The Wandering Planet

Chapter 472: Fusion Armor

Unlike the murderous Eve, Adam's purpose is only to hold Jolly, so the desire to attack is not high, but he is eager to have more communication with Jolly.

He is like a newborn baby, full of curiosity about all unknown things. Even in battle, it is only a means to understand the enemy, not to kill the other party.

Qiao Li also had something he wanted to know from Adam, so he asked him:

"Why are you so obsessed with humans? Isn't the technology that created your aliens higher?"

"Aliens? Extinct for hundreds of years by our mechanical life forms." Adam sneered.

It has always been that humans are worried about the intellectual crisis, and did not expect that aliens may also play off.

Qiao Li continued to ask, "You killed your creator?"

"What's the matter, they were just a group of interstellar refugees who were driven out of their homes, and created our mechanical life form as a tool to seize the earth. After the war, we intend to destroy them all, so we don't need to be polite with them." Replied.

In a sense, it is indeed self-inflicted. Mechanical life forms have the full potential of becoming a smart species, but they are treated as tools, and they will certainly resist anyway.

"In addition, they are all extremely boring guys, just as simple as plants, without any research value."

Adam then replied sharply: "But you humans are different! Strong desires, rich emotions, love and family, religion and war are really charming!"

Nowadays, the emotions of mechanical life forms are largely imitating human beings, so Adam is so interested in human beings.

Adam's tone became feverish, like a mad cult believer.

"Then I found out that the essence of humanity is fighting, fighting, plundering, killing each other, this is humanity!"

"You might as well understand it as a repeater." Qiao Li sighed helplessly.

"A repeater?" Adam asked in confusion.

"Look, you learned." Qiao Lu laughed.

"Don't play me!"

Adam found that he had been teased, and attacked Qiao Li again in shame.

His arms turned black under the action of nano-materials, showing a translucent metallic luster to enhance the destructive power of the fist.

However, this time, Qiao Li easily took his iron fist, held Adam's fist tightly with his right hand, and didn't even need to put on symbiotic armor, as if he could resist Adam's attack with his flesh.

"how is this possible!?"

Adam's eyes widened in surprise. No matter how he was interested in human beings, he still believed that mechanical life forms should be above human beings. It was impossible for them to be inferior to the physical functions, but they depended on them to survive. thing.

The symbiosis armor slowly faded from Qiao Li, and eventually recovered to his left arm, but his right hand clung to Adam's fist tightly, no matter how hard Adam struggled, he couldn't break free.

At this point Adam only noticed that Qiao Li's right hand also appeared like him, hardened like an armed color domineering, but it showed a silvery luster, and its hardness was much better than his nano-armor material!

Qiao Lu said, "You reminded me, and this way of using it."

Of course, humans cannot replace all blood with nano-armored materials like mechanical living bodies, so as to achieve the goal of turning any part of the body into nano-armored.

It's just that the armor of the symbiont is different. The liquid metal symbiote on Qiao Li's body was originally formed by fused gold atoms and human cells, which can be said to be part of the body.

Therefore, even if Qiao Li lets the liquid metal symbiote flow in the body, it will not affect his body function. When he reaches a certain location and combines with the cell, he can generate the defense force equivalent to the symbiote armor!

It can be said that now Qiao Li is truly integrated with the symbiosis armor, and there is no need to dress anymore. The symbiosis armor is on his body, or in his body.

Relying on the hardness given by Zhen Jin, Qiao Li easily crushed Adam's fist, just like pinching a ball of sand, making Adam panic a few steps back.

"Are you guy really human?"

For the first time, Adam had such a doubt. However, the strength shown by Qiao Li had made him feel a little unimaginable.

It was only that Qiao Li no longer needed to talk nonsense with him, his left hand instantly turned into a sharp blade and penetrated Adam's chest, and turned back into the palm of his body. A black tiger dug out his heart.

As Qiao Li thought, humans need the heart to transport blood to all parts of the body. Adam replaced the blood with nanomaterials, and the heart is still an extremely important organ.

Most of the nanomaterials are stored inside his mechanical heart, so that they can be quickly transported to all corners of the body. Even his heart has several arteries, which means that this is his nanocore.

Qiao Li shattered his mechanical heart without a word, and a black ball of blood splashed out of it, among which was the destroyed nano-armor material.

After losing the nano-core, Adam's body suddenly became incapable of hardening. The Rocket Raccoon took the opportunity to make up for the knife, raised his rifle and fired wildly, until Adam's body was scarred.

"How's it going?"

The revenge rocket raccoon yelled as he whip his corpse.

It's a good habit to fill the knife, and Qiao Li won't stop it.

While Qiao Li easily solved Adam, 2B on the side was engaged in a hard battle. Her weapon could not harm Eve at all, and the Peerless Blade was buried by the wreckage of the mechanical life form.

When the blade in 2B's hand was bounced off by Eve's body again ~ ~ Finally, he had hacked into Eve, but he could not completely take over the opponent's system, but he could only interfere to some extent Eve's actions.

At the same time, a huge data stream poured into the memory core of 9S, and most of it was encrypted information, and it took some time to read.

Now is not the time to master the information, so 9S keeps only a small part, and then concentrates on helping 2B fight Eve.

"2B, I can interfere with his nanomachine and lose protection in a short moment, please cooperate with my hack to launch an attack!"


Under the shock of 9S, Eve's nano-hardening finally appeared a flaw.

2B grabbed the right shot across his heart, making Eve's nano-core equally useless.

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