Each of the three races in the dark temple has its own special skills. For example, the dark mage, when in danger, can release the dark forbidden skill several times higher than their own magic power. The orcs can enhance their combat effectiveness through fury. As for the special skill of the blood clan, it is undoubtedly sacrifice.

Moreover, the sacrifice of blood clan is not only a combat skill, but also an ancient contract.

In the ancient books of the blood clan, sacrifice has two different ways besides fighting. One is active sacrifice, the other is passive sacrifice.

Passive sacrifice is to take the blood race as the main body, and force to sign unequal contracts with the human race and other races. In this case, the blood clan is the main body and other races are the servants. This is also the origin of blood clan's initial support and blood clan's employment.

The active sacrifice is different. In fact, the blood clan who choose to sacrifice actively is in a passive position in the process of completing the contract. They actively offer their own soul and body, voluntarily become slaves, and never betray. The active sacrifice of the blood clan is like the ancient master servant contract of the demon clan. Once signed, he will never go back on his or her life, otherwise it will be the end of death.

At the moment, Douglas, the blood angel, uses active sacrifice. He wants to offer his soul completely and unreservedly to the Oriental demon God who gives himself strength.

This is exactly where Yago and old John are shocked.

In fact, the reason why Douglas chose to sacrifice voluntarily was not because he made an impulsive decision. His choice was well thought out. After all, after weighing the pros and cons, Douglas still felt that it was the wisest move to devote himself completely to the demon God at the moment, and there might be unexpected benefits after sacrifice?

Even ye Qian felt a little inconceivable about Douglas's sudden sacrifice.

However, ye Qian here did not intend to take a blood clan as a servant. So just looking at the strange words in front of him, ye Qian just gave a faint smile, then waved his hand and directly interrupted Douglas's sacrifice.

Douglas was stunned for a moment. After all, sacrifice is a unique method of blood clan. Once you choose to open it, it is irreversible. Even the blood emperor of all ages has never been able to interrupt the process of sacrifice.

At the moment, the demon lord sitting on the top directly interrupted his sacrifice with just a wave of his hand. This is incredible.

But at the same time, Douglas felt more frightened.

On such a respectful prostrate at Ye Qian's feet, Douglas's voice trembled: "demon, Lord demon, I Douglas is sincere, sincerely want to be the servant of the demon lord, please believe my sincerity and sincerity..."

In Douglas's view, the reason why Ye Qian interrupted his sacrifice was that he did not believe in himself, which was fatal to Douglas today.

But in the face of such a frightened Douglas, ye Qian just chuckled and said, "OK, I have already felt your sincerity and sincerity. However, I prefer to believe in strength rather than sincerity. I don't need you to express your loyalty in this way, which is worthless to me. You can also choose to ignore my words when you return to the West. But at that time, I will go to find you personally. Since I can give you this supreme power, I can also recover these powers. "

"Of course, I will take your lives back together, so you should have a number in your mind."

What ye Qian said was a light one, but these words fell into the ears of Douglas and old John like thunder.

Argo, old John and Douglas were all shaking with fear. Then the three of them sprawled on the ground and said, "no, no, we dare not disobey the Lord devil's orders."

"That's good."

One side of satisfaction nodded, ye Qian stood up again from his seat, and then murmured.

"In fact, you don't have to be so nervous. What I need you to do is so simple that you can't believe it."

After a pause, ye Qian continued: "now you have the power you have never had. Later you will be able to go out of my sky city, back to the west, back to the dark temple. And all you have to do is help me to give my lovely teacher Vivian a word. You tell her that I can give the whole dark temple the right to walk in the sun. But she had to promise me that the dark temple would never set foot in the East. As long as she can comply with this request, then the dark temple and I will not offend the river in the days to come

"If, if her majesty, she does not agree?"

At the moment, the old John suddenly interrupted Ye Qian's words and asked.

Obviously, old John knew something about his majesty. Although her majesty first ascended the throne, her ability and ambition are absolutely beyond the ordinary people's eyes. Moreover, marching into the East has always been the dream of several Western temples. In addition, Vivian has evolved into a fallen angel. The strength of the dark temple is far beyond imagination. In this case, it is almost impossible to persuade her majesty to give up the idea of marching into the East."No? Hehe, I'm afraid she can't help it

Ye Qian sneered and said, "if she dares not to agree, Douglas can take his place. What do you think I'm doing to give you such great power for no reason? "

"In short, my request is a word. I can't control you if you want to toss about in the west, but don't set foot in the East, otherwise you should understand."

Ye Qian's words have been very obvious. The three Douglass did not dare to disobey. They could only kowtow: "yes, yes, we understand. We understand that we must obey the orders of the Demon Lord."

"Well, I've finished what I've said, and you've got it. Now you can go back." With that, ye Qian waved to Douglas, who was still crawling on the ground.

But at this time, old John suddenly said: "Lord devil, villain, villain, there is one thing."

"Say it."

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