The Wandering Planet

Chapter 219: Human counterattack

Navigator Jolly, your planet has gained a new mainline mission: human counterattack.

Mission brief:

The alien race, the pioneer civilization, is a special class civilization under the control of the hive mind. They used clones to continuously make giant biological weapons, and then sent the monster to various planets through the wormhole to invade and rule them.

The earth is also one of their goals. Fortunately, the pioneers were also busy invading dozens of other planets at the same time, so they were not able to free their hands to launch a total attack on the earth.

Human civilization survives in this environment, but as long as the wormhole continues to exist, one day, the main force of pioneer civilization will come.

The main brain of the pioneer civilization has the ability to open countless wormholes in the universe, so this is the energy source we are looking for to go to the next world.

However, it should be noted that, as the apex of the entire hive thinking, the main brain of the pioneer civilization will never be a vulnerable object, and the entire civilization will defend it at all costs!

Mission Objective: Capture the Pioneer's main brain and extract all its energy into the Tinder Source

Quest reward: 12000 civilization points, race characteristics +1

"Good luck, pilot."

Sure enough, the system has also made it clear that the main brain of the pioneer civilization is the goal of this stray earth to cross to this plane.

To take away the main brain of a beehive thinking civilization, it is tantamount to killing the insects after entering the insect nest, and it is impossible to avoid fierce resistance.

The monsters appearing in the Pacific Rim movies are just the leading reconnaissance troops of the pioneer civilization. Before their real main force came to the earth, the wormhole had been blown up.

But now the goal of Wandering Earth is to attack the mother star of the pioneer civilization through the wormhole, and also want to build a few super-large mech hunters in the Pacific Rim to complete the task, it is too delusional.

How to complete this task, even Qiao Li has no clue.

Even if you want to fight directly, you must first find a way to let the wandering earth army pass through this wormhole.

Without the genes of these monsters, the wormhole would not allow anything to enter.

No matter what, they must first get the bodies of one or two of these monsters, or even directly catch a monster and come back.

The Wandering Earth Survey Team is ready to go again, and is ready to go to this plane to investigate.

The Ark is also ready to set sail again. As the only Star Wars ship on Wandering Earth, the investigation team only relies on it for landing exploration.

Liu Peiqiang, as always, was ready to act with Qiao Li, and from the beginning of the original Pandora planet, they gradually formed a tacit understanding.

Qiao Li took two nano-armored watches and put on a metal coat made of nano-materials.

Like the last operation in the Marvel Universe, they temporarily need to pretend to be passers-by to gather information, and then communicate with the world's human civilization through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

For the investigation team, this will be a relatively easy task, as long as it does not land directly on the coastal city invaded by monsters.

The real trouble is after the operation has reached the stage of exploring the pioneer civilization behind the wormhole.

At that time, we must rely on biological weapons that can implant these monster genes.

Qiao Lu and Liu Peiqiang came to the Transformers Autonomous Region on the ground. At this time, the number of human tourists who came here was obviously more, showing a scene of getting along well.

After fighting side by side in the three worlds, human beings and Autobots have gradually cultivated a deep friendship. For ordinary people, they are gradually realizing that Transformers are an integral part of Wandering Earth.

Nowadays, not only in the Transformers Autonomous Region, but also in the surface cities reconstructed by Wandering Earth, Autobots are occasionally seen.

People have become accustomed to the existence of these mechanical lives, especially the investigation team and expeditionary soldiers who have been fighting alongside Autobots for a long time, just like they are old friends.

Of course, these are based on the joint government's painstaking efforts to improve laws and regulations and maintain public order. Some discordant voices are not without them, but these are not trivial matters that Qiao Li should manage.

Just as there will be spaceships in the Homeless Earth project, there will never be fewer people who oppose the coalition government.

It's just that they are too insignificant compared to the quantum crisis that Wandering Earth needs to face, and they just need to hand it over to law enforcement.

The gigantic Ark was ready to set sail again, and Optimus Prime was waiting on the bridge for a long time.

"Qiao Li, are you ready to start again?" Optimus asked with a bowed bow to Qiao Li.

Human beings and Transformers live in harmony, which is also the philosophy that Optimus Prime has been pursuing. Therefore, he always responded most actively to the dispatch of the coalition government.

Qiao Lu answered with a smile: "Yeah, Optimus Prime, we are ready to touch another human civilization."

"The hope is that they will be sensible enough not to be as stupid as New Ambrella to destroy their world."

Optimus couldn't help but sigh, the tragic situation of the Resident Evil Plan really touched him deeply.

"Who knows? Human nature is fragile and can't stand the test, and human civilization is naturally the same. With a little mistake, it is possible to get into the horns."

As far as Joe Law knows, the human civilization in the Pacific Rim is also far from being rational. After the Mech Hunter plan was slightly frustrated, they easily abandoned the plan and switched to building a more unreliable Pacific Rim coast. The defensive wall was broken by Level 4 monsters without effort.

Sometimes human beings are so stupid, even if they form a country, a government, or even a civilization, they still make foolish decisions.

Optimus asked, "What about you?"

Qiao Lu smiled and said: "Me too ~ ~ Wandering Earth is just fortunate to have formed a coalition government. As for Qiao Lu himself, no one can be 100% sure that he is right.

All he can do is carry out his belief to the end.

After the investigation team boarded the ship, the Ark set sail.

The silver hull slowly rises on the land of the wandering earth, like a mountain higher than Mount Everest slowly erected from the side.

With the launch of the Ark thruster, it quickly got rid of the gravitational attraction of the wandering earth, broke through the atmosphere, and once again flew to the vast universe.

Full of Pacific Rim planes filled with super-large mechs and deep-sea beasts, Qiao Li are here!

The final battle between humans and the pioneer civilization will also be staged ahead of time with the arrival of the stray earth!

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