The Wandering Planet

Chapter 481: Arriving in the bunker

After successfully killing Eve, 2B had to face 9S, which was almost collapsed. She just wanted to say something, but 9S ran away without a chance, and did not give 2B an opportunity to explain.

Of course, there is nothing to explain.

What Eve said is the fact that 9S is not the first time that 2B has been killed. Once it reminds him of those memories, it is normal to want to run.

Qiao Li didn't expect that Eve had to scoop up such a basket before he was dying. At present, 9S has not been able to accept such a cruel reality.

First of all, it was discovered that the Yori forces were to be abandoned, and then they found that they were the models to be executed. This series of blows could not be eased in a short while.

Liu Peiqiang, who was fighting the mechanical life below, found that 9S hurried down from the top of the tower, and hurriedly contacted Qiao Lu to ask:

"What happened? Do I need to stop him?"

Qiao Lu shook his head and said, "No need, let him calm down."

Now forcibly stopping him by violence will only make 9S more panic, I am afraid there will be no good results.

Qiao Li also let him go, hoping to have the opportunity to make himself figured out.

Today, the Yeye troops on the orbiting satellites are still in danger, and Qiao Li can't delay time to chase 9S.

2B stood still and watched 9S go away. She also did not have the courage to catch up. What if she caught up?

Kill 9S again and erase the memory, and then nothing has happened?

She no longer wanted to catch the blood of her companions.

Seeing that the atmosphere suddenly became serious, the Rocket Raccoon joked hurriedly:

"Well, I'm the only one left in the way, don't you want to kick me out?"

Qiao Li took the lead in responding and said, "Sorry, Rocket, let's set off quickly."

The three boarded a launch vehicle heading to the Yori forces headquarters and asked Liu Peiqiang and others to launch the launcher, leaving the tower to fly into space.

After sending away Qiao Li's party, Liu Peiqiang and others carried out the final demolition task, installing explosives from the inside and then evacuating, and as Qiao Li's carrier rocket took off, the entire launch tower was detonated.

This is to prevent the mechanical life form from using this launch tower to the Yorha Army headquarters. Wandering Earth only needs to send Jolly up.

After escaping from the launch tower, 9S ran all the way to the forest near the ruins. At this time, he did not have a clear destination, but wanted to escape from the 2B who killed himself numerous times.

However, what he didn't know was that in this forest, a former member of the Yayoi Army who looks very similar to 2B, but with different hair styles and clothes on his body, also noticed that the tower exploded here. A vision is coming here.

Things are increasingly moving in unpredictable directions.

On the rocket heading for the Yoruba Forces Command, 2B was still annoyed by the truth that Eve had told. This was a fact she could not deny. The constant killing of her companions also caused her great pain.

"What the **** should I do ..." 2B murmured to himself and asked himself.

In the past, she only executed orders indifferently, because the E-shaped leaf body was designed for the execution of her companions. This is her inherent mission and has been executed more than once.

Qiao Lü asked, "You have made a decision, haven't you?"

Now under the leadership of Qiao Li, 2B gradually realized that she was not left with no choice. Whether she swore allegiance to Qiao Li or did not go to kill 9S again, it was her own will, no longer blindly obeying the humans on the moon Chess pieces of parliament.

"But I ..."

2B was still upset and wondered if he was still eligible to be forgiven.

"I have no way to forgive you for 9S, ashamed of me is useless."

Qiao Li honestly said that this was not a problem he could solve.

"But now you still have a chance to rescue the other members of the Yayoi Army, aren't they your companions?"

The launch vehicle gradually approached the orbiting satellite, Bunker, where the Yaya Forces Command is located. Although the communication was still unavailable, the Yaya forces also allowed Qiaoru to dock because of the use of the vehicle scheduled for the **** mission.

When the rocket's hatch was opened, a large group of members of the Yeye Forces were on alert outside, and even the commander of the Yeye Forces came to see the situation in person until the first person who came out was 2B. Only everyone was relieved.

"2B, it's great that you are okay. The communication was disconnected for nearly 24 hours. What happened on the ground?"

Wearing a white cheongsam, holding a pointer, and a beautiful blond hair, the commander who appeared to be particularly prominent among the black-and-silver-haired Yoyo troops came forward to greet 2B.

"Has the **** mission been completed? What about the goal? 9S?"

The commander's first concern was the **** mission, and then the missing 9S. Due to the paralysis of the command system, she has now completely lost all control of the Yeye forces on the ground, and even more so for the 2B and 9S battles with Adam and Eve. Know nothing.

2B first responded: "9S found my true identity and fled."

"is it."

The commander was not surprised by this, and it was not the first time that a defector had appeared in the Yori forces. Even because of this, there is an E-shaped lobe body.

At this point, Qiao Licai and the Rocket Raccoon came out of the hatch. Because the 2B and 9S had uploaded his features before the communication was disconnected, everyone else in the Yeye Army also knew his human identity.

The commander of the Yoye army took the lead in kneeling on one knee, and other members also bowed down to Qiao Lu saluting:

"Human glory lasts forever!"

After going through a series of twists and turns, Qiao Li finally came to the army headquarters and received their approval.

Qiao Li also noticed that ~ ~ Almost all the members of the Yayoi army were women, and the only male he saw was the escaped 9S. It seems that as the model destined to be executed, the 9S is really special. of.

At this time, the human parliament on the moon issued an order to send troops to send a large number of troops to the earth to search for other human survivors. Therefore, most of the people remaining in the bunkers are rear-supporting leaves. Too much fighting power.

I am afraid that this is also to cooperate with the opening of the back door of the Yoyo Army, allowing the mechanical life form to completely destroy the Yoyo Army, and the plan of the moon ’s human council to adjust the tiger to leave the mountain.

The first thing that Jolly needed to do was to repair the interrupted communication so that the members of the Yaya force dispatched to the ground realized what was happening now.

Also, the Human Council of the Moon chose this opportunity to decide why it was necessary to erase the Yeye troops. I am afraid that there is a more terrible truth on the moon where the only remaining human beings are!

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