With Ye Qian's current cultivation and realm, not to mention the powerful power given to the three Douglass, even if it is to completely control them and make them submit to themselves, it is also an easy thing.

As soon as Kun Peng's Scepter came out, the whole room in the sky city was glittering with gold. The pure, rich glow shone on the heads of Douglas, Yager and old John. The scene is unique, with a different style of beauty and mystery.

At the moment, Douglas three people only feel that their blood in the body can not live boiling, that kind of feeling is like a complete transformation. Whether it's the body or the blood, or the muscles and bones, it's totally different now.

Douglas, as the great lord of the blood clan, realized this point most profoundly.

I don't know how long after, when the golden light in the room slowly faded away, Douglas, Yager and old John, who were kneeling on the ground, had extraordinary changes from head to foot. The feeling was to take off, to sublimate and to transform.

At this moment, the least changed of the three giants of the dark temple is Yago, the leader of the orcs.

Drooping his head and looking at his hands, Yago couldn't believe his eyes. His hands are now human, and it's impossible for him to return to Orc form.

However, although he can't return to Orc form, Yago feels that his body's vigorous strength is stronger than before, which is a strong feeling.

Staring at his hands, Yago even felt that he could crush a mountain and a planet. For this reason, he was excited and yelled. He was afraid that he had not lived for so many years.

If you look at Old John, the dark mage, his image has changed most obviously. Now old John is no longer a white haired old man, but a beautiful young man.

Elegant blonde hair, blue eyes, plus that black mage robe, gentle and elegant. In particular, his whole body at the moment can no longer find the smell of darkness, on the contrary, at the moment, he is surrounded by a golden light, and the golden light is filled with the power of elements and the fluctuation of magic.

Looking at his delicate hands, he felt the magic that filled his chest. At the moment, old John almost cried out: "this is, this is the realm of God, saint and devil master, this is the realm of God, saint and devil master in legend..."

His face is unbelievable. Today's old John has nothing but gratitude. After all, if he didn't have the gift of this demon lord, he would not have been able to reach the legendary realm of God, saint and devil master even if he practiced for thousands of years.

As for Douglas, not to mention it.

Douglas is one of the three who can understand and absorb the power contained in Kun Peng's scepter.

At the moment, Douglas's change was more than that of Argo and old John.

First of all, Douglas's wings have undergone a very obvious change. His wings are no longer the black of blood clan, nor the ethereal color of fallen angels, nor the pure white color of angels, but the extremely dazzling and extremely ghostly red color of blood.

Secondly, his wings spread one by one, which had already exceeded the number of twelve wings, but evolved into sixteen wings. Once these eight pairs of wings were opened, they gave people a sense of fear and oppression that was hard to say.

"Sixteen wings, sixteen wings Blood Angels, this, this..."

At this moment, even Yago and old John were stunned. They just looked at Douglas, and a feeling of submission and kneeling involuntarily poured into their hearts.

Blood angel, which is only recorded in the legend, let alone Argo and old John, even among the blood emperors of all ages, no one has ever seen the existence of blood angel.

In the blood clan's Classics, the blood angel is only a species existing in the theoretical sense. His toughness and mystery only appear in the ancient books of the blood clan. However, no one has ever seen the blood angel in the whole human world, even in the dark temple.

It is obvious that Douglas is no longer a living creature in the human world, with the wings fluttering like blood and the black and golden eyes.

Looking at Douglas, whose whole body was floating in the air, ye Qian gave a satisfied smile, tilted his head, and sighed: "yes, yes, you little bat has some potential. You can jump from the realm of Tianyuan to the realm of Xuanxian, which is beyond my expectation."

The Xuanxian realm in Ye Qian's mouth is a kind of cultivation level only existed in the fairyland.

In the ancient world of earthly immortals, according to their own cultivation, the great scattered immortals are divided into Tianxian, jiuzhuantianxian, Xuanxian, jiuzhuanxuanxian, Jinxian, jiuzhuanjinxian, Daluo Jinxian and Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Now ye Qian is in the state of half step Hunyuan, that is, the strength of daruo Jinxian at its peak.

At the moment, ye Qianzhi didn't expect that Douglas, such a great lord of the heaven and Yuan realm of the blood clan, had been baptized by the Kunpeng scepter, and had raised two great realms at once, which directly achieved Xuanxian's early cultivation. We should know that it takes at least thousands of years of practice and experience for a normal practitioner to pass these two realms. Of course, it is possible to spend tens of thousands of years on those with poor qualifications. However, today's Douglas is accomplished in one stroke, and this kind of opportunity is not available to everyone.When Douglas opened his eyes again, heaven and earth had become different in his eyes.

However, at the moment, Douglas did not get carried away by the upsurge of his own cultivation. On the contrary, he was more and more respectful and afraid of Ye Qian.

Because with the soaring cultivation of Douglas, ye Qian in his eyes has become different. Douglas may have been afraid of Ye Qian just because he was afraid of death, but now Douglas is really afraid of Ye Qian, because he can already feel the strong power from ye Qian, which is just like a mountain peak across the two people, and can not be overstepped.

Slowly falling down, Douglas landed on his feet and stood steadily on the floor of the house. Then the terrible existence, who had just evolved into a blood angel, made a thing that shocked and surprised Yago and old John in front of Ye Qian.

Gradually, Douglas, the proud blood angel, now crawls in front of Ye Qian, kisses his feet, and says in a respectful tone: "great demon lord, thank you for giving me endless strength. From this day on, I, Douglas, will be your most loyal servant and will be willing to do whatever you want from the Lord

Douglas prayed devoutly and stretched out his hands. Suddenly, a dark light suddenly appeared from Douglas's chest. The light was wrapped in blood and condensed into a touch of ancient words, which was like a contract.

At the moment, Yage and old John were shocked, and they gaped: "this is, this is the sacrifice of the blood clan..."

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