The Wandering Planet

Chapter 480: Real model of two B

Under the constant erosion of nanomachines, Qiao Li's psionic shield was finally overwhelmed, bursting like a balloon.

A large number of nanomachines came flooding under Adam's control, and they planned to devour Qiaolu and others directly!

Just at this moment, the coil of the ball lightning weapon emerged on Qiao Lu's left hand, and a huge current gathered on the palm of the palm, forming an incandescent thunder, shining like a dark torch in the dark nano-machined ocean. .

He poured all the remaining psionic energy into it, making it a ball lightning that was intertwined with a psionic storm and a huge current, which was undoubtedly his last hit.

"Adam — !!!"

Qiao Li shouted Adam's name, and attached this tee-like lightning to his palm, punched his chest with a harsh electric current!

"come on!"

Facing the full blow of Qiao Li, Adam didn't evade at all, and used his body to bear the attack of Qiao Li.

He knew he wouldn't die, but was full of interest in Qiao Li's true strength.

I saw Qiao Li carrying Adam's thunder light through Adam's chest fiercely, and then the spherical lightning exploded behind him, forming a waterfall like lightning.

The entire transmission tower was blown by a huge gap in Qiao Lu's punch. The huge energy burst into the clouds and split the clouds in the sky in half.

There is a clear sky on the earth, and it can be seen even in satellite orbits.

The nanomachines around Adam were severely blown away by this blow, and most of them were directly burned by the horrible electric current, leaving only the nano-materials of his original body size, still maintaining his punched heart Standing in posture.

"It's amazing," Adam couldn't help but admire. "But unfortunately, I haven't been able to kill me yet."

A large hole appeared in Adam's body, allowing Qiao Li's fist to pass through it to avoid most of the injuries, so he was not directly eliminated.

He began to collect the remaining nanomechanical materials to repair himself. As long as there are enough nanomechanics, he can infinitely regenerate. Jolly couldn't blow up the entire tower, so he was so fearless.

Qiao Li's blow was almost empty. The immense energy passed through Adam's body, as if through a shadow without a substance, and could not cause him deadly damage at all.

The 9S behind them and the Rocket Raccoon also showed disappointed expressions. They thought that Qiao Li had any good ideas, but they didn't expect to rush up and waste the last chance in vain.

The current on Qiao Lu's left arm was still flowing. Unfortunately, this current was not enough to burn the remaining nanomachines.

When Adam was about to disperse into tiny nanoparticles and disappeared in front of Qiao Li, his face suddenly changed, because he found that he was suddenly unable to move, and even could not control the nanomechanics of his body to separate.

At this time, Qiao Li just smiled confidently and said, "Of course I can't kill you. The spherical lightning is a guise. This is what really deals with you!"

I saw that Adam's body was only attracted to Jolly's left arm, precisely, to the coil of the spherical lightning weapon on his left arm.

The coil turned into a huge electromagnet, which sucked the nanomechanics in Adam's body tightly on it. Of course, under the circumstances that Qiao Li punched his heart, of course, he could not disperse into nanoparticles to escape.

The Wandering Earth's combat analysis team successfully determined that Adam used a magnetic levitation force field to control the nanomachine to float in the air. Generally, there is no other way to achieve this effect, so he was able to freely gather and separate. Even particles broken up into nano-sized particles can be reassembled and repaired.

In other words, as long as a stronger magnetic field can be created, Adam will not be able to escape from Jolly's palm.

Spherical lightning is just a guise for Adam to think that Jolly is going to die. The coil of spherical lightning weapons that passes through his body is really a lethal killing!

So the question is, once Adam can't be turned into a miniature nanomachine, what will be waiting for him?


Under the shouting of Jolly, 2B in the battle with Eve reacted instantly, using the Peerless Blade in his javelin, and threw it vigorously at Adam.

Adam, who was restrained by Qiao Li's body with an electromagnet, couldn't move at all. He could only watch the Peerless Blade pierce himself, completing the final blow in the true sense.

