The Wandering Planet

Chapter 456: Start again

After dealing with things on the Marvel Universe side, Qiao Li returned to Wandering Earth again, because Wandering Earth will soon be ready to go to the next plane.

这两 In these two months, the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force has not been idle, and together with Renault's Rangers, liberated the colonial planets of the Tyrann Empire one after another, and became a new force in the StarCraft plane that cannot be ignored.

Today, Renault's rangers are no longer what they used to be. They are no longer guerrillas who can only wander in the universe on the Hubellian. Instead, they have the support of people from more than a dozen colonial planets. Has a certain territory of revolutionary forces.

Due to the previous large-scale invasion of the Zerg, the Tyrann Empire has not yet fully recovered, and Mengsk's initiative to abandon the strategy of defending the marginal star zone has further increased the number of planets supporting the Resistance, leading to the gradual spread of the Starfire into Ebara If you don't regret it, it must be false. Sooner or later you must take action.

Next, before the Wandering Earth leaves this plane, it is necessary to arrange the defensive forces in the liberated area to prevent the Tyrann Empire from taking the opportunity to attack the Resistance.

The two sides held a meeting on the Hubelian, convened representatives of the colonial planets in the various liberated areas, established the leadership of the Resistance Army represented by Renault, and overturned the task of the Tyrann Empire to the Rangers. The Wandering Earth continued to provide military support and Financial assistance.

后 After the meeting, Jolly and Renault met together at the Hubelian bar. It was a rare time for both of them to have such a leisure time.

Qiao Lü said apologetically, "Sorry, we have to leave."

别 "Don't say that, you've helped us enough."

Renault drank the spirits in the glass, if not for the arrival of the wandering earth, the Rangers would never reach the scale they are today.

Besides, the stray earth is not gone forever, and you can come back at any time with the help of Keystone.

I was just in the new world and didn't know what would happen, so Qiao Li could not guarantee how long it would take.

In any case, the task of overthrowing the Tyrann Empire was temporarily given to the Rangers of Renault, especially to maintain the colonial planet in the liberated area when the wandering earth was absent. When the wandering earth returned, unite the power of the colony planet and the Thai The Empire of Leon began a decisive battle.

That's the current plan.

Two people, you drink a cup and a cup, and a special news report of the Tyron Empire is still being broadcast on the TV:

"My name is Donny Womirian, and here is a live report from unn. Recently there was a disturbing terror on the edge of the empire, who claimed to be a coalition government and attacked multiple empires with Renault rangers The colonial planet, they burned and robbed all evildoers, enslaved the people and trampled on human rights. Let ’s contact the frontline correspondent Kate Rockville for further reports ...

Biao Qiaolu looked at the ugly face of the news host on the TV. It is no wonder that the bartender should put a note "Do not fire on the TV" next to the TV, otherwise many TV screens are not bad enough.

Instead, Renault persuaded him: "Look at me, man, their media is not the first day to talk nonsense."

"It's fun."

The news then went to the front, and a female reporter was doing a live broadcast:

"Recently, Renault's rangers and coalition government forces attacked a marginal colony planet, completely defeating the local Empire defenders and declaring the colonies independent from the Empire."

"Shocking, Kate, their terrorist actions must have caused a large number of innocent people." The host said in an exaggerated tone.

The maidservant ruthlessly said, "In fact, the only civilian casualties at the scene were caused by the red-eyed emperor team."

Before she finished speaking, the host cut off the live broadcast and quickly explained:

"I think there must have been terrorists attacking among the civilians, and the Emperor Team had to take a bit of accidental injury. Although they lost their lives, they were also free, at least free from the slavery of the coalition government and become the next terror. Human shields attacked. See next news "

"It still looks understandable." Qiao Lu sighed at the female reporter's speech.

是 "Yeah, no one will listen." Renault took another sip of wine and said.

Jie Qiaolu said jokingly: "Relax, when we come back, the headlines of the media will become: The great hero Renault has arrived in his loyal Keha today."

"I look forward to that day," Renault said heartily.

安排 After arranging related work, Wandering Earth will set off to the next plane. When Jolly returned from the Hubrian, everything was almost ready.

Wandering Earth spent a long half year in the Starcraft hegemony. Many things happened during this period, but after all, everything was handled perfectly.

The Taryn Empire is still in control of most human planets. The Zerg Civil War on Chale has just begun. There is also the fallen Sarnaga Emmon in the dark, but these will not be resolved until the next time they return.

当天 On the day of departure, Keystone emitted a dazzling beam of light on the planetary engine ~ ~ forming a vast interstellar gate in the vast space.

Walk through this door, the stray earth can enter the hyperspace and proceed to the next plane!

At this time, Wandering Earth has not experienced this kind of scene for the first time. Most people are already used to it, and will no longer feel nervous and fearful.

But this time it was a little different. Just as the Wandering Earth turned in the direction to enter the Stargate, a Star Warship suddenly turned over, led by the Reynolds Hubellian, which appeared in a **** formation around the Wandering Earth. .

That was an interstellar warship from a liberated colonial planet. Although most of them were only converted from civilian spaceships, they gathered together to form a rather spectacular convoy fleet.


With the order of Renault, Huberian and other people on the colony spacecraft saluted the wandering earth and paid high respect to the people above.

The senior officials of the joint government, such as Qi Qiaolu and Luo Feng, returned as gifts. At this moment, there is no need to say anything more. The eyes of both sides are enough to explain everything.

The planetary engine burst into a dazzling light, dragging a long blue tail flame, and the wandering earth gradually disappeared into the huge interstellar gate, but the people on the **** fleet kept the saluting posture for a long time, until the last ray of planets The glow of the engine disappeared into the dark space.

The temporary departure is not the end, we will meet again someday!

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