"I hate you Yi Wuji! ..I hate the day I was made to marry you." I yell as I begin to push any thing that's in my way or around me angrily.

"Her Highness." Nana begin to call as she enter my room but I didn't answer and it seems like I don't need to as her mouth is now slightly open  ..she's obviously shock by the state of my room which is now full of broken furnitures.

"Lady Nana, you've been breaking things ever since you came back from the Emperor's chamber ..are you still angry at him?." Jandi asked which make me to look at her with all the anger in my body as I recall me and the Emperor's last night conversion ..how I removed his hands around me while yelling at his face that I hate him before I stormed out of his room in anger.

I even refused to go to the throne hall this morning ..how can I, when I know what they already plan on doing to my brother.

"I hate him.."  I said to Jandi then begin to cry when the image of what will happen to brother begin clouding my mind.

"I think you actually love him though ..Lady Nana and that's why you're crying right now.

"No, I don't love! I can't love a cruel man and that's what he is ..cruel and inconsiderate!

"But he.."  Jandi begin to speck but I interrupt her by continuously yelling out my anger.

"Why did I even asked you to go in the court room when I already know what judgment he's going to be passing. I believe you all, tell him! You told me to tell him even Yabo too and I did just that but what did I get in return ..my brother declaration of death being slapped on my face and now you're telling me I love him ..well guess what, you get it wrong! ..you all did. He doesn't love me, he doesn't love me Jan-di! He doesn't love me.." I said as I fall on my bed in defeat while crying and fumbling my dress in distress.

I watch Jandi watch me probably contemplating whether if now is the right time to say something or come near me.

"Just spill it out already." I said as I wipe at the tears on my face.

"The Emperor is setting your brother free." Jandi said but I'm sure I heard her wrong so I asked her to repeat what she just said in case I didn't.

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