Unable to separate and abandon the part hit by the Peerless Blade, Adam's whole body began to have system disturbances, just like the vision in the Marvel universe that was attacked by the stabbed general.

For mechanical life, procedural disorder that occurs internally is far more deadly than any attack from the outside world.

Even the entire mechanical life network, due to the failure of Adam, which is closely connected to it, caused a series of program errors, affecting all mechanical life from top to bottom!

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

At this moment, Adam sent a heartbreaking scream. Serious system disorders did not give him the opportunity to escape back to the network of mechanical life forms. Even because he was at the top of the network of mechanical life forms, he also spread the program errors to Other mechanical life forms.


Even Eve's body also failed. This is the disadvantage of using the network to connect all individuals together. As long as the individual at the terminal fails, the other individuals below are not spared.

Before Eve completely lost her ability to move, she aimed at 9S, which had the weakest frontal combat capability, and launched a retaliatory attack on him, thinking of dragging at least one before she died.

The only remaining nanomechanics stretched towards 9S with several sharp tentacles, all of which also carried the data disturbed by the Peerless Blade, trying to inject the wrong data into 9S's body.

However, 2B took the lead in front of 9S, turned the double-edged sword in his hand, broke the tentacles stretched out, and cut off Eve's last hope.

"Relax, 9S, I won't let you be killed by others." 2B said to 9S behind him.

Under the influence of the Peerless Blade, Adam completely lost consciousness. Even his data in the mechanical life network was damaged beyond repair, and it can be said that it was completely dead.

It was only Eve who fell to the ground kneeling weakly, because of the procedural errors passed from Adam's side, he could not stand up and fight again for a while.

Eve lowered her head deeply, and seemed to be immersed in the grief of losing her brother. His face was distorted by grief, but this body could not even shed tears. In the process of evolution, this useless function has long been I abandoned it.

I saw the expression on his face continually twisted, but the corner of his mouth gradually raised, looking at 2B side with a very artistic expression, and said with a smirk in his eyes:

"9S is protected by me, you say so. This is a punishment against me. I will sever your wish now!"

Eve suddenly turned to 9S and shouted word by word: "Type 9 S!"

"Why are you, as a technical talent good at hacking, always sent to perform dangerous combat tasks?"

"Why did you meet 2B for the first time in your memory and the other person seemed to know you for a long time?"

"Why is the back door of the Yoriha unit opened, but the two of you are not affected?"

A series of questions from Eve made 9S speechless. He didn't raise such a question, but he didn't find a suitable answer.

2B shouted as if aware of something: "Stop talking!"

"There is only one answer--"

"Shut up!"

Seeing that Eve would not stop, 2B quickly pulled out the peerless blade on the ground, rushed towards Eve at full speed and tried to kill him first.

Unfortunately, she was still one step slower, and Eve had already told the truth before that.

"Type 9 S, you are the only model to be excluded from the Yoyo Army, because you may find out the truth, so you will be constantly executed and erased the memory! Hahaha ...

2B penetrated Eve's body severely with a peerless blade, letting him die as thoroughly as Adam.

Just before death, Eve smiled and said to 2B:

"Your real model is 2E, Numberype. It's a special model designed to kill members of the Yayoi army. Isn't it the first time to kill 9S?"

"Is the model to be executed?"

9S was still in place, and he couldn't accept this reality for a while.

"It's deceiving ~ ~ This is deceiving me ..."

But then in the depths of his memory, the hidden pictures began to emerge. After all, the 9S is a model that is good at hacking. Even if the memory is eliminated, some fragments of the memory are secretly retained by him.

It was a memory killed by 2B again and again. Every time he approached the truth of the human council on the moon, 2B, or 2E, would take the task of killing him and erase his memory. If you meet him again as you first saw.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Countless complex emotions, such as fear, despair, and betrayal, poured onto the body of 9S, and finally he completely collapsed and shouted hysterically.

Eve laughed frantically as she watched the situation she had created, and followed Adam's death in the laughter.

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