I need to talk to him, I need to let him know that it wasn't my intention to disgrace him.

I walk up to my door, open it and turn to where Yabo is standing .."Please Yabo, allow me go talk to the Emperor ..please, I promise he won't punish you or get angry at you ..just please let me go talk to my husband. " I beg Yabo as I try not to cry in his presence but I guess that won't be a new thing to him as I've cried quite a lot in a lot of people's presence.

After my pleading, I look at Yabo trying to read his expression which is quite so very visible tonight for someone who I thought have no emotion.

"The Emperor left for his farm earlier but I think he should now be in his chambers." Yabo said and when my nowadays slow brain finally realized that he just grant me my wish, I smile while telling him thank you as I run down the corridor that leads to my husband room.

When I reach my husband front door, I begin to pray that his guard there should please let me in and to my greatest surprise ..they didn't even query me, they even opened the door for me with a smile on their faces as if they've been wanting me to come in for quite a while ..that which I guess would have had me confused if my mind isn't full of other matters right now.

Immediately I entered my husband chamber, he turn to his door which  have me halfway in ..I guess to know who dare disturb him when he had clearly given out the instruction not to let anyone in.

One part of me is scared by the way he's now looking at me and another part of me feel him and want to hug him and beg for his forgiveness. Suddenly I found my self running up to him and when i got to where he's standing, i wrap my hands around his waist, place my head on his chest and hug him. I hug me so tightly as I whisper how sorry I am while crying but immediately I started crying, he begin hugging me back and plead for me not to cry.

"Nana, stop crying ok?" He said as he wipe at my eyes.

"but I'm sorry ..I embarrassed you in front of your people, I'm so sorry." I plead as I hug him more.

"Ok but don't cry ..even though you look beautiful when you cry, I still prefer seeing you when you're not or when you're smiling because then you look breath taking." My husband said as he lead me to his bed then sit me down.

"Nana, I know what you're trying to do." He said as he left my face up towards his ..now looking at me with a lot of emotions on his face but still, I can't pick point any one and that makes me unsure as I don't know if my plan is working at all ..I do hope he have forgiven me though.

I pull his hand away from my face and replace my head on his chest then begin to hug him again.

"It's working Nana but you should have told me. I'm not going to do it just because you want me to ..he committed a crime Nana, your brother should have stayed out of the country that he has been forbidden to enter."

"But.." I started to say but he interrupt me by saying..

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