The Wandering Planet

Chapter 221: Super explosion

After a long flight, Qiao Li can finally see through the enlarged image of tactical eyepieces to see the new Ambrela's ultimate weapon, Chaos, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

It was an ugly monster with a huge body, translucent skin like squid, but an ugly monster resembling the internal structure of human bones.

Through that transparent skin, you can clearly see a human skull, that is, the chaotic head, which makes it look as terrifying as an undead.

At the same time, all of its limbs turned into soft tentacles, allowing it to float easily on the water, full of the sense of sight of the evil **** in Cthulhu mythology.

On the back of the chaos, there are fumes like whale, and the strong yellow-brown biochemical virus gas is spewed into the atmosphere all the time.

It is this biochemical crisis world that has completely turned into a zombie apocalypse. Except for the new Ambrella personnel who have antidote and vaccine, there are only a few survivors with antibodies.

Only by completely removing chaos can the world return to normal.

After confirming the location of the chaos, Qiao Li stopped.

At this time, the **** flight formations had returned in advance, and only he wearing nano-armor was able to approach this point.

This is the best viewing distance. If he gets closer, he may be affected by the impact of the explosion.

Antimatter nuclear bombs will soon pass the last 100 kilometers, and Qiao Li must be prepared to resist radiation and electromagnetic pulses.

The most powerful bomb in human history will detonate in front of him!

Chaos is still ignorant of the imminent danger, still spitting poisonous mist wafting in the upper Pacific Ocean.

It wasn't until this anti-matter nuclear bomb finally reached just above its location that it began to whistle straight down, and Chaos only looked up to see what the **** was falling from the sky.

What caught my eye was the fire of the anti-matter nuclear bomb, and the last thing he could see in his life.

Suddenly, all the light was drowned by this strong light, as if the entire universe had been melted by the strong light.

Whether it is a satellite image taken by Wandering Earth or Qiao Li who is watching a hundred kilometers away from the explosion site, all he can see is just a glare that engulfed the entire world. In this intense white light, all the other light is already too weak to be observed!

Before Qiao Li's eyesight was restored, the severe shock wave from the explosion had surged. At this moment, as if he was in a rough sea, he was thrown for a while. No matter how you try to stabilize your flight attitude, you will inevitably be blown out by hundreds of meters from a terrible blast.

In the process, Qiao Li's vision finally recovered gradually.

The first thing I saw was a huge fireball that spread out 10 kilometers away. In this radius of the fireball that approximated the core temperature of the sun, even the sea was instantly boiled and evaporated.

A huge hole like a crater was left on the sea, and even the rock formations under the sea were exposed, which is really comparable to the miracle of Moses dividing the sea in the Bible.

The surrounding seawater was pushed away by the impact of the explosion. At the same time, the seawater on the edge of the cavity was still boiling, as if the water in the entire sea area was boiled.

With the gradual contraction of the huge fireball, a horrible mushroom fire cloud that no life in the world has seen before, quickly expands and spirals upward, and it enters hundreds of kilometers of altitude.

The red glow of the burning mushroom cloud was clearly visible even a thousand kilometers away, as if the entire sky was lit by it.

The electromagnetic pulses generated by the explosion spread instantly, and even the frontline bases of the Expeditionary Force 8000 kilometers away were affected to some extent.

Some new Ambrera branch bases that are closer to the explosion point are even worse. Their electronic systems are all severely damaged, the radar cannot be operated, and communication is completely interrupted.

The entire base was also caught in a power outage. Even if the standby power was turned on, a large part of the area could not be restarted because some lines had been completely burned out.

In this high temperature of tens of millions of degrees, chaos must have been evaporated instantly and nothing was left.

Even if it can cocoon to recover its injuries, no one is safe anywhere around a hundred kilometers around this explosion site.

Even the rocks at the bottom of the explosion were blown out for a distance of nearly 100 kilometers. Under the impact of the explosion that was enough to penetrate the bottom of the ocean, nothing could survive.

The atmospheric disturbance caused by the explosion has been around the earth for a few weeks. If the butterfly effect is that a small butterfly flapping its wings can cause a storm, then this atmospheric disturbance may be enough to completely change the earth's climate.

This is also one of the main reasons why the Central Academy of Sciences is unwilling to test this weapon on the stray earth. This stuff is too horrible, the environmental damage is too serious, and the consequences are too unpredictable.

The seismic wave transmitted by the earth was detected by the Expeditionary Force's geological survey instrument as a magnitude 6 to 7 earthquake, which is also the result of the impact of the explosion being greatly buffered by seawater.

If this anti-matter nuclear bomb landed on land, the consequences would certainly be even more unthinkable, thanks to Chaos's usual preference for staying on the sea.

The aftermath of the explosion finally dissipated slowly. At this time, Qiao Li was already in a hot torrential rain. If he was not wearing nano armor, I am afraid that he would be directly peeled off a layer of skin.

A large number of cooked and dead fish rummaged on the sea. These small animals were considered unlucky. They were first infected with the poisonous gas of the chaos and became zombies, and now they are burned into sacrifices for the funeral of the chaos. Who? "

Radioactive dust began to spread out, and it was not known if it would cause a nuclear winter somewhere.

Tsunami also began to occur in the coastal areas around the Pacific Ocean ~ ~ Fortunately, the city where the frontline base of the Expeditionary Force is located is on the Atlantic Ocean, otherwise it may be affected.

If this is not a doomsday world completely occupied by zombies, this anti-material nuclear bomb may not know how many people will be killed indirectly.

Zhang Bin is right, this stuff really shouldn't be used on the earth, especially the earth where human civilization exists.

In the boiling rain, Qiao Li looked at the empty sea and said silently:

"The target has been wiped out and is now returning."

Of course, under the interference of electromagnetic pulses, the expeditionary force was temporarily unable to receive his signal.

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