The Wandering Planet

Chapter 405: Leviathan is coming

After receiving the energy transfer from the planetary engines from all over the world, Shanghai No. 2 engine has become the ultimate weapon for God to block and kill Buddha. Each wave of light beams can sweep through a large number of zergs, allowing insects The group never had a chance to get closer to the Shanghai fortress.

During this period, Keystone's recharge progress has also reached 90%. It is still a short time before it can be fully recharged. A new star impact destroys the entire Worm Nest fleet.

Today, it is the Queen of the Blade that is forced to desperately. Since the problem cannot be solved by quantity suppression, she can only play the final trump card desperately!

"Alarm. A twelve level psionic waveform was detected. The Queen of the Blade is entering the atmosphere."

"Sure enough."

Qiao Li has been mentally prepared for this. In this case, the Queen of the Blade has not yet gone out in person, and the Swarm will have no chance of winning.

Ding Yi asked him: "Need to activate the small-scale energy star to drive her back?"

Now that the Queen of the Blade has already taken off in person, what will appear next is the true main force of the Swarm, and it is only natural to use the new star impact of the Sarnagar artifact to destroy it.

It's just that Keystone's recharging progress has reached 90%, and there is still a little time to recharge it.

In this way, Qiao Li still hopes to persist until Keystone is fully charged, releasing a nova impact sufficient to cover the entire galaxy, and destroying the entire Worm Nest fleet.

After all, after the release of the Nova shock, the charging progress of Keystone will stagnate for a period of time. During this period, it is not known what will happen. It is best to let it be charged directly to avoid night dreams.

However, he still instructed Ding Yi: "I will find a way to drag it to the last moment. If it is really untenable, you can activate the Nova Shock to repel the swarm."


Then Qiao Li came to the front line, ready to join the soldiers to meet the last attack of the Swarm, and also face-to-face with the Queen of Blades!

After nearly five hours of **** fighting, the soldiers were very exhausted, all of them with injuries of different degrees, relying on mutual support and medical treatment to support them.

"Comrades, the final battle is here!"

Qiao Li used his spirit to spread his voice to every corner of the battlefield, and made the final mobilization speech:

"After so much, going through hardships and hardships, we have finally come to this point, and the dawn of victory is in sight! I know this is not easy, but even at the cost of life, we have to fight to the end! Because something is worth it We fight for it! "

"it is good!"




The exhausted soldiers reorganized their fanfare, the bullets gritted their teeth, and they were ready for the final battle.

It is just that the envisioned Queen of Blades did not arrive alone. Instead, a huge shadow gradually enveloped the sky of Shanghai. The huge volume was like a dark cloud covering the sky and overcoming the sky!

It was Leviathan's flagship Queen of Blades. This zerg live battleship is 6.7 kilometers long, equivalent to the size of 22 Liaoning. The area of ​​more than 60 standard football fields is enough to cover the entire Putuo district of Shanghai.

This horrible space beast is covered with sharp tentacles that can stretch for several kilometers, and swept across a whole army of ground and defense facilities with a single swipe.

At the same time, the tentacles can also pierce the spacecraft and buildings. If it is not protected by a barrier force field, the entire Shanghai urban area has now been poked by its tentacles into a sieve.

At the same time, Leviathan was surrounded by overwhelming dragons and corrupters, protecting his huge body like a biological shield.

The Shanghai artillery kept firing at it, and each cannon bombarded the dragons, but they couldn't penetrate this layer of biological shield, which directly caused damage to Leviathan.

Both the dragon and the corrupter who entered the atmosphere consciously hovered around Leviathan, and could at any time serve as a meat shield to block the bombardment of the planetary engine cannon by Leviathan. Biological shields will be maintained forever.

In contrast, the barrier force field of the Shanghai fortress is constantly bearing Leviathan's tentacle stabs, and every time it hits the drum head like a hammer, making a deafening noise.

The integrity of the barrier is falling sharply, and even visible cracks appear, indicating that the physicalization of this energy barrier has not been maintained for a long time.

The planetary engine beam tower cannot fight air units, so it can only call planetary engine cannons in other cities to bombard Leviathan.

It is just because of the launch angle that there are not many planetary engine cannons that can hit Leviathan, and it is difficult to break Leviathan's biological shield.

"Did you come down while we were using the planetary engine to transfer energy?"

Qiao Li also understood that it was the Queen of the Blade that seized a large number of planetary engines and transformed them into light prism towers, resulting in a gap in insufficient space defense firepower for Leviathan to land successfully.

This is also no way out. The total amount of resources of the Wandering Earth is constant. Concentrating resources in one place for defense will naturally cause another place to fall into emptiness. This is a trade-off that must be made.

Forcing the Queen of the Blade to take the risk to let Leviathan enter the atmosphere, from a strategic point of view, she has already gained an advantage for the wandering earth.

When you see Leviathan appear on the wandering earth, it's like it's time to execute the next plan!

Qiao Li contacted the Crescent base and asked Zhang Zhezhong, who is in charge of commanding the space fleet, "The fish are hooked. Are you ready?"

Zhang Zhezhong replied decisively: "Ready at any time!"

Just after Leviathan, the main battleship of the Worm Nest fleet, entered the wandering earth's atmosphere, the crescent-based place hidden in space finally appeared.

Because the number is too large, it is no doubt that it is a self-determined way to directly confront the Worm Nest fleet.

But at this moment ~ ~ The attention of the Worm Nest fleet has almost been attracted by the wandering earth. Among them, Leviathan, which has the fastest psionic speed, is deeply trapped in the ground and cannot turn back, that is Signals that the Wandering Earth Fleet is moving!

The Ark, the Expedition, the Wannian Fengxue, and the Crescent Base as a lunar-class spacecraft carrier finally waited for a long time and finally went straight to the wormhole opened on the periphery of the galaxy.

That's right, the mission of the fleet is not to directly support the wandering earth, but to adopt a guerrilla tactic of cutting off the back, and first close the wormhole opened by the Worm Nest fleet at the rear!

The reason why Leviathan's biological shield can't be broken for a long time is because these wormholes are providing them with a continuous stream of dragons. Therefore, as long as the backup of the Worm Nest fleet is cut off, Leviathan's meat shield is not infinite!

For this moment, the Wandering Earth Fleet has waited for a long time, and now finally seized the opportunity to cut off the backup of the Worm Nest Fleet along with their retreat!

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