods

Smokes and stones immediately flew in all directions before bright crimson streaks were lighted in the area

There is a reason why Reif has the nickname - Crimson Magician!

The streaks of crimson-colored lighting flashed by and it collided with some of the trolls. After that, a loud and terrible explosion instantly occurred that made more smoke and rubbles to be displaces

The surrounding vegetation was also abused to the point that only ashes were remaining

Just one attack alone has already killed some of the trolls

The surprising thing was that even with the trolls having their internal organs exposed, some of them were still able to move

The trolls issued loud animalistic sounds. Their anger was ignited as they charged at Reif whiile angrily raising their fist

Reif gathered mana into his palm before another crimson explosion occured in a fan shape area

Pieces of flesh were thrown in the air and the ground was dyed with green colored blood

If it was just 20 trolls, Reif wouldn't find it hard to completely eradicate them

However, even 20 trolls is just considered as a small group. The trolls have large bodies yet there are also a lot of them in a single area thanks to their high fertility rate that might have stemmed from them having a great amount of life force

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