The Wandering Planet

Chapter 457: New coordinates

Wandering Earth enters hyperspace again and moves on to the next plane. Everyone is already familiar with the scene in hyperspace.

This is a place as wide as the universe, and I do n’t know where it extends.

The only difference is that no starlight can be seen in the hyperspace, and all directions are dark, as if an endless grave, everything is shrouded in darkness and cold.

Fortunately, Wandering Earth only needs to sail in this area for one month and rely on planetary engines to maintain lighting and temperature, otherwise the environment here will really make people crazy.

学术 The academic world is still inconclusive about how hyperspace is formed. After all, even the end of the universe is unknown, and how can it be known.

The only thing I can know is that only the various planes exist in this hyperspace, and the speed of light in the physical universe does not need to be followed to quickly reach from one plane to another.

In addition, humans still know too little about the entire infinite world. Just as the ancients believed that the world is a place of roundness, human cognition of the multidimensional universe is still in a fairly ignorant stage.

Wu Qiaolu can't do anything about it either. This kind of cognition can only be gradually improved through the continuous development of science.

All he can do is keep going.

The main mission of the Starcraft Plane was over, allowing him to obtain 14,000 civilization points again. Now, Qiao Li has accumulated 72,000 civilization points. If you work harder, you can even redeem [wake the earth] that needs 90,000 civilization points. .

Therefore, Qiao Li was not in a hurry to consume civilization points to exchange technology, waited in the new world to see how the situation would say.

According to the practice, the stray earth once again detects the teleportation coordinates from another plane, which is another new opportunity.

Luo Qiaolu was of course going to find out, but this time was persuaded by Luo Feng.

"Have a vacation?"

Biao Qiaolu hasn't considered this for a long time. For him, things are always too much to be done. Even so, there are still many unresolved problems in various aspects, and there is no time to think about vacation.

Luo Feng said to him: "I know that there are still endless problems to be solved, but you can't take it any longer. After the last battle injury, you should take a good rest for a while, although the left hand is reconnected Yes, but it ’s not completely without sequels, right? ”

Qiao Li gently held down the position of the left hand prosthetic joint. As Luo Feng said, now his left hand is functionally unobstructed, but by chance he still feels a phantom pain, this is not that the physical wound has not healed It's about re-adapting to the psychological process of the arm, and regaining does not mean never losing.

Generally speaking, this won't cause much problems, and Qiao Li doesn't find it too unbearable. Most people adapt completely after a period of time.

When Qiao Li wanted to say that he was OK, Luo Feng further said:

"I know you won't be so arrogant and think it's just a small problem. But your mental stress has also become noticeably greater recently, right? Are you bothering about why?"

Bian Qiaolu couldn't help but be shocked. After learning about the existence of the nullified person and the crisis of the multidimensional universe, he really felt more oppressive than in the past. He never expected to be seen so easily by Luo Feng.

"I know that no one will feel relaxed in this position, but don't be too anxious, sometimes you will lose more than you get."

Speaking of this, Qiao Li also knew that he really pushed himself too tightly, so that everyone else could see that his mental state had declined.

Therefore Luo Feng will come to persuade him to rest for a while, and do not rush to participate in the exploration of new planes.

"Thank you, I'm a bit nervous recently." Qiao Lu nodded.

Luo Luofeng said with concern: "Then you take a good rest and leave the rest to us."

After handed over the official business at hand, Qiao Li also temporarily entered a vacation state, and even the exploration of the new teleportation plane was handed over to the Wandering Earth Investigation Team. Update the fastest mobile phone ::

I was just freed from the heavy task temporarily, but Qiao Li felt a little at a loss, and didn't know what to do for a while.

穿越 Since crossing with Wandering Earth, Qiao Li has spent most of his time performing tasks on other planes, but has not stayed on Wandering Earth for a long time.

Before becoming a permanent member representative, Qiao Li can still spend a peaceful time every time he crosses the plane, but since then, Qiao Li has no time to take care of his life, and travels all day On the plane, the forces of the various parties have joined forces to overcome difficult times.

Maybe this is an opportunity for Qiao Li to calm down and experience the changes that Wandering Earth has made during this time.

Although Qiao Li is on vacation temporarily, the pace of Wandering Earth's exploration of other planes will not stop. After the new coordinates of the planetary engine transmission tower are detected, a team of Wandering Earth Investigation Team will gather immediately.

行动 This operation was mainly led by Liu Peiqiang. As a member of the Wandering Earth Survey Team, he has explored several planes so far, and is one of the most experienced among them.

In order to ensure the success of this operation, Liu Peiqiang is of course a candidate who is not allowed to be a benevolent ~ ~ Qiao Lu was relieved after learning that Liu Peiqiang was in charge of his operation and contacted him again and again. Road:

“Do n’t tell me nothing because I ’m on vacation. Remember to notify me immediately when something happens. Do n’t forget that as a representative of the permanent director, I have 100% right to know your actions.”

"Relax, how long have we all known each other?" Liu Peiqiang responded.

"A little more than two years, anyway, I'll leave it over to you."

In fact, Qiao Liu was somewhat uneasy, but he was not arrogant enough to think that he did not have himself, and the action of Wandering Earth to explore other planes would stop.

In any case, he should still be able to provide some useful suggestions before asking Liu Peiqiang to report to himself the information gathered on another plane.

Before the investigation team's team officially started operations, the previous preparations were still indispensable. Scientists repeatedly confirmed that the coordinate position could be safely reached, and at the same time received broadcast information from the plane.

Surprisingly, this broadcast message was written using a special computer language, but it did not have the meaning of secrecy itself, but it was a bit difficult for humans to understand.

After the staff's translation, the information transmitted in the broadcast was successfully translated. In fact, it is just a very simple sentence:

"May human glory last forever!"

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