The Wandering Planet

Chapter 485: Crescent Attack

Qiao Li has successfully taken away the remaining members of the Yoyo Army, so it is time for the military power of Wandering Earth to perform!

The Human Council on the Moon continues to use orbital defense weapons to counterattack. Of course, they will not sit back and wait, but this resistance is undoubtedly just a dying struggle compared to the size of the Crescent base, which is not enough to stop the new Offensive of the month.

When the planetary cannon of the Crescent base aimed at the moon server and fired, the human council on the lunar surface felt real despair.

In the original story of the Neil: Mechanical Age, the mechanical life form also tried to use a transmitting tower on the earth to transform into a giant artillery aimed at the moon server, destroying all the data left by human beings.

However, what tower can be compared with a planetary engine with a height of 11,000 meters, and a planetary engine cannon with a height of more than 20,000 meters after adding the barrel?

There is more than one planetary engine cannon on the Crescent base. By comparison, it is closer, which is almost equivalent to approaching fire. There is nothing nearer terror for the Moon Human Council.

Countless plasma light particles converge on the huge muzzle, and the surface of the crescent moon emits a brighter light than the sun, which makes people almost unable to open their eyes.

The Crescent Base aimed at the server of the Human Council of the Moon for the first salvo. More than a dozen plasma cannons crossed the dark night sky like a comet, hitting the surface of the moon like a meteorite, and instantly burst into a fiery plasma. , Covering the entire area of ​​the human parliament server where the moon is located, as if several small suns have been planted.

The explosion of smoke immediately swept the entire moon surface, and a beam of anger burst out from the location of the human parliament server on the moon, intertwined with the energy released by the plasma, forming a magnificent mushroom cloud in space. Gloriously stands on the moon.

The human parliamentary server on the moon has been subjected to the combined impact of the heat brought by nuclear fusion and a large amount of subatomic radiation. No matter how strong its defense is, even if it is hidden in an underground shelter that can resist nuclear bomb attacks, it will never be able to resist it. Direct bombardment of a planetary engine cannon.

The crescent base continued to bomb for ten minutes before stopping. During this process, the entire lunar stratum was lifted up, and a considerable part of the rocks reached the first cosmic velocity of the moon in a fierce explosion and was in orbit of the moon. Spread apart and became an asteroid around the satellite, forming a small ring of stars.

The wreckage of the human council server on the moon, if it still exists, is probably part of this ring of stars.

The entire moon was blown out of a gap, like an apple with a sip.

During the bombardment with planetary engine cannons, the Crescent Base also dropped several anti-material nuclear bombs, so it should now be more terrifying than hell. Even artificial intelligence robots cannot be filled with high temperature in this area. Radiation and electromagnetic pulses survive on the land.

The so-called lunar human parliament also disappeared with the dust from the explosion.

The members of the Yori forces who have witnessed all this in space are stunned by the powerful military strength displayed by Wandering Earth. They have been guarding the moon's human parliament for a lifetime, and they have been so easily bombarded.

Recalling the scene where the bunker was destroyed by the moon human council using orbital defensive weapons, there is really a sense of sight of the mantis catching cicadas, and the oriole behind.

From the beginning to the end, Qiao Li did not take into account such a force relying on lies to linger on the moon. If they were really capable, they would have been able to recapture the earth from the mechanical life form.

Their only value is to create an elite force such as the Yoyo Army. However, even the black box, which is the core of the Yoyo Army's energy, is transformed from the core of the mechanical life body, not the technology of the Moon Human Council itself.

This is another reason why they need to get rid of the Yori forces. In essence, Yori members have the same core structure as the mechanical life forms. This is also a scandal that must not be exposed.

Now it doesn't matter anymore, because after destroying the human council on the moon, the next goal of Wandering Earth is mechanical life form!

Qiao Ruo led the remaining members of the Yaya forces back to the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Forces. At this time, due to the news he released earlier, the members of the Yaya forces on the ground were also approaching here.

For them who are already homeless, there is nowhere else to go.

The big bang on the moon can be seen even on earth, what they see is two moons appearing in the sky at one time. Then, a dazzling blue light burst from the original moon, and the entire moon was covered with a layer of haze, which blocked the original moonlight, and only the blue light was constantly flashing.

The whole process lasted about ten minutes, and then the haze gradually disappeared. At this time, the moon was missing a corner, like a lunar eclipse.

However, this is a lunar eclipse in the true physical sense. It is not an optical shadow that blocks the moonlight. A part of the moon's collapse has become an extremely sparse asteroid belt. It is impossible to see the full moon in this world. Already.

The attacks that were enough to trigger such an astronomical vision were even more shocking for the members of the Yori forces who realized the truth. Even the moon was blasted off a corner, and the end of the human parliament on the moon is self-evident.

At this time, the mission and shackles imposed on them by the human parliament on the moon are no longer there, and the Yayoi forces are completely free at this moment.

It ’s just that they are more free than ~ they want to find their own meaning, so the rest of the members of the Yeye Army all arrived at the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, including being forced by A2. Bring back 9S.

When Jolly returned to the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force with all the members of the Yaya troops who had escaped the bunker, the Yaya members on the ground almost rushed over. ,

According to the location information obtained when the communication was restored before, the Homeless Expeditionary Force also sent a team to respond to the remaining Yoyo troops on the ground, so everything went particularly smoothly.

Along with Jolly's return with the members of the Kyoya troops in the bunker, all the remaining Kyoya troops gathered at the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Forces, including even the defected A2 and 9S. they.

The next task is to take back the earth from the mechanical life form!

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