The Wandering Planet

Chapter 486: Recapture the earth

After returning the remaining members of the Yayoi unit to the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Force, it was the turn of another unit to enter the show.

Beneath the Frontier Base of the Wandering Earth Expeditionary Forces, a huge underground worm nest is already ready, and a large number of Zerg troops have been assembled, ready to set off to launch a comprehensive attack on mechanical life forms.

No matter how powerful the ability to imitate mechanical life forms, after all, the structures of organisms and machines are very different. Qiao Li did not believe that they could imitate the biological structure of the Zerg and create a mechanical zerg.

Without the ability to continuously imitate, learn, and evolve, the mechanical life form is just a group of white mice that look at themselves like death, and it is impossible to compare it with the zerg that devours everything.

The numerous efforts of the Yoyo troops to recapture the earth's aspirations are realized today by the wandering earth!

"lets go!"

With the order of Qiao Li, all the exits from the underground worm nest to the ground were opened. For a time, a huge insect wave poured out like a floodgate, and it irresistibly rushed to all corners of the ruined city and began to slaughter the entire city. Mechanical life form.

The number of insect swarms is as big as the ocean, and even if all the outlets have been opened, the insect tide emerging from there will not see the end.

Except for the Frontier Expeditionary Base, the rest of the place was covered by a dense sea of ​​insects, and spread further in all directions.

Although the mechanical life forms are also rebelling, at this time the impact of the death of Adam and Eve is manifested. The upper layer of the mechanical life form network is in chaos due to the effect of the Peerless Blade. For a time, the mechanical life forms fall into the group of headless dragons. situation.

They cannot be commanded and coordinated through the network of mechanical life bodies. They are scattered sands. Even if they gain a good combat power through the technology of the wandering earth of the cottage, their fate will be drowned by the endless sea of ​​insects.

The mechanical life form faces internal and external problems. In this case, facing the Zerg attack, it is almost impossible to fight back.

Their proud evolutionary abilities do not work at all on Zerg. The special body structure of Zerg is not something they can imitate through simple mechanical structure. There is no way to learn and use it.

The huge swarm of swarms destroyed the entire ruined city, and a mess of mechanical life might have a solution when facing a small number of Yoyo troops acting alone, but facing a large number of zergs, they were rushing to the sea. When it came over, the command without a network of mechanical life was simply self-defeating and could not organize any powerful resistance.

I have been trying numerous times to recapture the Earth, and the Yayoi Army has finally failed. Looking at the scene where the mechanical life body was defeated by the Zerg attack, I couldn't help but wonder what I had been doing.

In fact, they can't blame them. The number of Sendai troops was just a few thousand during the heyday, and not all of them could be put into the front line. The logistics models occupied a lot of numbers. In addition, the production cost is quite expensive, which is not suitable for large-scale front-end operations as a mass production body.

In contrast, the number of zergs is not only hundreds of millions, but also has terrible breeding ability, which can easily make up for the loss of large-scale operations. It is not comparable to the Yoyo army in scale, and the lack of individual combat capabilities can also be passed. Large-scale cluster operations to make up.

Mechanical lifeforms are almost unprepared for such a large-scale assault. Since they have always faced a small number of elite orbital airborne operations of the Yoyo troops, they have long forgotten the fear of being suppressed by the number of enemies, let alone today. His command was paralyzed.

The rebel leader, Anne Monin, who was also brought in as a survivor, suddenly seemed to remember something, and hurriedly ran to Qiao Lu and said:

"In the forest near the ruined city, there is a village of mechanical lifeforms, led by a mechanical lifeform named Pascal, called Pascal Village. The mechanical lifeforms there are a group of pacifists and have long cut off the network of mechanical lifeforms Road connections, our rebels have cooperated with them, please do not kill them! "

Qiao Lu nodded and said, "I see. I'll let the swarms bypass them."

The most important resource in this world is the mechanical life form. Even the black box of the Yeye Army is transformed by using the core of the mechanical life form. The technology and materials on them are precious resources needed by the wandering earth.

If only mineral resources are needed, the biochemical crisis world is enough to satisfy, and there are several human colonies in the StarCraft world that have richer mineral resources than the earth!

At the same time, Qiao Li is also very interested in their copycat ability. If they can leave a small amount of mechanical life to serve themselves, in fact, it is not necessary to rush to kill it, just need to be able to control the number.

So under the command of Qiao Li, the Swarm deliberately bypassed Pascal Village and surrounded them like a land island, but did not launch an attack.

As Anne Monin said, this group of mechanical lifeforms is not equipped with the same weapons as the other mechanical lifeforms, which proves that they are indeed disconnected from the network of mechanical lifeforms.

When facing the siege of the swarm, this group of pacifists can only hold their heads and squatting, basically seeing no combat effectiveness.

Looking at the unresisting group of mechanical lifeforms in Pascal Village, Qiaolu will let them go, and maybe he can also get the technology unique to the mechanical lifeforms from them, and there is no harm in leaving them.

So the swarm surrounding the Pascal village dispersed quickly, leaving only a misty Pascal. It didn't know what was going on outside, it only knew that it led the children to escape.

The Zerg expansion continues. Desert areas, forest kingdoms, flooded cities, abandoned factories, amusement parks ... Every place is flooded with turbulent insect waves. After the mechanical life forms lose control of the network, Even morale slumped and escaped.

The premise of treating them dead is that they are forced by the network of mechanical life forms. Otherwise, mechanical life forms are also personal and emotional. They will also run away when faced with fear. Unfortunately, their short legs only want to escape the strong adrenaline. The fangs and claws of the jumping worm are a bit unrealistic.

Of course, mechanical life forms are not completely without hard bones ~ ~ For example, the super-large weapon Engels, mechanical song Jibowa, multi-legged large mechanical Zhuangzi and Mozi, large flying body Hegel, all attack the Zerg Brings a lot of trouble, with strong firepower to resist stubborn resistance.

Unfortunately, it is not only the Zerg who are sent by Wandering Earth. Above the Earth's orbit, the crescent base that destroyed the Human Council of the Moon is gradually approaching, and orbital bombing is carried out with the posture of riding the moon on the face.

Nothing can't be solved with a star engine cannon, if there are, then two!

No matter what kind of super-large mechanical life body, in front of the orbital bombing of the Crescent Base, it is just a living target.

If the swarm cannot break through, it doesn't mean it can escape, but a more terrifying and devastating blow is coming.

The entire abandoned factory was directly razed to the ground. How many super-large weapons can not stand the orbital bombing of the crescent base!

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