The Wandering Planet

Chapter 218: Pacific Rim

Wandering Earth presents a magical quantum state that emerges from hyperspace. This appearance is like a sudden drilling out of an earth from an atom-sized pinhole, and it suddenly appears in the universe.

The sun's rays once again hit the wandering earth, and a holographic image of the solar system appeared in front of everyone in the earth's cab.

Yes, they have come to a brand new solar system. There are a lot of eight planets, and the earth of this world is also listed.

After experiencing the Marvel Universe, people have no wonder about this kind of thing.

It is just another earth civilization waiting for their visit.

"Began into the solar system orbit, and then activated the world screen!"

Under Luo Feng's instructions, the coalition government operator skillfully parked the wandering earth into the orbit of the solar system and began to revolve around the sun.

Then the planetary engine was turned off, and several of them quickly transformed into planetary shielded force field generators, which activated the earth-shielding screen and made the wandering earth quickly disappear into this dark universe.

No matter what galaxy you come to, it is always right to hide your whereabouts first.

As long as the wandering earth does not appear actively, then the civilizations of this world cannot detect its existence.

Then, the quantum state of the stray earth was checked in accordance with the usual practice, and the probability of collapsing to the destruction state was reduced, from one half of the original Avatar world to one third of the Cybertron galaxy to four of the Marvel universe. One-half has now become one-fifth.

Of course, for the 3.5 billion people on the wandering earth, this figure is still prohibitively high and it is impossible to stop there.

The astronomical observer immediately reported: "A high-energy response was detected inside the galaxy, just on the earth of this world! According to the scanning observation, it is in the center of the Pacific Ocean, where the two plates meet."

At the same time, Qiao Li also got the prompt from the system:

"Congratulations on arriving in the new world, pilot Jolly. Your current position is: Pacific Rim-Solar System."

"Welcome to the Pacific Rim world!"

Qiao Li immediately responded to what the high-energy response they detected was the wormhole of an alien civilization located deep in the Pacific!

The entire Pacific Rim story began with this alien wormhole that suddenly appeared deep in the Pacific Ocean. In fact, this is the story of a very old alien invading the earth.

It's just that the alien civilization in the Pacific Rim is different. Instead of sending troops and warships through the wormholes under the sea, they are a giant giant in the deep sea just like Godzilla.

In order to resist this deep-sea monster, humans built dozens of meters of mech hunters to compete with it. This is the background of the entire Pacific Rim story.

From the perspective of the alien wormhole that has not been destroyed, this is still the first timeline of the Pacific Rim. A brief overview of the entire story is one sentence:

Human beings use those extremely heavy giant mechs to fight the alien civilization, the pioneer, and the numerous deep sea monsters sent by them.

As for the extent to which this war has developed, it can only be seen by landing.

"Is this the energy source we are looking for?" Luo Feng asked the observer.

The observer replied: "Yes, we guess that this is a wormhole that crosses space and has the ability to open space cracks of this degree. There must be a source of energy behind our wormhole."

"Wait, behind the wormhole?" Joel suddenly smelled a dangerous breath.

To enter the wormhole, wouldn't it be necessary to counterattack the old nest of alien civilization?

This is not the difficulty of the war of aggression waged by human civilization in the Pacific Rim.

They only need to resist aggression, but the stray earth is going to hit the alien home!

In this case, even Qiao Li said that it would be impossible to do it. After all, it never appeared in the movie. What is the alien civilization mother star that made these deep sea monsters.

Anyway, it must be higher than the human civilization in the Pacific Rim!

"Qiao Lu, do you think of anything?" Luo Feng noticed the change in his expression and asked him with concern.

Qiao Li shook his head and said, "No, we are still the same as before, we should be cautious. Contact the earth civilization in this world first, and then explore the wormhole step by step."

This cautious approach also became their only option when Jolly, as a traverser, did not know what was behind the wormhole.

It's impossible to send troops to the wormhole without knowing anything, but that's really not enough people to send.

There are also many monster wrecks left by extraterrestrial civilizations on the Pacific Rim. By studying these things, we may be able to grasp some of the currently scarce information.

This time, it is really necessary to collect information carefully. At most, Qiao Li knows about the human civilization on this plane. The specifics of the alien civilization behind the wormhole are also unknown.

The energy source needed for this crossing is in the hands of this alien civilization, so it is difficult to obtain this key item without counterattacking the enemy mother star.

But this time, even Qiao Li didn't know what the energy source was.

All of this can only be known after exploring through the wormhole.

That is definitely not an easy task.

Qiao Lu calmed down and said, "Let the investigation team prepare, like last time, to make a friendly visit to this level of earth civilization before we consider the matter of exploring the wormhole."

According to the story in the Pacific Rim, this wormhole deep in the Pacific Ocean can't go in if you want to go in.

The wormhole will read the genes of deep sea monsters sent by alien civilization, and then allow them to pass ~ ~ Wandering Earth. If you want to explore this wormhole, the first condition is to catch a monster, and then Analyze their genes, and find ways to create biological weapons with the same genes and explore them.

Or just fill the monster's belly with soldiers and send it back to the alien nest like a Trojan horse.

In contrast, the former is certainly more reliable. After all, technically speaking, Wandering Earth already has the ability to make such biological weapons.

As for the latter, it is hard to say whether it is a Trojan horse or a large living coffin. It is probably that the chance of death is greater.

In any case, it all starts with the exchange of human civilization on this plane. After all, they must have already dealt with this alien monster, and they may have more information than Qiao Li.

Now that we have common enemies, we must let them do their best.

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