The Wandering Planet

Chapter 222: End of biochemical plane

After the successful test of the anti-material nuclear bomb, Qiao Li immediately rushed back to the Frontier Base of the Homeless Expeditionary Force.

Because the communication was disturbed by electromagnetic pulses, Qiao Li had to return to upload the situation of the explosion.

Zhang Bin, who is presiding over this anti-material weapon test, also came to the Expeditionary Forces' frontline base. He would like to witness firsthand how 100 million equivalent anti-material nuclear bombs would affect the earth.

The results have now come out. Their judgment that they did not choose to test this new weapon on the stray earth is undoubtedly very correct. The anti-matter nuclear bomb is not generally serious in its damage to the environment.

"You made a super dirty bomb." Qiao Lu complained to Zhang Bin, "I thought it would be cleaner after using antimatter."

Zhang Bin shook his head and said: "If only antimatter is used, it will be relatively clean. But one gram of antimatter is equivalent to about 40,000 tons of nuclear bomb explosion, and 2.5 kilograms of antimatter bombs are needed to produce 2.5 million Antimatter, which is still an astronomical figure for us with a monthly antimatter output of only 20 grams. "

The production of antimatter is different from any other matter. It can only obtain a very small amount of antimatter through a large particle accelerator and investing energy equivalent to the total electricity consumption of a large city. Its efficiency should be based on the basic particles of antimatter—— How many antiprotons can be generated to calculate.

And when 10 trillion antiprotons are accumulated, the weight can reach one ten billionth of a gram, so the difficulty of producing one gram of antimatter can be imagined.

If you want to use anti-matter bombs in kilograms, I am afraid that it is not Qiao Li who must point out all the anti-mass products Ⅰ to Ⅴ, otherwise the cost is too high.

Zhang Bin continued: "Fortunately, we found that using an antimatter as a fusion reaction device, an antimatter nuclear bomb can exert far more power than a hydrogen bomb using an atomic bomb as a fusion reaction device. Only 20 grams of antimatter and dozens of tons of nuclear fuel were used to make this one. One hundred million equivalents of antimatter nuclear bombs. This is far from the limit of the power of such antimatter nuclear bombs, but at present it seems that this equivalent is sufficient for the time being. "

"Yeah, you've done it so that this thing can't be used on our planet."

Qiao Li can't imagine the picture of this anti-matter nuclear bomb detonating on the stray earth. It is really killing 10,000 and destroying 8,000. The environmental damage problem that comes later is the most difficult problem.

It is only in this biochemical crisis world after the destruction of human civilization that the coalition government dares to carry out such a disgusting super weapon test.

The goal of killing Chaos, the ultimate weapon of New Ambrera, was completely incidental from the moment when the decision was made to use an antimatter nuclear bomb.

No one doubts that there are creatures that can survive such an explosion. According to Qiao Law, Chaos should not have left a single cell.

No matter how powerful it is to recover, it is impossible to recover in a state of complete destruction.

The anti-matter nuclear bomb also incidentally destroyed a large number of electronic equipment in the new Ambrella branch around the Pacific Rim. The electromagnetic pulse wave after the explosion caused a three-hour window of radio communication, leaving these new Ambrellas without a leader. Pulling the remaining forces into a more chaotic situation.

With the disintegration of New Ambrella, and its ultimate biological weapons flying under the anti-matter nuclear bomb of Wandering Earth, there is nothing in this world that can hinder the Expeditionary Forces of Wandering Earth.

The expeditionary front base began to expand on a large scale. The expeditionary force, which had reached a steel suit of manpower, was simply unstoppable at this level.

Those ordinary zombies can't bite the expedition's steel armor even if they have broken their teeth, and those mutated zombies such as lickers can only cause a little trauma to the expeditionary soldiers.

After intercepting the virus antidote and vaccine technology of New Ambrera, this abrasion was meaningless at all. The zombie army could not cause even a small amount of casualties to the expeditionary force, and the only thing left was as many as billions.

The Wandering Earth began to occupy and restart the resource collection point of this biochemical crisis world. The most important of these is various rare metal veins, such as lithium, beryllium, titanium, vanadium, germanium, niobium, molybdenum, cesium, lanthanum, tungsten, radium, etc. Wait.

These rare metal materials were consumed in large quantities as special building materials when the wandering earth poured all human power into making planetary engines. Until now, they have not been completely replenished.

Although Qiao Li's actions provided many new alien metal veins for the southern hemisphere, the shortage of these rare metals has not been solved. After all, these rare metals are completely irreplaceable for some uses.

Today's biochemical crisis world just provides such a perfect resource planet to the wandering earth. The wandering earth currently needs a large number of applications, but the rare alloy materials such as titanium, vanadium and indium can be supplemented by new veins. The government was finally relieved.

Otherwise, they may not have so many rare metal resources to make new planetary engines. For example, the planetary engine skeleton that requires a large amount of vanadium and titanium alloys has caused a headache for the coalition government for a long time.

These rare metals on the wandering earth have long been consumed by the original 11,000 planetary engines.

Today, this situation has finally improved.

More and more heavy-duty trucks have been transported to the biochemical crisis level, as they were on the planet Pandora, transporting the rare metal ore that is urgently needed by the coalition government back to the earth.

The Expeditionary Force continues to open up new resource collection points to clear out the surrounding zombies to ensure that workers can work safely.

Although most of the world is still a barren world where zombies are rampant, at least near the front line base of the Expeditionary Force, a new city has been slowly established ~ ~ One day, this place will become completely Backyard of the Wandering Earth!

Of course, that's a long way off.

After completing the task of eliminating chaos, Jolly had nothing else to do here.

Most of the month that Wandering Earth has traveled in hyperspace has also passed.

It's time to go back and prepare for the arrival of the new world, and leave the things here to the rest of the expedition.

The Resident Evil World is just a short episode in the process of crossing. The real challenge will not come until the Wandering Earth arrives in the new world!

Next, what will be waiting for them?

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