The Wandering Planet

Chapter 471: The magic of nanotechnology

Eve clenched the iron fist with a mechanical giant arm composed of the wreckage of the mechanical life body, and attacked 2B and 9S fiercely.

In order to prevent the 9S behind him from dodging, 2B had to raise his peerless blade to parry.

However, Eve's power was far beyond her imagination. The huge mechanical arm was smashed by its terrible brute force, and the huge impact force also caused the Peerless Blade in 2B to be instantly blown out.

"Is this a special model of the Yoyo Army only capable of this?" Eve laughed loudly.

2B heard a tremor in her heart. Her real model was a secret that 9S didn't even know. Why was Eve able to assert that she was a special model?

While 2B was distracted, another mechanical arm was formed on Eve's left hand, again waving an iron fist.

2B can only pull out the double knives behind it to block the blow, but these two knives are not as hard as Peerless Blades. One of them was cut off under the attack of Eve, and only 2 Tai was left for 2B— — White contract.

9S realized that it was 2B dragged down by her, and quickly found a safe place to hide, and threw her weapon, Black Oath, to 2B.

"2B, I try to hack into Eve to interfere with his actions, don't bother me anymore!"

"Wait a minute, 9S!"

2B took over the black oath thrown by 9S, and reassembled a black and white stream of two swords. She didn't want 9S to successfully hack into Eve's system, because she was vaguely aware that Eve might already know what 9S could not know.

Eve attacked her again. Don't worry about 2S of 9S finally avoided the attack with dexterity. She was better at dodging than parrying her, especially she couldn't fight against Eve with strength.

After avoiding the mechanical giant arm that Eve waved over, 2B seized the opportunity to fight back. The double knives in his hand alternately split against Eve like a squall, and the black and white blades staggered, and Eve cut off Eve for defense. His robotic arm approached him.

But all of a sudden, Eve's body was covered with a black, domineering color, with a metallic luster on part of the skin's surface. The elbow caught the 2B's double knives, and she shot a dazzling spark. Cut off.

2B, who noticed that the situation was bad, immediately retreated, but it was also difficult to conceal his surprise at Eve's physical changes. Why was he suddenly inaccessible and able to hold his blade with his bare hands?

2D Pod, a small auxiliary robot on the side, analyzed: "Presumably, the opponent uses nanotechnology to respond and harden the attack, and ordinary weapons are difficult to cause damage."

Eve said unabashedly: "Yes, thanks to the nano-armor technology brought by humans, nano-materials are flowing in my blood vessels, and they can be delivered to any part of the body at any time, and you can't hurt me."

I am afraid that it was the last operation of the Wandering Earth Investigation Team in the abandoned factory that caused a small part of the nano-armor to be scraped by the mechanical life body. So Adam and Eve acquired nanotechnology and further evolved into more terrifying capabilities.

It is impossible for humans to replace all the blood in the body with nano materials.

Even if the cottage version of the nano-armor of the mechanical life form does not reach the original hardness, the armor thickness has increased several times!

No wonder Eve has this kind of armed color domineering defensive power, it is completely transformed into nano armor itself, and achieved amazing results.

2B still rushed in unbelief, raised double swords and fluttered at him, trying to break through the defense with a high-frequency attack.

Eve smiled lightly and simply stood in place, with the body hardened by nanomaterials under the next 2B attack.

White's covenant and black's oath hacked at him, bursting out golden sparks, and making a series of crisp metal collision sounds.

No matter how 2B wields two swords to launch an attack, he cannot break through Eve's defense, or even leave a scar on his hardened skin.

The nano-material reinforced Eve's body has blue muscles. As he himself said, the nano-material flows in his blood vessels. When concentrated in one part, the hardness will further increase, like a congested sponge.

Eve punched out 2B with a punch, sinking deeply into the side wall and almost stepping on the entire building.

After acquiring the technology of Wandering Earth, the mechanical life forms have surpassed their long-time adversary, the Yoyo Army, even the 2B as a special model is no exception.

"It's disappointing," Eve said with regret. "We've been entangled with such an opponent for hundreds of years, and it's really boring."

2B only remembered the peerless blade that Qiao Li gave him. If it was that weapon, there might be a way to break through Eve's defense.

At this time, the Peerless Blade fell from the air and inserted on the ground, and 2B hurriedly wanted to collect it with the magnetic levitation force field.

However, Eve, who is also good at using magnetic force to attract objects, immediately noticed her intentions. In the next second, the wreckage of countless mechanical life forms was driven by him, wrapped in layers on the handle of the Peerless Blade to form a mechanical height. Tower, making it impossible for 2B to recover it through the magnetic levitation force field.

"It was so hard to take it back from you, how could it be returned to you like this!" Eve laughed loudly.

"Is that a weapon given to you by human beings? If you want to get it back, knock me down first!"

2B did not expect that the original momentary intention would lead to such a disadvantageous situation.

Even the black and white double knives in her hands now have a little curled edge. If you can't regain the Peerless Blade, how can you bring down Eve, who seems to be flawless?

On the other hand, Adam was in the fight with Qiao Li, and he also showed the same nano-hardening ability as Eve, making the rocket raccoon on the side unable to start him, and the bullet hit him was useless.

It's just that Joe's psionic war blade is still irresistible, and Adam's arm is cut off with one stroke, even if he has used all-out hardening materials to harden it.

Realizing that the situation was bad, Adam quickly grabbed the broken arm and pulled it apart ~ ~, and reconnected the severed arm through the repair ability of nanomaterials.

This is another benefit of replacing all blood with nanomaterials. As long as the nanomaterials have not been exhausted, they can be continuously repaired, and even the east wall can be dismantled to make up the west wall, which is almost like the liquid in the terminator. The metal robot T-1000 is even better than that.


Qiao Li didn't expect that after the nano-armor technology was obtained by the mechanical life form, it was played by them, showing such an unexpected effect.

"It's great to be able to get your appreciation. In order to learn how to use this technology, we have spent a lot of effort."

Adam still said politely.

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