The Wandering Planet

Chapter 404: 8 party support

The energy of the light prism towers transmitted from the surrounding cities is converged to the Shanghai fortress like Baichuan returns to the sea. Just as the Yangtze River greets Baichuan and rushes into the sea, the energy collected from all parts of the country is finally turned into a war. Weapon!

On the Shanghai No. 2 engine, the giant light prism towering into the clouds is slowly rotating. Because this planetary engine fortress still needs to maintain a barrier force field, there is no extra energy available for the light prism.

But in the next second, the energy beam transmitted from all directions was projected on the huge prism on the top of the planetary engine, so that it suddenly filled with huge energy, and the rotation speed of the prism also instantly increased.

Today, the planetary engine light prism of Wandering Earth has also been improved by using the prism technology of the Protoss Void Glowship, which can store a fierce energy storm and gradually stabilize it, converting endless flowing energy into usable Energy and release it in one breath!

Concentrating the energy transmitted from countless planetary engines from all over the country, the top of the Shanghai No. 2 engine is like a blue sun rising, and eight huge prisms rotate to emit extremely dazzling light, so that the surrounding night sky is Light up like day.

Under the leadership of the mutant thunder beast, the huge swarm of swarms once again launched an attack on the Shanghai fortress, more than any other time before.

At this moment, even nuclear bombs can't stop these mutated siege beasts again. On the contrary, they will only make them more powerful. Once they are put into the battlefield, I am afraid that the defense line that has finally stabilized will collapse again.

This blow must destroy them all!

On the Shanghai No. 2 engine, Qiao Lu worked with other psionics to help guide the huge energy poured into the prism, and used the star's calibrated prism technology to make the output of the light prism more stable.

Just as the Swarm Army rushed to this side like a galloping horse, Qiao Li gave the final instructions:


Suddenly, a huge beam of energy fell down like a waterfall from a light tower on top of the planetary engine. The intense blue light covered everything around it, as if the entire universe was melted by this strong light. The world was only This intense blue remains.

The pouring of prism energy was accompanied by a huge roar, overshadowing the noise of people on the battlefield, and overwhelming the roar of cannons. The world was completely quiet at this moment, as if time had stopped here general.

The dazzling energy beam swept across the swarm in an instant, enveloping all nearby zerg bugs in intense blue light.

After a while, the ground-like mountain-like shaking spread throughout Shanghai, and I saw the entire fungus blanket and the stratum being lifted up by the energy beam of the light tower, like a rapidly rising mountain, like a wakeful Giant's back.

When the peak rose to about three kilometers, the entire mountain exploded, billions of tons of dirt and rocks flew into the air, and turned into a shooting star.

With the full power output of the planetary engine's light prism, the swarm swarmed away almost instantly.

Even the mutant thunder beast that survived and got the evolution from the nuclear explosion, the instant the energy beam swept across, the cells of the whole body were vaporized and evaporated, and even a trace of wreckage was not left.

Although the mutant thunder beast can absorb the radioactive material of the nuclear explosion and turn it back into a cocoon, it is also based on the premise that it still has the opportunity to barely keep a whole corpse.

Under the frontal bombardment of light prisms that have gathered the energy of numerous planetary engines, they are essentially dead bones, leaving no traces or even a good cell.

As the ground was lifted, a wall of fire rose from the place swept by the energy beam, like countless volcanoes erupting together, forming a magnificent firework in the dark night sky.

The wall of fire lasted for nearly five minutes before slowly extinguishing. During this period, rock blocks dragged the tail of the fire down and continued to hit the barrier force field of the Shanghai fortress. This aftermath alone has shown how terrible the attack was .

When the smoke gradually dissipated, the ground left only a ditch longer and wider than the Great Rift Valley of East Africa, like a large scar on the earth's epidermis.

The fiery flames still burned in the gully, just like the portal of **** in transit, and the eternal flame was burning.

The swarm swept by the ray of light prism tower is completely missing, and it is hard to imagine that anything can survive such an attack, even if it is a wish to leave a amputated limb.

The huge gully with burning flames also blocked the tide of insects that landed in the back like a moat. The cracks that extended all the way to the bottom of the ground could not allow the cockroaches moving through the ground to pass through. They could only try to get around, but the length of the gully was also a glance. See no end.

This is the power of the beams of ray towers that have gathered from all over the country after the efforts of countless people and experienced the relay of life and death like the torch relay!

There are difficulties for one side to support, this is how the stray earth defends the Shanghai fortress!

As more and more planetary engines were repaired from the attack of the zerg, a wider range of light prism rescue relays were launched on the wandering earth.

Omsk One engine begins to transfer energy!

Tokyo No. 3 engine begins to transfer energy!

Bangkok II engine begins to transfer energy!

Singapore's No. 3 engine begins to transfer energy!

Mumbai No. 1 engine begins to deliver energy!


The energy of the planetary light tower, which is even larger than the last time, is converging towards Shanghai, so that the light tower on the Shanghai No. 2 engine can emit a more powerful beam of energy. Heel Zerg.

In the face of such a terrible weapon, the swarm has no chance of approaching the Shanghai fortress again, and it will be swept across the army by the beam of light before half of the charge, no matter how many zerg are meaningless.

At this moment ~ ~ The Queen of Blades only realized her mistake. Because Keystone was placed in Shanghai for recharging, she took it for granted that concentrating troops to take Shanghai down was the most correct option.

But now it turns out that she is not challenging a Shanghai fortress, but the entire wandering earth!

When the Zerg forces she sent to other cities were wiped out one by one, more and more planetary engines could support the Shanghai battlefield, providing a steady stream of energy that allowed the Light Tower to defeat the Swarm's attack again and again.

It was only here that the Queen of Blades realized that she had encountered an unprecedented human civilization.

It's not just a gap in science and technology. What's more important is that this spirit of solidarity for all humanity is something she has never seen in other human beings!

This is the horror of Wandering Earth!

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